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08/13/1968 - Minutes
Tigard Water District 266th Regular Meeting Angus% 154 i968 MINUTES 2Rk75EVT C. neon, Chilzwan Co Slemons, Treasurer , Vo Whaelt.ixight, aecxotary Ho Johnson, COQMi033022T L. Nonand, Cemoissioner E. Carroll, adminiatrotor ,.... a. Ualker, Clerk. Nx. Vneelecla, Attorney Ea C4317,1.74 Zngineer vimeas mx. Paul ',AcGiivra Oi' the Tizard TiEit2Lo Chaimaa Vicoli called the mecti ; t order vI 70 P.M. NINDTZS OF July c a96a end Special iaselio,2 of July 10, 1966 wee adopZe6 as writtan. Motion made by Mr.. 7.1hoelwright aad seconded by Nr. Johnsfn. tletSa carried. FMMENT017 VOUCHEAS Notion made by kr. Eleacas and seconded by N-g. :.odland that the disburseanats E3 listed be epproved for Oayeent. Hotica carried. MINEWL %WORT DiSCU2SiOD ca letter to Cailtol Nighway • . Water District about posalne connactZca far uater supply. Discusslea on prozress of crossing S. W, Vacific Hwy, with fmter line by TlIalatin Develowlent Company. V,170 W-4'647JITS iletiruelent - A requcist ..71A2, made by Mx. Wheelvrisht ior Mr. cArroll to study plans for retirement aad present taem to the • ..-. BonvL Wi 0=KNgSS RFSOLUMO - Notion was made by Kr. Wheelwright, sEonded by Tax. . acme= that the Resolution as prepared by the Attorney be adepted • and become a port of the minutes; authorisation to mail letters to voters ea .-t..,ond Election. Lens Nnnneal;amp, Vi%rgiaia L. SZaehake, EI71222, Mas to be anointed ae Judges ng Elettion. AtitllgriaCOn to pOSt three EcticeS oE Special 4oind Election CMr. Carroll to post notices and list Pole numbers and location gor preparation O ' A„ifidavit o7 Posin0 14otion carried. . RUAD AGREEMENT- WITH, TUALATIN DEVELWEW C‹,, ,mr„ on Lea 5,1,, ____L_ .• Bc,,. Road was reed Et woe a3reed tha, bath toi7.15 should •bca seat to Tuakatin Development Co„Into for ignaturcs. When returned to Ti,c;ard Water DiStrict they ticuld be sizaed and one copy would be returned to Ti n Developnent Co.,Iac. Motton was .ft,fle by Nx. UhecluTight, seconded by Rix. Slamona for AUTHORIZATEON OL APPROFRLATED EXPENDITURES IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE l963-69 D,OCEW„ AL YOLLDW5; GT7177 , 7: 7'17, DzToz.,1 '.,ervices 70,456.52 NaterioZs and Si-ippiies 47,251.00 Capitel Outlr.ly 95,637. 0 Transger to other funds 25,479.67 ----. Operating Costs 4 ,&00.00 -.-2,.;-,----- 251,314.89' .KIND_CClifiTftUCTKON_FUUD Capi'ull OuttaY 10,144.a3 BOND KING FUND Bonds 27,000.00 Interest 20,033.75 Unappropriated 47,122.50 Fiscal Agent Fees .11.Y.).0'a 94,456.25 Groupinz of expeaMtures wi/1 eliminate adjusting ,o:' under sad over expenditures ea latv.h account for nu;f74,t cad bud3eting pur- roses. 'Notion caricle. Paae 2 SWARM Motion o.etla by Or. Sta2033c seconded by Mr. Johncon to increaoe salariGs by l&I iger atteched scaul ) retroactive as of July i, I96C. The watIe uonle EQ7 tuao.cr or extra help be net at $2.23 per hour min117..= and $2. 5 maxlmum. Aivluintrator'a eolnry to rclusin tho same,, Ncl.tion A.UNIUINSTaATOft'S UPC= :Ir. CarrQ11 :c og voter. Motion uode by Mr. Uhenlwright, secon6ed by nc.,::ons to PL1tnnk = 292aud hrare Er. Cp.T:rell to gef; rAds for ce2,neXina. Notfeu corriaa. Mg. Carron inforaed the Cozmissionere o ! the denAra for vator by Ez.jeouarel aora of A.2700Scec;f_E‘andRecd.. man otructe€1 to bav asisnea Azreezent ofremporary 'anmtion for recording before a Peter in fluatalled eerie 1.-nter. CAR UPENFT, Eatien mngfc Ly H7e Uhooll,rri;;Pt, slecondeti by .91co.uno to pay Co.rroll 04,1'.00 enzh month on e'er expe7=. notion carried. AWOURNIKWT HDUOD mnese by Mr. Johnson and evzonded by Nr. iihael- wriGht to odjourn mcetins at 3;27 Notion carried. SULY,ARY - 1.7%1:1K BA2.4a1E5 ScA7 Tigard 17ater kngust i3 lg60 CZD. CONSTAUCTIOFUJZ Dalcaco in Dot; July 21r 1.7;63 30c;d0,46 LCS3 chows t.7ritten A,7,]rust 60 3,910.46 3rC720. 6 TIEE Dopoolt (mn=infs 8114/C0 5„002.00 /-•N CrOGS.46 L2E5 illt0Cp©O'LL 74opoeit for 30 cZays 30-J00.03 „sit (30 dayo) 000 Var,3, 4:1:1S 46 SZncia; PiLdD 11CQ inEban;:. 7/31/60 03 17,c.:1 3 Ch5,117.:5 7:1:1 tca rataust 3594.93 To (:cz.osi's. 0/14,,e60 Chech 0433 <I 69.431 324.,CI 3r603.,93 Lcf: ' c 23 i22-3 Tiuo Deposit Ca-ture 10/25,60) 14-,VU0PRri Dannce in EILIz% 7/3lf60 5r6 :.9.17 Lco:; c1.1,:ta:c %-ritton :xigust 632.22 1532,22 Plza Dopooi 3/5/60 3,401.30 4032.52 GFIEV 17: Dalf7oc rra 7i3l/68 12r6 ;6.Z7 -mitten A.:.177,J 3g U4g.15 70(4.22 7.561.22 KZZ Vi2/63 7,783.89 151,:,145.11 T2C2Sa: unturing 0114/ 0 Lc Cr030.00 Reda-,Joit of Tarm DeppvIt (30 loyo?, 150.34,5. Lear, clacak 0447 - Time Depezit (30 enyo) 6,C6P, aluz trcnofer chcax to be depooitel, 3/14/60 /3v304432 Tlaard gator D1strAct - 47LZU3t .Us i968 ni-i2DULE OF nISDURSMLI:TS GENERAL FWD ACCOUET # 9.387 nuby N. Walker 192,40 506 9383 Vir3i2in R. Hoisted 40.1e 9389 JaeoL P. 1.33.1raora 244.83 f..; .0:04, 9:90 John P. :!4ner 243.87 502 9:91 LIU-Um C. rryant 247.42 504 9392 Charles l'. ,.'s‘ derscil 214.21 503 9393 Russell A. TI oams 209.63 ,,,,, ,,, ..,..4.. 9394 Uayao 40 Clt,---;aer 157.73 305 9395 Lee A. Ant.k.rsez 15.20 505 9396 N. S. NoCaM:zey 247.00 240 9397 Fuzci-J L. Cc.7-oli 322,12 530 9398 Ruby He Walker 192.37 506 9399 Virslnic n. E:e7,sted 139.06 505-1 9400 Jccob P. Z,,cihrezm 243.99 502 9401 John 2. :illcr 215.20 .709 9402 WiLlica C. 14,17yant 225.16 504 9403 Charles P. Lader,-.ca 234.41 503 9404 ause-11 ZL T1. -aas 111.50 503 9405 Uayno A.0 Cloonor 132.79 505 c406 Goorse E. Ceaudry 82.71 505 6.. CV Trensfer 1.057.90 5:3 c403 Rurenu og. %Fator t;Orks 17.34 525.2 t'1:139 Zino C-,:oss of Ornson .,-, ., ov.,...0 201 6 9410 Cnntak Ineougoratod :'4.30 514 942/ R.sy E. Garaer 1 - ,--, 5,4.-..,..,, 9412 Geuerel Tolcphoac 1V1.67 202 ¶61.3 27orn.7.,yest Nt7,.,tural Zas Co. 6.26 201 9414 Eorth'exast IrCucvial LEandry Co. 33.95 5223 141.5 OiLvhent E DAZCZ 7.LZ1F.CZICO, 19L00 515 9416 Po.ct/cad Genova Electric Co. 915.39 201 9417 Pczific Nei= .:olz.s alpp?y of Or:.. G;..63 201 9413 Pafic Stationery 52.71 201 - 518 9419 Tk,417:1 Lb cr a D24f,. 3.39 ,xi al 9420 illc,'ke. $tool Co. 147.06 .-,-.); 4.4., 9421 YOU, 9422 alximuchs Corp. 5.40 518 t-1 5425 Ectcr Pon 17p,11.:7.1t3nt 2237.85 202 9424 Dillcr Paint Co. 76.70 201 9625 ntehc21, Lc-.Fix, d Stod-or 15.65 321-3 9426 &-clie aiddLe Prcs.'1 2,?4.60 201 - 510 9427 Shell oia C-0 5.90 524.1. 9623 Szrothc.czt 022ice Z1y 7.12 510 9429 'lizard Scia 6. r.rn7c1 43.20 521 9430 i7o7:t.-Iac4 Gezcra L;lootric Coo 533.r,0 525 9431 5a4Gcr. Letor F,Ifg. Co. 3.331.27 202 9432 lanalAv Nnter L.fe. Co. 2.00 150 9433 T.U. , Eo:.2.6 Sin!iinz Fund 10200.00 230 Oa:At. Liu2.) 9404 T.u.n. aind Si27.1-a,g FAiud ? 'OA c3 730 (treus.) 9435 WachLtlatoo F..,44erc_l SavLnza 6, Loan 100000 217503 9433 Tlcard ;;,tatiem Eirca(..a 20.1J0 5223 9437 U. S. Untiolal 3aa% I.Is47ositcry 604.90 212 9433 I' - - - 30avL: $oSo euad A29034 211509 9439 tOAS*84 **4*Ax Void xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 522 9441 L,Aidra:Gst C:Lace Supply (Icttcs to votors) 42.33 127 9402 Wwved Lkr. a 324 Supply ,...... pytT ..ibo V J 527,524 9443 Volloy ()Mee 2%nii7.mcnt (re;atr,elcan.1. 0) 12.00 5132 9444 2ostmaster 20000 127, 5131 -)445 ,Z.4-,ili xxxxxxxxxx 9446 Metzger Water District 225.41 525.2 18,800.08 ,....,, Schaule o2 KlnUTSCMG-UtS Tigard Untor District July IC 12,3G through august 13 195S Chock t-, P87CC /mount rx0ND SKW7.7.1.NG FUND Nona 28 U.S. Nttioual Dark - for yurchase o2 £i Dop. 11D .13aoAco aiRm CCNSTRUCTION 'Th 115 Yold 116 T. '', .. P. Geacral Lc 51.20 5:-X-1 117 T:7,z, rd :41,vber 6. D/d3. 23.37 113 Tre711c-.: Eloctria Co 55L 550-1 19226.96 sl, 3 330.10 111 z4J,J U.S. National Dark -T.D. -... f.n---2 :36 DEVELCPTIRS FUND 76 T.U.D. Gozorai /fund 1,410 45 . . To ropoi Gcu.-gamtowial 77 5.WD. Coacral Fuad 220 l' 4 73 TiGar6 T.,u7Ibar Bldg Suoly 9.60 538 e 'e9 Vold 80 T.NO. Gaa=a1 171ud .604.46 .7.230 fictr-otc. t;68-7 .?1 ,.,),„, SLCien 9,.1tor 146. 4 t,53.3-3- 7. Eilbort l'ark 9 0 c.,.. T.v,7.D. GGilair0. Pund 91.55 538-D 5% 83 il:.:,tom Schu12 316.40 538-43 no2u.-3d ° 84 T.7.:.D. 41corn.O. -,7.:„ad 1 ,140.30 533-D - r . 85 T.a..P Goacra1 eva,;2, 355.20 230TWD Lab.7, C6 T.N.11,, Clacral lurel 77.12 538D T.W.D. 57. 87 1i7 i 4 552. 8 53C-P Rafuad 80 Eloyd E. 1.'-.-:c-at'Lcia 1 7,13 37 53G-D Ezorald Ntc. !I 60656.20 N WELL r.E.CMDS N0 rt:7,4rtio. LcyolJtyv:I./T. I gq:Tol_ Cusp rt.__ ____C.ost_ Nours_ I 335096 2 15865 3 22.'50 4 1,1'53.00 Zlotc.1. Rocord Jul-,. 1%2 NOte33 2638 thru 9733 46 m‘atm:5 :Irstallrd. Dill1ng elotsil 7;7.17 ' 'g'. 1962 — -.- - ..—_-_------ =-._-___- '- ----..— Palirluert r,re ,u431 ne kaJ4 Juro C. July 13,237.25 1309.Z.34. 403310830 cu. ft. :Iota:: cold. ...-.N. ,0000D..',69 SVGWVO 00t0W7 Sii3Nm7S Puog ODAMM 00'0Wc ZnINLI3S Pu101 4,915?/070 OD*6f4V PS PLwAl Ogin/6) CO*OVO4 5111Au7S PtIcli (139iVe/0 010*Q0D4 5f1en.27: ::)u02 Ogii3F,16) Ln--.,Z1)% (29/W6) CD°C0049 PIsTInTO Pu02 .0-4vcod omm. 63 'o-Jpc 3o 41:rprizu%' . (V96V4U *Va7 2D:)2/rQ .t4,amala Iti271 N/ 2,3NTIVU 00°0004C7 „.o. 00'0004E7 CO°60045 .0. 00'000' S tsoPfmlcuoD ?WI .0. .0. .0. 2unnn Puoil . 00°00040 .0. 00*OW0 Tu2,7moD . :c27coduci DN3,7, ',30 A.372,n3T)1 - goca lunOnv -,.-------,----------,---------------------,-,-.,_--„,•„-_,-...--4,— -------------- - 60*(300409 00'000441( 001004S, WOoo'v . -o- oroco4t, m3150.11m03 paol ' 00'00040 ' 00*0004a 00°C0040E Dunun Puott 00'0D04V c.,,0-. 00°00040 7V3DmoD v4s1VH J. 'IsjVal ' VII • SIISNIO EN1Z C6*6cr, 9,1e19A4E LI°0945 IS°coo 43V C96747C APE' 2TSodaa up OtwollVa .-,(0.. claW617i02 --gtwdei- . F--Pla oNnotp %13nTpriclozno , ,. .0. .0. .0. zTsoual zi: cold C6'6Vti: OF*E154EZ Ec°90Z44 61'7904Te lootwlz.:Is linug ao2 pouvrce Stii0A6k3k0 Xiqiti . WM: 9V0964E CT*60)9.4c :zr::°9994477. 99G1 4TE PM D2smluR ou UUb v ,.P6' - i cf;- 9 i ' ‘:°i&4-9-if ii; filiW;@211CORi :papa ,. . WC414c7________ ____ (7. 6Y4C Zc*M4/ 06°4E04n 00-*-fi'a7i - CO*000 f Eiro,,Z0 c 'WM.-6Y meodela 47or prt! cvset're Yag67 69°C7F,4 6Z*9ge46 096Y 41 AM aod Troodea no °iv . - . OMINNO matmoznon mon MO1 SUMOTIAEG ma WUMNg0 0963 °lc Avg. ....„.....„-___-_„...,..--=_"...,,s,r.....r,_ lngluTe 3.01wA PzveM MOYNIMVY1 ammas 7V13aVitIM (7 ( ( •