09/10/1968 - Minutes Tigard Water Dist4ct 267th Regular Meeting September 10, 1968 MINUTES PRESENT C. SieMons, Treasurer V. Wheelwright, Secretary M. Johnson, Commissioner L. Nodland, Commissioner E. Carroll, Administrator J. Lohrenz, Project Manager. 'yew R. Walker, Clerk K. Baines, Attorney E. Carter, Engineer VISITORS Mr. and Mrs. Born, Mr. James Savage. Mr. Wheelwright, Acting Chairman, called the meeting to order at 735 P.M. MINUTES of August 13, 1968 were adopted as written. Motion made by Mr. Siemens and seconded by Mr. Nodland. Motion carried. After discussion; Mr. Born was informed that he would be required to pay his share on line when it is installed on Beef Bend Road as he had been infoimed by Mr. Carroll after the August 13, 1968 meeting as in- structed by the COMMISSiODOM Mr. Savage, (Auditor), attended the meeting to answer any questions that the Commissioners might have concerning the 1967-1968 Audit. It was agreed that the recommendations that were suggested by Mr. Savage could be handled by the office. PAYMENT OF VOUCHERS Motion made by Mt. Siemens and seconded by Mr. Nodland that the disbursements as listed be approved for payment. Motion carried. % ENGINEER'S REPORT Mr. Carter stated that the ettcrney far Capitol High- . way Water District is wonting on an Agreement in regards to supply of water to Tigard Water District. Discussion on checking zoning for pro- posed reservoirs. OLD BUSINESS Retirement Mr. Carroll had two plans to present to the Board on re.. tirement. It was suggested that Mt. Carroll check on "mutual fund" program. It was agreedthatdecision on a retirement plan would be reached at the next meeting. ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT Mr. Carroll informed the Commissioners of inquiry about avai/ibility of water to serve concamers across the Tualatin River. IN11RNHE7IT Motion wade by 11r. JoLvsem and secon0e6 by Ar. NodlaTtd to nrijomiimzeting at 349 PON. Motion carried. %sr