02/11/1969 - Minutes MINUTL S Tiard 1:;ster District
279 (1 Haeting
February 11, 1969
V T-fineelm...ight„ Ciirman
C. oii, Treasurer
2;* Johnson, Secretary
. 27,odis2.1:13, ComiL,;sioncr
Brom, Commissioner
L. Carroll, Administrator
J. Lehr ens, Froj cc t ';.4anac,ier
r),* rtiCtitterTCIcr
No..0° Carter, Engineer
rr. end Mrs. Ileese C. Y.ennedy.
heelwright called the meeting to order IA: 7;32 R.N.
ii;E..TM7Z of January 14, 1969 were adopted a written. llotion made
by Lro 2!caland cad seconded by Hr. Ninon. Notion carried.
COMML9SIONER Was administeredby to Mr. 3rown.
EMI,SEC. Kiail2D1 - water servce. in*tallatons
Motion made
! th by ir. JOIMSOla that the figures in the attached esti-mato
ii al;t,plicsble to the E.:elan:say residence only?, not all o2 tLc1y
y. Ttel:e will be /lc: Zutivi:e
residence re:,,,ardins the antension of the Deof liuo. ii
bc no rebate an line. Motion seconded by • 1;o11and. carrie4.
ZGI.T.MR7_S_DT:.1705T Mr. Carter stated that drauiu3s fer t7ne
: cion o2 reservoir at Daylor are complote snJ 2or -elasf;
or OL ate ready or application for parL:a.
on csreement betzmen Capitol r,:ny. 7ates: and
1?orIand. Discussion GQ v,;:later from acc3sius.
Ifotion uss nede by UJ . ii •
cr . Z;svage 2cr the audit of tne for
the yen ending June 3O 19C:9 7cr minutes of Janusry and
Letter from Nz. Says3e dated January 23, Loz carica.
4 letter at:tax:lea)
PEM.67 Amoont o2 T.,..or.;T:coo. 7.2cauct 4.ttc,:,,:tacu. etc.
Uction made
by Er. Broun, seconded by NI:. Moon that the 4.32:cement
drafted by Er. Dainea be sdotedvad bcceme .;art ce);! the minutes.
YLetion carriet.:1.
r3t.LIZ'r t c r:L;catc: saLary
schedule that vas prepa=4 after c,:uestionnaires. U bscni 'received
from other lister Districts, 3.1-r. tce tha tls,e
increase be adopted a3 prcosed, 17.o secon6 ta
A.0.121 ,Tit:nPlotion siads by 7,::17„:-. Niceli„ Lace:idea by
to nett snd sisn thrcc, 1, otions forc..-,atien,,,
r1/414;%e - Mansfield (neef Lona 2. Sif,7Llea by 117ess%ett (Uee2Dr.1;ui7J,
Rd.) 3. Vlacled by nees C. c-X41(.1cn on 133-sNri.
Motion. cerried,
3 ti7ans 4. Notice of Public Hearicf,.. en L'atition A:,.:17 % ipi1:zw.
tO Tiaal Water nistrict.
Motion made by Nr* NicoiL and seconded b:7 3ronn that the
400 persons interested in annexation to the ragsrd Na.'....or District be
informed of a charge for publication of notices and that they will
be billed for the cbarge at time of anuazation. 1.;ction carried.
PAYMENT OF VOUCHERS Motion made by Mr. Urowe and seconded by
Nodiand that the disbursmusats as listed be approved for payment.
Motion carried.
ADNINISTRUOR'S REPORT Mr. Carroll suggested that the Budget Officer be
appointed and Budget Committee be selected. Mr. M. Johnson, Secretary
W53 appointed as Budget Officer for the fiscal year of 1969-1970.
AIWOURENENT Notion made by Ht. Nodland and seconded by Ht. Nicoll to
sdnrn meeting at 9:40 P.N. Motion carried.