04/08/1969 - Minutes MINUTES Tigard Water District
274th Regular Meeting
April 8, 1969
V Wheelwright, Chairman
C. Nico/i, Treasurer
N. Johnson, Secretary
H. Brown, Commissioner
L. Nodland, Commissioner
E. Carroll, Administrator.
J. Lohrenz, J. Miller, R. Thomas
R. Walker, Clerk
K. Baines, Attorney
. Carter, Engineer
New A group of man interested in bid opening set for 8:15 and 8:30 P.N.
aro called the meeting to order at 7:35 P.M. Mr. Uheelwright
arrived shortly and conducted the balance of the meeting.
MINUTES of March 112 1969 were adopted as written. Notion made by
iOlinson and seconded by Mr. Nodland. Notion carried.
BID OPENING AT 8:15 P.M. (LABOR ON 12" SUPPLY LINE) Five bids Imre
opened and read by Mr. Carter. Motion was made by Mr. Johnson and
seconded by Ur. Brown to award contract to apparent low bidder subject
to confirmation on figures by Mr. Carter. The low bid was in the the
amount of $20,595.00 and submitted by Arndt & Colt. Motion carried.
DID OPENING AT 8:30 P.M. fRESERVOIR DAYLOR ST. Site) Five bids were
_ _ _ . _
opened and read by Mr. Carter. Motion was made by Mr. Johnson and
seconded by Mr. Drown to award contract to apparent tow bidder subject
eo confirmation on figures by Mr. Carter. The low bidder was General
Paericaa Tranaportation. Motion carried.
W.GINEEIVZ REPORT Mr. Carter reported on progress on Suppiy Line
building permits for reservoir.
Carter reported that Tualatin Development Ce.2Inc, would like to
'2.netel/ a 6" water line from Beef Bend Read to 'template line to King
ty. Motion was made by Mr. Drown and second by Mr. Mc-Aland to
allow Tualatin Development Company to install t1e line with the
that `1%;slatin Developxent provides proper 7,7isomIt to Ticard
7ater .strict. Motion carried. NOTFO AT TTES rp7 . Thf.3 connect/a:1
uill not affect the Agreement vith Tueltin DevAopacl,t to participate
:;.11 the necessary lime extension on Beef bend nc)ld or the revirements
outlined in the letter of March 11, 196() ret.refiing service to Lots
6,7 and a portion of Lot 3 on 7ischer Road.
2MilEYTAXIONS Notice made by 11-z7. Johaoan, sefed by Ma:. Miceli to
accept and sign two Petitions for Annexntio:2. 7.. Si:aei by Raid D.
and Judy M. Lawson, Ha,. and CMIstine 7. kier,t (161r)5 • Wo 'nth)
2. Signed by Carl E. and Cn.it Maria Reit ius ( It the (1.:1,1 of
Motion carried.
PAYMENT (* VOUCHERS Motion made by Mr. rm.-r; cecc2del by Mr. Micoli
that thedisbursements as listed 1m approved foaymcnt. ien carried.
MINISTRATOR'S P.BPORT Motion was made lry 11r. seconded by Mr.
Nicoti ir3 approve application by Leeb Z5.6: for t-yatcr service off 3"
line on Fischer Road subject to written e:pive:,,..„.ecs_ eelzyte frojriTualetin
Development Company to Tigard Yater Disti7ict. Motion car-Aa .
03011PMENT Motion made 17 Mr. Johnson and sec:atiedi by Mr. icoli to
adjourn meeting at 930 P.M. Motion carried,