PFI2020-00469 PAI CITY OF TIGARD PUBLIC FACILITIES IMPROVEMENT PERMIT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Permit#: PFI2020-00469 T t G A it L3 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard OR 97223 503.718.2421 Date Issued: 12/17/2020 Parcel: SEG1032 Jurisdiction: Tigard Site address: Subdivision: Lot: Project: Comcast Project Description: SEG 1032/8465 SW Hunziker Rd. Comcast proposed to overlash (1)-48ct fiber optic cable to existing aerial facilities. Class of Work: FEES Description Date Amount Type 1 -Utilities(gas, electric,data) PFI Permit Fee 12/15/2020 $300.00 Total $300.00 Owner: REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Call 503-639-4175 for the IVR inspection request line or visit the City of PHONE: Tigard website at www.tigard-or.00v to schedule inspections online. Contractor: TENNESSEE CABLE SERVICES INC. 17035 SE EVERGREEN HWY. VANCOUVER,WA 98683 PHONE: 8008968111 Applicant: VAN MESPLAY 11308 SW 68TH PARKWAY TIGARD, OR 97223 PHONE: 9718015787 Please sign below to indicate acceptance of conditions and return a copy with the proposed work schedule along with names and contact information of responsible parties before beginning work. Permittee/Applicant Signature: See Application pxQ/� Issued By: ATO CI ^"t�t" `i Special Conditions(See Attached) Note:THIS PERMIT DOES NOT COVER WORK ON PRIVATE PROPERTY Conditions for PFI2020-00469 Type: Condition Name: Status: Severity: PFI_Utilities 01 -WORK SITE REQUIREMENTS Applied Notice Applicant must comply with all applicable provisions of federal and state law, the Tigard Municipal Code, and the terms of any agreement with the City of Tigard regarding work to be done pursuant to this permit. PFI_Utilities 02-WORK SITE AREA Applied Notice The work area and approach roads shall be maintained in a clean condition,free from obstructions and hazards. The spreading of mud or debris or storage of materials or equipment of any kind upon any public roadway is strictly prohibited and violation shall be cause for immediate cancellation of the permit. The City may at any time order immediate clean-up and suspension of work to accomplish clean-up. PFI_Utilities 03-WORK SITE EROSION CONTROL Applied Notice Prior to starting work, effective and approved erosion control devices must be installed and maintained meeting the Clean Water Services and DEQ requirements. The City may at any time order corrective action and suspension of work to accomplish effective erosion control. PFI_Utilities 04-WORK SITE REPAIRS Applied Notice Disturbed landscaped areas shall be restored or replaced. Existing signs, pavement markings, mailboxes, etc. shall be reinstalled or replaced,with like kind of material. Obtain City approval of restoration work. PFI_Utilities 05-TRAFFIC CONTROL SPECIFICATIONS Applied Notice Applicant shall provide traffic control according to the current edition of the"Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices [MUTCD]for Streets and Highways", U.S. Dept. of Transportation, FHWA, current edition,American Traffic Safety Services Association [ATSSA], and Oregon Temporary Traffic Control Handbook[OTTCH]. PFI_Utilities 06-TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Applied Notice Submit a job specific traffic control plan. A copy of the approved traffic control plan shall be readily available at the work area. Traffic control devices,flag persons, etc., shall be in place prior to initiation of construction work and shall be effectively maintained. PFI_Utilities 07-TRAFFIC CONTROL ROAD CLOSURE Applied Notice Public roadway shall not be closed to traffic, at any time,without obtaining written approval from the City Engineer. The applicant is responsible to provide 48 hour advance notice of traffic flow disruptions to affected businesses, residents and area wide Emergency Services: 503-629-0111 (Tigard Police Dept., Tualatin Fire& Rescue) and to 503-962-8140(Tri-Met) and 503-431-2345 (Tigard School District)and other service providers impacted by such closure. PFI_Utilities 08-TRAFFIC CONTROL ADVANCE WARNING Applied Notice Advance warning of traffic disruption shall be provided to the public by placement of an approved advance notification sign at each end of the construction area 72 hours(min.) before initiation of construction work. PFI_Utilities 09-TRAFFIC CONTROL PROPERTY ACCESS Applied Notice Access to existing properties shall be maintained at all times, including normal delivery service and mail service. Obtain City approval of any access closures. PFI_Utilities 10-TRAFFIC CONTROL WORK HOURS Applied Notice Work is permitted in daylight between the hours of 7:00 a.m.to 7:00 p.m. Mon-Fri unless otherwise authorized by the City. PFI_Utilities 11 -TRAFFIC CONTROL LIMITED WORK HOURS Applied Notice Hours of construction work on collector and arterial roads will be limited to 9:00 a.m.to 3:00 p.m. unless authorized by the City Engineer. Work will not be permitted on collector and arterial roads between 3:00 p.m. to 9:00 a.m. unless authorized by the City Engineer. PFI_Utilities 12-TRAFFIC CONTROL MODIFICATION Applied Notice The City reserves the right to add to or modify traffic control requirements as necessary to effectively control traffic and to assure public safety. PFI_Utilities 13-DRAINAGE CONTROL Applied Notice Drainage shall be controlled within the work site and shall not adversely affect adjacent private property, public property and the receiving system. The City may at any time order corrective action and suspension of work to accomplish effective drainage control. PFI_Utilities 14- UTILITY NOTIFICATION Applied Notice Oregon law requires following the rules adopted by the Oregon Utility Notification Center. Said rules are set forth in OAR 952-001-0100 through OAR 952-001-0080. Copies of said rules may be obtained from the Center by calling 503-246-1987. If you have any question about the rules, contact the Center. NOTE: Damage to utilities shall be corrected at the permit holder's expense. PFI_Utilities 15-UTILITY LOCATION CONFLICT Applied Notice Applicant must verify all existing utilities for both vertical elevation and horizontal location prior to start of work(pothole before digging if necessary). Should conflicts arise and redesign or relocation of facilities be necessary, it shall be done at the applicant's expense. Changes must be approved by the City in advance of work.Applicant shall coordinate the work with affected utility agencies. PFI_Utilities 16-TEMPORARY PATCH Applied Notice A temporary hard-surface patch shall be placed on trenches within roadways at the end of each work shift. Obtain advance approval of patching method. No trench shall be left at any time in an un-safe condition. Applicant is responsible for and is liable for hazards or damage resulting from the prosecution of the work. PFI_Utilities 17-REPAIR OF EXISTING FACILITIES Applied Notice Work under this permit shall include repair of existing facilities (roads, ditches, etc.)as may be necessary, as determined by the Inspector,to overcome deterioration or damage which occurred in conjunction with the work authorized by the permit. Corrective work shall be done at the applicant's expense. PFI_Utilities 19-PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING Applied Notice Before initiating any construction activity,the applicant shall coordinate with the City's inspector, Trent Brickey at 971-228-9269,to establish a preconstruction meeting. Please call 503-639-4175 to schedule an inspection, use code 738 PFI_Utilities 20-NOTICE TO COMMENCE WORK Applied Notice The applicant shall notify the City's Inspector twenty-four(24) hours prior to commencing work, prior to any staged inspection, and after completing work covered by the permit. PFI_Utilities 21 -PERMIT/PLAN ON SITE Applied Notice A copy of the permit including a Certificate of Insurance, and all attachments, and a copy of the approved construction plan and all amendments shall be readily available at the work area. All work shall conform to the permit terms,conditions and provisions and to the City approved permit plans, and approved plan amendments and to the City's standards and specifications and to these General Conditions. Changes to any of these must be approved by the City, in advance of work performance. PFI_Utilities 22-DAILY INSPECTION REPORTS Applied Notice Applicant shall submit daily inspection reports, on a weekly basis, to the City's Inspector. PFI_Utilities 23-MONUMENT PROTECTION Applied Notice Existing monuments, property corners, and survey markers shall be protected. Replacement shall be at the permit holder's expense. PFI_Utilities 24-VALIDATION OF MATERIAL/CONSTRUCTION Applied Notice The City's Inspector may, at his discretion, require tests and or reports from the applicant to validate claims of material or construction adequacy/compliance. Such tests/reports shall be provided at the applicant's expense. PFI_Utilities 25-EMERGENCY CONTACTS Applied Notice Provide to the City inspector, in writing,the names and 24 hour emergency telephone number of two(2) persons who have authority to resolve problems,take corrective action and, in general,will be responsible in case of any emergency. The applicant shall notify the City Inspector, in writing, of any/all assignment changes. PFI_Utilities 26-RIGHT OF ENTRY/EASEMENTS Applied Notice Applicant to obtain proper right-of-entry and/or easements prior to starting work. Proof of right-of-entry or properly executed easements, shall be provided to the City. The City shall in no way be construed to be liable for the applicant's failure to obtain or provide for proof of right-of-entry or easements. PFI_Utilities 27-PRIVATE PROPERTY AGREEMENTS Applied Notice Provide the City a copy of an executed agreement[s]from the owner for each private property disturbed by construction activity. PFI_Utilities 28 -AS-BUILT DRAWING Applied Notice 1,2,3,4,5 28-AS-BUILT DRAWING One as-built drawing showing all new public improvements, including any revision made to the previously approved construction plans and, also, any improvement which may impact an existing public system or facility, shall be provided to the City by a registered civil engineer along with an engineer's certification of installation compliance(Certificate of Compliance). 1,2,3,4,5 28-AS-BUILT DRAWING One as-built drawing showing all new public improvements, including any revision made to the previously approved construction plans and,also, any improvement which may impact an existing public system or facility, shall be provided to the City by a registered civil engineer along with an engineer's certification of installation compliance(Certificate of Compliance). One as-built drawing showing all new public improvements, including any revision made to the previously approved construction plans and, also,any improvement which may impact an existing public system or facility, shall be provided to the City by a registered civil engineer along with an engineer's certification of installation compliance (Certificate of Compliance). PFI_Utilities 31 -OTHER Applied Notice Other City of Tigard11 PFI#: ZD20—O0' b cp _ ■ ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT li it Public Facilities Improvement (PFI) Permit PROJECT INFORMATION 514461 Plant Extension TYPE OF WORK Project name: B TYPE 1—Franchise Utility Work Brief description of project: Comcast proposes to overlash (1)-48ct performed by NWN,PCE, or utility agency fiber optic cable to existing aerial facilities. ❑ TYPE 2—ROW Sidewalk/Driveway/Sewer Work performed for the purpose of: • Sidewalk installation or repair • Driveway approach installation and repair SITE INFORMATION • Sanitary sewer lateral installation and Location (address if available): 8465 SW Hunziker St, Tigard, OR 97223 main line tap 0 TYPE 3—Full Scale Development Work SOC9 1031 performed with land use approval which includes any of the following: • Subdivisions or Partitions APPLICANT INFORMATION • Street widening Comcast • Mainline installation for sanitary sewer, Name: storm sewer, Tigard water, and Tigard Mailing address: 11308 SW 68th Parkway water service area City/State: Tigard, OR Zip: 97223 0 TYPE 4—Small Cell Technology Phone: (971) 801 5787 0 TYPE 5—Tigard Triangle Email: Van_Mesplay@comcast.com Phone: (971) 801-5787 NOTE: Type 1 and 2 applications may be Van Mesplay Contact name: mailed to rowpermits et tigard-or.gov. Phone: (971) 801-5787 Email: Van_Mesplay@comcast.com CONTRACTOR INFORMATION ❑ Same as applicant Name: Tennessee Cable Service CCB Number: 77450 Mailing address: 17035 SE Evergreen Hwy City/State: Vancouver, WA Zip: 98683 Phone: (360) 696-8900 Email: micki@tenncable.com /tenncs@aol.com ENGINEER INFORMATION Name: K&B Technical Solutions Mailing address: 6566 SE Lake Rd, Ste. F City/State: Portland, OR Zip: 97222 Phone: (719) 244-1608 Email: Permits@kbmail.net ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Estimated value of work is required(if over$5,000):$ (within the public right-of-way) Is work related to a LAND USE DECISION? D Yes III No Case number: City of Tigard • 13125 SW Hall Blvd. • Tigard,Oregon 97223 • wwwtigard-or.gov • 503-718-2421 • Page 1 of 4 APPLICANTS NOTE: Person specified as`Applicant"shall be designated "Permittee"and shall provide financial assurance for work,if required by the city pursuant to TMC 15.04.140. * With the exception of a utility operating pursuant to a valid franchise or license with the City of Tigard,when the owner and the applicant are different people,the applicant must be the purchaser of record or a lessee in possession with written authorization from the owner or an agent of the owner. The owner must sign this application in the space provided or submit a written authorization with this application. Franchised or Licensed Utilities are not required to obtain the owner's signature on the application. I,the applicant,certify that: • To the best of my knowledge,all the information provided within this application package is complete and accurate. • The above request does not violate any recorded deed restrictions that may be attached to or imposed upon the subject property. • If the application is granted,I will exercise the rights granted in accordance with the terms and subject to all the conditions and limitations of the approval. Kyle Browning Kyle Browning for Van Mesplay 12/2/2020 Applicant's or authorized agent's signature Print name Date Property owner's signature (if required) Print name Date STAFF USE ONLY Case No: ,4 .2.)ZU-O 67 Permit fee: bi j.OD Received by: A-1- Date: l' ?� Approved by: 7Yt.a Date: 1z/i Joao° Notified by: AL- Date: P-)(5-l20 City of Tigard • 13125 SW Hall Blvd. • Tigard,Oregon 97223 • wwwtigard-or.gov • 503-718-2421 • Page 2 of 4 DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING FEES Public Facility Improvement(PFI)Permit: INITIAL PFI PERMIT FEE Part 1: Required submittal fee is 10%of the Net PH Pemut Fee.See below for calculations.Minimum of$300. NET PFI PERMIT FEE Part 2: All non-water system improvements engineer's estimate X 7%(less the initial PFI Permit Fee). WATER LINE CONSTRUCTION FEE Part 3: All public water system improvements engineer's estimate X 12%. FOR STAFF USE ONLY FOR STAFF USE ONLY TYPE 4: SMALL WIRELESS FACILITY TYPE 1—3:DETAILED SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST REQUIREMENTS Does applicant have a right-of-way license? ❑Yes D No TYPE 1 AND TYPE 2-Must include a sketch showing: Under the wireless facilities standards,is the proposal ❑ Dimensions considered?(check all that apply): 0 Small Cell 0 Macro ❑ Street Name How many install sites are proposed as part of this permit ❑ Site Address application? TYPE 3 -Must provide 4 sets of plans (sized 24 x 36 or 22 x 34) and an electronic version of all submittal The proposed equipment is located on which of the following. items. The plans must that include: ❑Public Right-of-Way 0 Private Property LI Cover—Site,Vicinity,Abbreviation,Legend If equipment is to be located on private property,describe the ❑ General Notes(City,Water,Sewer,etc.) type&use: ❑ Street(Plan,Profile) ❑ Water,Storm and Sanitary(Plan Profile) ❑ Water Quality Facilities ❑ Grading ❑ Landscaping/Tree Plan ❑ Composite Utility Plan(Electrical,Phone,Gas, Storm, Sanitary,Water,Signage,Street Lights,etc.) ❑ Details ❑ Traffic Sight Distance 0 Signing and Striping O Street Light Plan and Photometric ❑ Engineers seal/signature O Sheet label(project land use name,revision and plan log block,dates and sheet numbers.) ❑ Engineer's Construction Estimate Additional Submittals (per land use conditions,if applicable) ❑ Traffic Report ❑ Storm water Drainage Calculations ❑ Geotechnical Report ❑ Preliminary Access Report(Sight Distance) ❑ Proposed Plat ❑ Pathway Design ❑ Water Provider Approval City of Tigard • 13125 SW Hall Blvd. • Tigard,Oregon 97223 • wwwtigard-or.gov • 503-718-2421 • Page3 of 4 r i- till S t Fdge of Pavement "�— Duch �► A Streetligh — —• •---------r--- f ® 0 T--inposrirgow -117 -- 1 I I ur Lrtrny House 1 vi I = r-1nr 1 .t I Lrnew=9 el I I 1 r - ■ l r ail I n L l I i j FxrdlnySh,p l J h...., 95' I — — — O Wopetty lire—"— l i I Fire Hydrant(FH) I I Scale 1-=30. I I 1 I I I 1 TYPE 1 AND TYPE 2: MINIUM SKETCH REQUIREMENTS (Put N/A if not applicable) North arrow _ Property lines&dimensions Existing utilities locations (sewer,storm,water) Street&street names All existing structures Proposed work Existing curb or edge of pavement Utility& street light poles Existing S/W or D/W apron Slope of property Trees City of Tigard • 13125 SW Hall Blvd. • Tigard,Oregon 97223 • wwwtigard-or.gov • 503-718-2421 • Page 4 of 4 i OveaanDoyaonmaneol� n PERMIT NUMBER APPLICATION AND PERMIT TO OCCUPY OR PERFORM OPERATIONS UPON A STATE HIGHWAY f / +:' Soo Oregon Adminislrativs Rule,Chapter 734,Division 55 CLASS KEV8 GENERAL LOCATION PURPOSE OF APPLICATION (TO CONSTRUCT/OPERATE/MAINTAIN) HIGHWAY NAME AND ROUTE NUMBER POLE TYPE MIN.VERT.CLEARANCE OR-141 /141/Beaverton-Tualatin No. 141 � LINE Television 18'-0a HIGHWAY NUMBER COUNTY BURIED TYPE 141 Washington I ❑ CABLE BETWEEN OR NEAR LANDMARKS PIPE TYPE 8465 SW Hunziker St,Tigard,OR 97223 II LINE HWY.REFERENCE MAP DESIGNATED FREEWAY IN U.S.FOREST ODOT TransGIS I 1 YES XI NO El YES IX NO ❑NGN-COMMERCIAL SIGN AS DESCRIBED BELOW APPLICANT NAME AND ADDRESS f—1 MISCELLANEOUS OPERATIONS AND/OR FACILRIE3 AS DESCRIBED BELOW Comcast Attn:Van Mesplay FOR ODOT USE ONLY 11308 SW 68th Parkway Project:514461 BOND REQUIRED REFERENCE: AMOUNT OF BOND • Tigard,OR 97223 ❑YES IX NO °A75 4-055 • Van_Mespiay@comcasl.com/Permits@kbmail.net INSURANCE REQUIRED REFERENCE: SPECIFIED COMP.DATE i IX]YES n NO 7m34055 12/30/21 DETAIL LOCATION OF FACILITY(For more space attach additional sheets) MILE MILE ENGINEERS ENGINEERS SIOEUF"Mr OR DISTANCE FROM BURIED CABLE OR PIPE SPAN POINT TO POINT STATION TO STATION ANGLE OF CROSSING.1)ENTER OF PJMI RAN LINE DEPTHNERT. SIZE AND KIND LENGTH • 5.28 5.28 Left/East/ Varies Varies N/A N/A 170' Crossing • • DESCRIPTION OF DESIRED USE Comcast proposes to ovedash(1)-46ct fiber optic cable to ecisling aerial facilities, SPECIAL PROVISIONS(POR ODOT USE ONLY) TRAFFIC CONTROL REQUIRED • OPEN CUTTING OF PAVED OR SURFACED AREAS ALLOWED • • [X] YES IOAR 734-055-0025(6)1 ❑ NO ♦ ❑ YES[OAR 734-c65-U100(2)J ® NO(OAR 734-055.0100(1)I ♦AT LEAST 40 HOURS BEFORE BEGINNING WORK,THE APPLICANT OR HIS CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTFY THE DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE Larry Hall AT PHONE NO.: 971-673-6200 OR EMAIL OR FAX THIS PAGE • TO THE DISTRICT OFFICE AT: d2bu0@Odot.State.or.us .SPECIFY TIME AND DATE WORK IS TO OCCUR. • ♦A COPY OF THIS PERMIT AND ALL ATTACHMENTS SHALL BE AVAILABLE AT THE WORK AREA DURING CONSTRUCTION. • •ATTENTION:Oregon Law requires you to follow rules adopted by the Oregon Utility Notification Center.Those rules ere set forth In OAR • 862001A001 through OAR 952-V01-0090.You may obtain copies of the rules by calling the center et(693)232-1907. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG 1-800-332-2344 COMMENTS(FOR ODOT USE ONLY) Al the time of lane and/or complete roadway closure and again when the lane and/or complete roadway is opened on a state highway the Applicant or their Contractor is required to notify ODOT Traffic Management Operations Center(TMOC)503-283-5859.If during the course of their permitted work the Applicant or their Contractor come across personal property in their work zone they need to contact their permit specialist.The personal property may not be removed by the Applicant or their Contractor. Larry Hall 971-673-6200 IF THE PROPOSED APPLICATION WILL AFFECT THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT,THE APPLICANT SHALL ACQUIRE THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL'S SIGNATURE BEFORE ACQUIRING THE DISTRICT MANAGER'S SIGNATURE. LOCAL GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL SIGNATURE TITLE DATE X APPLIC/ANT IGNATURE APPLICATION DATE TITLE TELEPHONE NO. X / _ - 11/30/2020 Permit Manager (719)244-1608 Men this epOUon 6 approved by the DepartmeAlfieappricent It subject to,accept,and DISTRICT MANAGER OR REP - TATIVE APPROVAL DATE approves the terms and provhbm contained end attached ondlho lermeot Orogon Adminahotho �- J. Rules,Chapter 734,nvlab Mach 65, kh Is by Marolmenco made a pod ends permit. /' X �� s- Yar,_y,�_ 7343457(1112019) /� aBM4il9ill 7 oioansportn!/on GENERAL PROVISIONS Dopnrlii,w7! of Transportation FOR POLELINE, PIPELINE, BURIED CABLE, AND MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS Revised January 2015 APPLICANT:Comcast,Attn:Van Mesplay HIGHWAY:OR-141 /141 /Beaverton-Tualatin No. 141 MP:5.28- 5.28 All checked(N)provisions apply. WORKSITE N 1. Permittee must call for utility locates before digging("Call Before You Dig!" 1-800-332-2344 or 8-1-1) per Oregon Administrative Rules(Chapter 952, Division 1), You may be held liable for damages. Premarking of excavation areas is required. ® 2. Permittee shall have a copy of this permit and all attachments at the work site.They shall be available to the District Manager or representative at their request. ® 3. Permittee shall acknowledge, in writing, receipt and review of Oregon Administrative Rules(Chapter 734, Division 55)governing miscellaneous facilities and operations on the highway right of way as the governing provisions of permit or agreement. Copies of this rule may be obtained from any district maintenance office. ® 4. Permitlee shall review the Oregon Administrative Rules(Chapter 734 Division 55)governing miscellaneous facilities and operations on the highway right of way as the governing provisions of this permit or agreement. Web site: http://arcweb.sos.state.or.us/rules/OARS 700/OAR 734/734 055.html O 5. Access control fence must be maintained during construction and restored to its original or better condition after construction is complete. ® 6. The permittee shall not use state highway right of way to display advertising signs or merchandise of any kind. N 7. The stopping and parking of vehicles upon state highway right of way for the maintenance of adjoining property or in furtherance of any business transaction or commercial establishment is strictly prohibited. ❑ 8. All grass and small brush within the work area shall be rotary or flail mowed to ground level prior to the beginning of work to facilitate clean up. N 9 Disturbed areas shall be reseeded with grass native to the area in an appropriate seeding time. ® 10. The spreading of mud or debris upon any state highway Is strictly prohibited and violation shall be cause for immediate cancellation of the permit. Clean up shall be at the applicant's expense. The highway shall be cleaned of all dirt and debris at the end of each work day, or more frequently if so determined by the District Manager or representative. 11. Permitlee shall replace any landscape vegetation or fences that are destroyed.Any damage that is not fully recovered within 30 days(weather permitting)shall be replaced by ODOT at the expense of the permittee. A "plant establishment"shall be understood to be part of the planting work to assure satisfactory growth of planted materials. The plant establishment period will begin when the original planting and all landscape construction has been completed and approved. The length of the establishment period will be one calendar year or as defined in the permit Special Provisions, ❑ 12. Permittee shall install and maintain landscaped area as shown on the attached drawings. Planting shall be limited to low-growing shrubs, grass or flowers that do not attain sufficient height to obstruct clear vision in any direction. The Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT)shall have the right to remove said landscaping at any time such removal may appear to be In the public interest,without liability or loss, injury,of damage or any nature whatsoever. 734-3457(112015) General Provisions Page 1 o14 TRAFFIC 2 13. During construction or maintenance,the work area shall be protected in accordance with the current Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices(MUCCD), Federal Highway Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, and the Oregon Department of Transportation supplements thereto. Flaggers must have a card or certificate indicating their completion of an approved work zone traffic control course.All traffic control devices shall be maintained according to the American Traffic Safety Services Association(ATSSA), Quality Standards for Work Zone Traffic Control Devices handbook. 2 14. Permittee shall provide a detailed traffic control plan for each phase of the work, showing signs and cones. Plans shall be reviewed by Oregon Department of Transportation in advance of construction or maintenance. ® 15. All damaged or removed highway signs shall be replaced by the permittee. Installation shall be according to MUTCD standards or ODOT specifications, and shall be completed as soon as possible but no later than the end of the work shift. ❑ 16. No lane restrictions are permitted on the roadway during the hours of darkness, on weekends, or between 6:00 AM and 9:00 AM,or 3:00 PM and 6:00 PM (Monday through Friday)without prior approval by ODOT. ® 17. Hours of work shall be .9pm-5am' Traffic signal @ the intersection of SW Hall Blvd & SW Hunziker St DRAINAGE is required to be shut off and flagged. Please coordinated with ODOT for the shut off. ❑ 18. On-site storm drainage shall be controlled within the permitted property. No blind connections to existing state facilities are allowed. ❑ 19. Excavation shall not be done on ditch slopes. Trench excavation shall either be at ditch bottom or outside ditch area. (Minimum depth at bottom of ditch shall be 36 inches; minimum depth outside of ditch shall be 42 inches). 0 20. Only earth or rock shall be used as fill material and shall slope so as not to change or adversely affect existing drainage. Fine grade and seed the finished fill with native grasses to prevent erosion. ❑ 21. A storm drainage study stamped by an Oregon Registered Professional Engineer(PE) is required. The study must meet standards of the National Pollution Discharge Elimination Systems(NPDES)when any of the following conditions apply: • Whenever a four inch pipe is inadequate to serve the developed area, • development site is one acre or larger in size and directly or indirectly affects state facilities, • or as directed by the District Manager or representative. El 22. Permittee shall provide on-site retention for storm water runoff that exceeds that of the undeveloped site. ® 23. All water discharged to an ODOT drainage system must be treated prior to discharge. All requests for connection to an ODOT storm system must meet any requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES).This may include local jurisdiction approval of on-site water quality treatment facilities and/or development of an operation and maintenance plan for any on-site water quality treatment facility, as determined by local jurisdiction. EXCAVATION I CONSTRUCTION ® 24. The following ODOT documents and any supplements and subsequent revisions thereto,where applicable and not otherwise superseded by the permit language herein, but only to the extent that they provide standards and performance requirements for work to be performed under the permit, shall be incorporated for use in the permit "Oregon Standard Specifications for Construction(2015)". ODOT shall have authority over acceptance of all materials and workmanship performed under this permit as stated in Section 00150.00 of the"Oregon Standard Specifications for Construction (2015)." For additional Supplemental and Special Provisions please refer to: http:f/www.oreeon.govlODOT/HWY/SPECS/standard specifications.shtml Standard Specification books are available on this site. ❑ 25. Open cutting of pavement is allowed in areas specifically approved by District Manager or representative. ❑ 26. Trench backfill shall be according to the attached typical drawing, marked as Exhibit A. 734-3457(1/2015) General Provisions Page 2 of 4 2 F DM f.: 4 0 27. Open cutting of the highway is allowed with construction In accordance with OAR 734-55-0100. All excavation in paved areas shall be backfllled and the roadway surface patched before the end of each shift. In special cases where steel plates are allowed, said plates shall be pinned and a temporary cold patch applied to the edges. The permittee shall be fully responsible for monitoring and maintenance of temporary patching and steel plating. ❑ 28. Compaction tests shall be required for each open cut per Oregon Standard Specification for Construction. Compaction tests shall be conducted once for every 300 lineal feet per lift of continuous trench according to the Manual of Field Test Procedures(MFTP), published by ODOT. Percent Compaction shall be 95%. At the discretion of the District Manager or representative, results of compaction test shall be provided to District Manager or representative at applicants'expense. ❑ 29. Control Density Fill(CDF)shall be used as surface backfill material in place of crushed rock in open trenches that impact the travel portions of the highway.A%"-0, or 1"-0 rock will be used for the aggregate. The amount of cement used shall not exceed 3.0%of the total mixtures weight. Maximum compressed strengths must not exceed 250 pounds per square inch (psi). ❑ 30. Surface restoration shall be a minimum of eight Inches of hot asphalt-concrete(AC), compacted in two inch lifts,or match existing pavement depth,whichever is greater. Sand-seal all edges and joints. ❑ 31. All aggregate shall conform to Oregon Standard Specification for Construction, Section 02630-Base Aggregate. ❑ 32. Any area of cut or damaged asphalt shall be restored in accordance with the included attachment"T-Cut Typical Section"drawing. For a period of two years following the patching of paved surface, permittee shall be responsible for the condition of permittee's pavement patches, end during that two year period shall repair to District Manager or representative satisfaction any of the patches which become settled, cracked, broken, or otherwise faulty. ❑ 33. An overlay to seal an open-cut area shall be completed prior to the end of the construction season, or when minimum temperature allows per'Oregon Standard Specification for Construction(2008)"and any subsequent revisions thereto.Typical overlay shall be 1.5 Inches deep and cover the affected area from edge of pavement to edge of pavement, and taper longitudinally at a fifty feet to one Inch(60' : 1")ratio.Taper may be adjusted by the District Manager as required. Fora period of two years following this patching of the surface,the permittee shall be responsible for the condition of said pavement patches, and during that time shall repair to the District Manager or representative's satisfaction any of the patches which become settled, cracked, broken or otherwise faulty. ❑ 34. Highway crossings shall be bored or jacked. Bore pits shall be located behind ditch line or in areas satisfactory to the District Manager or representative. Unattended pits shall either be protected by a six-foot fence, backfilled, or steel plated and pinned. ® 35. Permittee shall install a"tracer wire"or other similar conductive marking tape or device, if installing any non- conductive, unbeatable underground facility, in order to comply with Oregon Utilities Coordination Council (OUCC), per OAR 952-01-0070 (6). ❑ 36. Trench backfill outside of ditch line or In approved areas can be native soli compacted at optimum moisture In twelve Inch layers to 90%or greater of the maximum density. • 37. Native material that Is found to be unsatisfactory for compaction shall be disposed of off the project and granular backfill used. ❑ 38. Trench backfill in rock slope or shoulder shall be crushed 1"-0 or%"-0 size rock compacted at optimum moisture In eight-Inch layers. Compaction tests shall be conducted according to the Manual of Field Test Procedures(MFTP), published by ODOT. Percent compaction shall be 95%.At the discretion of the District Manager or representative, results of compaction tests shall be provided to District Manager or representative at applicant's expense. ❑ 39. Where excavation Is on fill slope steeper than a two to one(2:1)ratio, slope protection shall be provided using f i four-inch size rock laid evenly to a minimum depth of twelve inches. ❑ 40. No more than 300 feet of trench longitudinally along the highway shall be left open at any one time and no trench shall be left in an open condition overnight. ❑ 41. Areas of disturbed cut and fill slopes shall be restored to a condition suitable to the District Manager or representative.Areas of erosion to be inlaid with an acceptable riprap material. • 734-3457(1/2015) General Provisions Page 3 of 4 • • • 2 44987 ® 42. All underground utilities shall be Installed with three-foot or more of horizontal clearance from existing or contract plans guardrail posts and attachments.All non-metallic water,sanitary and storm sewer pipe shall have an electrically conductive insulated Number 12-gauge copper tracer wire the full length of the installed pipe using blue wire for water and green for storm and sanitary sewer piping. ❑ 43. Any area of cut or damaged concrete shall be restored In accordance with the attached Typical Section-Pipe Section under sidewalk. ® 44. Utility markers and pedestals shall be placed as near the highway right-of-way line as practical. In no case shall pedestals and line markers be located within the highway maintenance area. ® 45. No cable plowing is allowed within the lateral support of the highway asphalt(i.e.at six feet lower than the edge of the asphalt, no plowing within nine feet of the edge of the asphalt). 0 46. Review by ODOT Bridge Engineers is required for all proposed bridge and structure attachments and for utility or any facilities to be installed within sixteen feet of bridge foundations, supports,walls or related,or within the influence zone of bridge facilities, MISCELLANEOUS ® 47. Permittee shall be responsible and liable for(1)investigating presence/absence of any legally protected or regulated environmental resource(s)In the action area; (2)determining any and all restrictions or requirements that relate to the proposed actions,and complying with such,including but not limited to those relating to hazardous material(s),water quality constraints, wetlands,archeological or historic resources(s) state and federal threatened or endangered species,etc., (3)complying with all federal,state,and local laws, end obtaining all required and necessary permits and approvals. 0 48. If the permittee Impacts a legally protected/regulated resource, permittee shall be responsible for all costs associated with such impact, including,but not limited to all costs of mitigation and rehabilitation,and shall indemnify,and hold ODOT harmless for such impacts and be responsible and liable to ODOT for any associated costs or claims that ODOT may have. ® 49. Plans are approved by ODOT in general only and do not relieve the permittee from completing construction improvements in a manner satisfactory to ODOT.The District Manager or representative may require field changes. When revisions are made in the field, permittee is responsible to provide"as built"drawings,within 60 days from completion of highway improvements,and shall submit them to the District Office issuing the permit. ® 50. Permit-tee shall be responsible for locating and preserving all existing survey monumentation within the work area In accordance with ORS 209.150 and/or 209.155.If monumentation or its accessories are inadvertently or otherwise disturbed or destroyed,applicant shall be responsible for all costs and coordination associated with it's reestablishment by a professional licensed surveyor. By this signature applicant accepts all checked(0)provisions(4 pages). Applicant signature. /( Date: 11/30/2020 734-3457(1/2015) General Provisions Page 4 of 4 I r I tl.n 1 q OM 1 I / .B.ag I \'l 1, - 0 / . F Y� g 1 \ \I p� ICI / i i s I a 2 € 3 I MBe TBI80 [� /BEGIN URN.atnwx OF II MELT MIM, `/ OPTIC CABLE Al ECBTIp II1VM1 POIE< ' /GTl61WRONWI "a6 W) - '''./.E4lvx]11E01/ / t I . . / / /, ,,,,.....„....,,,,, k \....... � i�Fgs� V/ y� S �' ..-L_ - .- • . — -ENrc vor Tawogaw``� / i(i SW SCOFFINS ST - 4� d l $£1I I Q` Ia0lcoom, \BYONENASHNIENRNO , F� J MLT'KIEIN NOT#MN F- 6 �, VIP re b» U NM ; I.Nl wau r.PusrosE NEsrogeoloulamBEltel—METRO— , / le CdpTpll. �E _ RP1 r' �/' OM�OILT'BTRIILTMER B.B®OF.Em..IG.W.M. --= -- BMNNMNMP'NM IW MAY=NMpPMIT IMS ” 16V1 A*TI*004CNK00114*1. K -- 11T 6TIELdVBO COO.FUMM0SII — YYR[OIRIIYKI10.ONK PMR®.MR 6 WETOPMIIMWN TEL MI. te .—•• REpoposurylO Cw.Foq Loc,,,E88Ef011i mom Ch.I80IBPI't SIN 4 a (� 1 W R. r OleOm1OR I 1 1 1 ________ _ i.-_.C EORFCWl NMRIIEMMF I J TREMOR JOINT WE POLE LIMIIE oRIER n Lorna CO ! POWER TRYYVC S ® U COWRIE Mum WVEBIemu eONE11 RE z NOM OF MAY -+..- CARE Po4E • PROPEMYV! IEIEROEIUE 0 1 PUNY UhYTYl SIT ... PMEI:04WRNA 1!”.4 E _- CEMIEREEf - .n Pl�f.t.my, m CO ii FACE aEcw -.+- IVEIMOIE ® . EN-EOF Mawr -- tlIMMY1 - !3 EOM OE ORVL YK4E MAWR OM RIG W EOOE OF IRWM[ .V- YRERowoER.OAE.EEOJ on I M M I GC OF CONEWAY E MMO • E RBCK E PEACE MM. E 1 EOREM SEWER Sap Mau 5 AWE 1 iiii 1 1 Et OWE pp POWER .-. _ R 116 Om n.^ VIM BI4B R.A. '-~__z .-.z 0 U 11,1 PAEROAD MOO 41111111111111 Ut 4 MAURO WRWPWR, /,///////,/ RP-L ClEnrew.tEw Page 52 2011 Edition Bicycle and Pedestrian Accommodation Diagrams The following practices and details address the accommodation of bicycles and pedestrians within work zones. The following detail drawings should be incorporated, where appropriate, into the traffic control plan for any short term work. 1. See Section 1.6— Bicycle and Pedestrian Considerations for additional guidance. 2. Stay alert for pedestrians and bicycle traffic and accommodate safe passage for them, as needed. 3. The work space should be protected from bicycle and pedestrian intrusion by using barricades or closely-spaced channelizing devices. 4. Maintain access to transit stops or clearly close a transit stop using barricades or channelizing devices. Bicycle Accommodation Diagram 5-6 Bicycle Accommodation Principles: 1. If a significant volume of bicycles can be expected and work closes a marked bicycle facility, or requires bicycles to share a travel lane, install a "(Bicycle)ON ROADWAY" sign (CW11-1) or the Bicycle symbol (W11-1) sign with an "ON ROADWAY" (OBW1-5) rider, in advance of the work area. 2. Install temporary signing off the paved shoulder, within the planter (buffer)strip, or share the width needed between the shoulder and the sidewalk, as available. 3. Signs are to remain in place until the surface is restored and the width made available for bicycle use. See Diagram 5-6 for typical bicycle signing placement. a Sign Spacing and Buffer Lengths(feet) Potted Sparing Between Sens t I"Buffer" Speed A B C ,, Space 20 50 25 100 100 100 75 30 100 35 40 350 350 350 150 45 _ 180 50 50D S00 500 210 SS 250 60 285 65 700 700 700 325 70 365 Chapter 5 September 2016 2011 Edition Page 53 Bicycle Accommodation Diagram 5-6 i NOTES: • Bicycles on Roadway(CW11-1)sign should not interrupt standard sequences. For example: o BE PREPARED TO STOP/Flagger Symbol o LANE CLOSED AHEAD/Lane Ends Symbol • Bicycles on Roadway sign typically follows ROAD WORK AHEAD sign and used as general warning. I III A 1 V A 1 B ‘ ON , ROADWAY ROAD WORK � AHEAD September September 2016 Chapter 5 Page 118 2011 Edition Lane Closure at Intersection with Flagging Diagram 620 Diagram 620 covers work within an intersection when normal traffic control must be interrupted. Work vehicles may or may not be in the work space. 1. During flagging, traffic signals shall be turned off. Contact the road jurisdiction for approval and assistance (see Chapter 3). 2. For multi-lane facilities, traffic approaching the intersection shall be reduced to a single lane on each approach. See Chapter 3 for information on flagging through intersections. 3. There should be one flagger for each approach. One flagger may control two adjacent approaches if sight distance, low volumes on side roads, and flagger position allows for safe operation and clear direction to motorists. For low traffic volume intersections (fewer than 400 entering vehicles per day), one flagger may be used. 4. The"ONE LANE ROAD AHEAD" (W20-4)sign is optional and should be considered on high volume or high speed roads, or when extended queues may be expected. Sign Spacing and Buffer Lengths(feet) Posted Spacing Between Sign "Buffer" Speed A B C Space 20 50 25 100 100 100 75 30 100 35 125 4D 35D 350 350 150 45 180 50 S00 S00 500 210 55 250 60 285 65 700 700 700 325 70 365 Chapter 5 September 2016 2011 Edition Page 119 Lane Closure at Intersection with Flagging Diagram 620 .(00•••••0 . c B Ill BE PEP ' TO STOP 11 ® A (ono ••• Ott WE ROAD 100tUMY • 4>PR; .,�• ROM• TO STOP AO1 WORK A BBC B r ,,,,.__ s+ . 2. 4— \ ••- • •• 10 K K K K 4 - 10O11.IIe.H CBB A OE T PHEP.• • ®ra SLOP® 100t We • la1�l A B '1/444":4 / B 1000r+9 4 t c September 2016 Chapter 5