ZIL2020-00019 11 .� TI+GARD City of Tigard December 8, 2020 BBG Attn: Rebekah Fox 1349 West Peachtree Street, Suite 900 Atlanta, GA 30309 Re: Zoning Inquiry Letter— ZIL2020-00019 10890 SW Canterbury Lane;WCTM 2S110AA, Tax Lot 1700 Dear Ms. Fox, The subject property is located in the Medium-Density Residential (R-12) Zone. Adjacent properties to the north and west are located in the General Commercial (C-G) Zone, and adjacent properties to the south and east are located in the R-12 Zone. City records indicate the property is currently occupied by a residential use, which is allowed in the R-12 Zone. City records do not show any previous land use approvals for the subject development. Without further analysis,it is uncertain whether the property is in compliance with the current Community Development Code of the City of Tigard, or whether any legal nonconforming issues exist. Sincerely, Lina Smith Assistant Planner 13125 SW Hall Blvd. • Tigard, Oregon 97223 • 503.639.4171 TTY Relay: 503.684.2772 • www.tigard-or.gov BBG PROPERTY INFORMATION: Job Number 0520009338 Hudson North, 10890 Southwest Canterbury Lane Tigard OR 97224 To whom this may concern: BBG, Inc. has been commissioned to obtain a Zoning Verification Letter in connection with the above referenced site. Please provide a Zoning Verification Letter for the above-mentioned property. A form is attached with specific questions. Please include any supporting documentation on the development of the subject property. If a fee is associated with this request, please advise if credit card payment is an option or who the check should be payable to. Please send responses and documentation to rtaylor(&,,bbgres.com. In addition, we are on a tight deadline and was hoping to obtain a response within 1-2 weeks. Your help is greatly appreciated, please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. BBG Rebekah Fox Project Coordinator Assessment 1349 West Peachtree Street,Suite 900 Atlanta,GA 30309 P 203-9400-2285 E rfoxatbares.com W bbores.com VALUATION+ADVISORY+ASSESSMENT+ZONING la lit Ell 1lPage BBG BBGRES.COM LOCATIONS NATIONWIDE VALUATION + ADVISORY+ASSESSMENT + ZONING BBG PROPERTY INFORMATION: Job Number 0520009338 Hudson North, 10890 Southwest Canterbury Lane Tigard OR 97224 1. What is the current zone district (classification) of the subject property? 2. What are the adjacent property zones to the North: South: East: West: ? 3. Is the current use of the subject considered a? a. Permitted Use by Right b. Permitted Use with Conditions c. Permitted Use with Conditional Use Permit d. Permitted Use with Special Use Permit e. Permitted Use with Site Plan Approval 4. Was the subject property granted any planning approvals such as variances, special/conditional use permits, special administrative approvals?If so,please provide copies of the approved documentation. a. Variance b. Special Use Permit c. Conditional Use Permit d. Special Administrative Approvals 5. Additional Information: Wage BBG BBGRES.COM LOCATIONS NATIONWIDE VALUATION +ADVISORY +ASSESSMENT +ZONING BBG This information was researched on , 2019, by the undersigned,per request and as a public service. The undersigned certifies that the above information contained herein is believed to be accurate and is based upon or relates to the information supplied by the requestor. The Authority assumes no liability for errors and omissions.All information was obtained from public records, which may be inspected during regular business hours. PLANNING&ZONING/BUILDING AUTHORITY Municipality: Department: Name and Title: Contact Information: Phone Number: Email: Wage BBG BBGRES.COM LOCATIONS NATIONWIDE VALUATION +ADVISORY +ASSESSMENT +ZONING