07/02/2007 - Agenda • . .
Serving the Unincorporated Area
Tigard Public Library, Community Room
13500 SW Hall Blvd.
Tigard, Oregon
Monday,July 2, 2007, 7:00 p.m.
1. Call to Order and Introductions (TWD staff support)
2. Administer the Oath of Office to Newly Elected Commissioners -
Judge Upton
3. Selection of officers (Chair, Vice Chair, IWB Representative and
4. Visitor Comments
5. Discuss Staffing and Board Support
6. Non-Agenda Items
7. Set next meeting date -July 23, 2007, at 7:00 p.m.,
Tigard Public Works- ANNEX, 9020 SW Burnham Street, Tigard
8. Adjournment
Executive Session: The Tigard Water District Board may go into Executive Session under the
provisions of ORS 192660(2)(d), (e),&(h)to discuss labor relations,real property transactions,and
current and pending litigation issues.If an Executive Session is called to order, the appropriate ORS
citation will be announced identifying the applicable statute.All discussions within this session are
confidential;therefore nothing from this session may be disclosed by those present.Representatives
of the news media are allowed to attend this Session, as provided by ORS 192.660(4), but must not
disclose any information discussed.No Executive Session may be held for the purpose of taking any
final action or making any final decision.Executive Sessions are closed to the public.
Questions? Please contact the City of Tigard at 503.639.4171
Sheet for
Tigard Water District Special Meeting
July 2, 2007
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