07/22/2020 - Minutes City of Tigard
Committee for Community Engagement Minutes
MEETING DATE/TIME: Wednesday,July 22, 2020; 6:30 — 8:30 p.m.
MEETING LOCATION: Virtual meeting held via MS Teams
Liz Aberg, Dacia Grayber, Bhushan Gupta, David Hanna, Councilor Liz
Newton, Shoshona (Shoni) Pilip-Florea, Marissa Rainey, Connie Ramaekers,
Lauren Rowles, Taylor Sarman, Dolly Specht, Miranda Wood
Speakers: Mayor Jason Snider and Chief Kathy McAlpine
Staff liaisons: Nadine Robinson and Kent Wyatt
Chief McAlpine provided an update on the levy. She reminded the committee the levy
funded eight patrol officers, one school resource officer, support staff and crisis
intervention and de-escalation training for all officers.
She indicated the city has been recruiting for new officers. She noted it is a lengthy
process and a number of potential candidates do not make it through the process. At
the time of the meeting, one new officer was scheduled to begin working with the
department in September.
The Chief indicated she is looking to hire officers who see their role as guardians not
warriors. The department is also looking for cultural competency during the oral boards.
The Chief noted the city and the Tigard-Tualatin School District will be working with a
facilitator do determine whether there will be School Resources Officers in the schools.
Mayor Snider shared that the city has received hundreds of emails and written feedback
on racism and how the city should move forward. As a result of the feedback the Mayor
and Council are proposing a Public Safety Transformation Commission. The
Commission will initially look at Police related topics but will expand into all areas of
city services. The Commission will be made up of 15 persons who are representative of
the whole community. The proposed topics to have the Commission assess came out of
the community's feedback. Some of the topics may be ones the city doesn't have legal
authority to change but the Commission could recommend the city lobby to have laws
The Mayor indicated the Council is trying to determine how the Commission members
should be appointed. Two ideas are either through Council appointment or through a
caucus. The caucus allows anyone to participate. Those interested in an appointment
could give a speech and then the participants would vote.
Miranda asked if the Council had considered appointing an advisory committee that
could make recommendations.
The committee discussed the advantages and disadvantages of the options and then
voted on the option they support using the MS Teams Chat function. (The chat is
attached.) Four members were in favor of council appointment, five members were in
favor of a caucus type approach (as long as it is equitable) and one felt either could work
if done right.
It was asked if body cameras were funded through the levy. The chief responded that
the levy could pay for the additional staff needed to manage the volume of records body
cameras will create. It can also fund the equipment for the new officers. Cameras for
exiting staff will need to be funded with current resources.
Taylor indicated that labor negotiations are controlled by statute. The chief agreed and
said use of body cameras will need to be negotiated with the Tigard Police Officers
Association (TPOA.) She also recognized that there could be legislative mandates that
would affect the use of cameras.
Mayor Snider indicated this is an example where the Commission could take a strong
position and ask the city to work with state representatives to get the laws changed. He
wants the Commission to be thought leaders.
The Tigard Police Department follows seven of the eight objectives of the "8 can't
wait" campaign. They follow the Graham vs Connor Supreme Court decision for use of
force. This is the model taught by the police academy.
In regard to training, the city has provided citywide staff training on implicit bias. The
sworn officers will be the only ones receiving the crisis intervention and de-escalation
training. The chief indicated staff is mandated to get 24 hours of training each year. The
required training is in ethics and firearm training. Marissa said she thinks implicit bias
training should also be required; at least by the city. She said it would be a bold decision
to affect change. The Mayor agrees. He wants the city to be leading the way not meeting
minimum standards.
Marissa also asked if the Transformation Commission will be required to do bias
training. The Mayor indicated the Commission members will be required to do a ride-
along with an officer to get a better sense of the job.
Bhushan asked if the subjects for the mandated 24 hours of training are flexible. The
Chief said some subjects have mandatory minimum hours, but other areas do not. Also,
more than 24 hours of training can always be offered by a department. The 40 hours of
crisis intervention and de-escalation for uniformed officers is an example of that.
Dave asked about the Commission reviewing the use of bail. The Mayor indicated the
Commission and City could have an advocacy role.
Connie asked if Peer Court will come back. The Mayor said he would like that to
happen, but it is will be difficult to revive the program. Dolly and Bhushan support
bringing the program back.
Miranda said she would like to see residency requirements for police employees. She
also shared her appreciation for the information the city is putting online. She really
likes the transparency and thinks it is a great framework to continue with.
Taylor indicated in the Chat that he is hopeful the city will look at establishing a
standing citizen committee for DEI issues.
Nicole shared the proposed update to the city's strategic plan. The original vision
statement and plan were written in 2014. After six years, the city has refreshed the
vision and priorities and is reaching out to the community to verify the statement and
goals resonate. The updated vision statement and four strategic priority areas are:
Tigard: an equitable community that is walkable, healthy, and accessible for
1. Create an attractive and well-connected pedestrian network.
2. Ensure development and growth support the vision.
3. Set the standard for excellence in public service and customer experience.
4. Fund the vision while maintaining core services.
The city is in the process of getting community input on the vision statement and
priority areas. CCE members were invited to take the survey.
Bhushan asked if the city is asking for a set number of responses. Nicole said not a
specific number but enough that the city feels the responses are reflective of the
Dave asked if the strategic priorities are in order of importance. Nicole responded that
they are of equal importance, so no. He also asked about the 20-year timeline. Nicole
indicated it is a long-term vision that will be revisited and potentially updated every five
In the vision statement, Dave likes equitable being listed at the beginning.
Bhushan asked how the public will provide feedback. He wondered if people will need
to know the old version of the statement or will they only weigh-in only on the
proposed statement and priorities? Nicole said the public is being asked to provide
feedback on the new statement and priorities. The survey is online. However, the city is
providing an opportunity for people to do a deeper dive.
It was asked if walkable and accessible capture the same concepts. Walkable refers to
modes of travel (walking, biking, rolling) on sidewalks, paths and trails. Accessible refers
more to services and programs; although it can include facilities.
Appointment of chair and vice-chair positions
Dolly moved to have Dave Hanna continue as the CCE Chair. Taylor seconded the
motion. The motion was amended to have Dolly Specht continue to service as the CCE
Vice-chair. The committee was in agreement. Dave Hanna will continue to serve as
committee Chair and Dolly Specht as committee Vice-chair through the end of the year.
Approve January minutes
Taylor moved to approve the January 2020 meeting minutes. Connie seconded the
motion. The minutes were approved as submitted.
Miranda Wood announced she is moving out of Tigard and tonight's meeting will be
her last meeting. The committee members wish her the best!
Dolly announced she is graduating from the Leadership Tigard program (virtually) on
July 28 and invited the committee members to attend. She indicated the next Leadership
Tigard class will start on September 16'. More information to follow.
Next meeting:
September 16' at 7 p.m. The meeting will be held through MS Teams.
Adjournment at 8:30 pm
Committee for Community Engagement
MS TEAMS meeting chat
July 22,2020
[7/6 2:45 PM] Nadine Robinson renamed the meeting to Committee for Community Engagement -
July 22nd MS Teams meeting invitation.
[7/7 8:32 PM] Nadine Robinson added Kathy McAlpine to the meeting.
[7/22 4:41 PM] Nadine Robinson added Nicole Hendrix to the meeting.
[7/22 6:00 PM] Nadine Robinson added Guest to the meeting.
[7/22 6:11 PM] Nadine Robinson added Connie Ramaekers to the meeting.
[7/22 6:25 PM] Nadine Robinson added Guest to the meeting.
[7/22 6:28 PM] Nadine Robinson added Taylor Sarman to the meeting.
[7/22 6:28 PM] Nadine Robinson added Guest to the meeting.
[7/22 6:29 PM] Nadine Robinson added Guest to the meeting.
[7/22 6:31 PM] Dolly (Guest)
hello, everyone!
[7/22 6:31 PM] Nadine Robinson added Unknown User to the meeting.
[7/22 6:32 PM] Kent Wyatt
Councilor Newton- do you have a question? I see that your hand is raised
[7/22 6:36 PM] Dolly (Guest)
go ahead...
[7/22 6:36 PM] Rainey,Marissa
I'm good with diving right into the agenda!
[7/22 6:37 PM] Kent Wyatt
You'll be able to track the progress of the levy here htWs://www.tigard-or.gov/tigard levy/
[7/22 6:38 PM] Connie Ramaekers
Thank you Kent! Helpful!
(1 liked)
[7/22 6:40 PM] Nadine Robinson added Guest to the meeting.
[7/22 6:43 PM] Connie Ramaekers
Have there been any steps discussed about the SRO Program?
[7/22 6:43 PM] Nadine Robinson added Aberg,Elizabeth to the meeting.
[7/22 6:44 PM] Nadine Robinson added Guest to the meeting.
[7/22 6:47 PM] Shoni (Guest)
Sorry but what is SRO?
(1 liked)
[7/22 6:48 PM] Dolly (Guest)
thank you Chiefl
(1 liked)
[7/22 6:48 PM] Nadine Robinson
School Resource Officer
[7/22 6:48 PM] Kent Wyatt
School Resource Officer
[7/22 6:48 PM] Dolly (Guest)
School Resource Officer
[7/22 6:48 PM] Shoni (Guest)
Thank you. Please be mindful of acronyms! Thanks!!!! smile
(2 liked)
[7/22 6:49 PM]Jason Snider
school resource officer
[7/22 6:49 PM] Connie Ramaekers
Sorry Shoni!
[7/22 6:49 PM] Kent Wyatt
Good reminder Shoni
[7/22 6:49 PM]Jason Snider
school resource officer
[7/22 6:49 PM] Kathy McAlpine
Thanks everyone sorry for the acronyms
[7/22 6:50 PM] Dolly (Guest)
Yes,and I did read. ;)
(1 liked)
[7/22 6:51 PM] Kent Wyatt
You can also view the Transformation Commission info here. httl2s://www.tigard-
or.gov/city hall/transformation commission.php
[7/22 6:51 PM] Shoni (Guest)
No worries! I always need reminder having been in the military and working for a federal agency lol
(1 liked)
[7/22 6:53 PM] Dolly (Guest)
was feedback heavy on positive or negative?
[7/22 6:55 PM] Dolly (Guest)
[7/22 6:55 PM] Dolly (Guest)
[7/22 6:56 PM] Dolly (Guest)
that is correct.
[7/22 6:57 PM] Kent Wyatt
On the Community for All webpage,you'll find more background including FAQs.
https://www.tigard-or.gov/community for all/
[7/22 6:58 PM] Dolly (Guest)
thanks, Kent!
[7/22 6:58 PM] Dolly (Guest)
[7/22 7:01 PM] Rainey,Marissa
i like option 2.way more wide reaching
[7/22 7:03 PM] Dolly (Guest)
Option 2 -- seems to lead to an election process...
[7/22 7:04 PM] Dolly (Guest)
I'm for Option 1 for Council to vet and create the caucus.
[7/22 7:05 PM] Bhushan (Guest)
Have we used Option 2 in the past and what is our experience?
[7/22 7:06 PM] Connie Ramaekers
I like Marissa"s idea.
[7/22 7:06 PM] Shoni (Guest)
I don't see the raise hand feature that I'm used to on Teams if 1 get in line...thanks!
[7/22 7:06 PM] Dolly (Guest)
you're welcome
[7/22 7:11 PM] Shoni (Guest)
I believe opening it up as broad as possible is best but also there are equity issues depending on how
you actually recruit people
[7/22 7:11 PM] Shoni (Guest)
Yeah—what he said lol (better than I was)
[7/22 7:11 PM] Dacia Grayber (she/her) (Guest)
Thanks all for sharing this excellent discussion-- I have to jump to another meeting.
(1 liked)
[7/22 7:12 PM] Nadine Robinson removed Guest from the meeting.
[7/22 7:13 PM] Shoni (Guest)
Agree on the amount of ask...I had the equivalent of sticker shock on that
[7/22 7:14 PM] Shoni (Guest)
Agree...perfect process is the enemy of good
[7/22 7:15 PM] Taylor Sarman
Mayor breaks the tie!
[7/22 7:15 PM] Dolly (Guest)
yes,we do.
[7/22 7:15 PM] Rainey,Marissa
Option 2
[7/22 7:15 PM] Connie Ramaekers
Option 1 - Connie
[7/22 7:15 PM] Aberg, Elizabeth
Fine with me
[7/22 7:15 PM] Dave (Guest)
Option 1 -Dave Hanna
[7/22 7:16 PM] Taylor Sarman
Option 1 -Taylor
[7/22 7:16 PM] Bhushan (Guest)
Option 2
[7/22 7:16 PM] Dolly (Guest)
Option 1
[7/22 7:17 PM] Taylor Sarman
Totally agree with Shoni
[7/22 7:18 PM] Shoni (Guest)
Have to step away for one minute. Option 2 if equity issues can be worked out
(1 liked)
[7/22 7:18 PM] Aberg, Elizabeth
Option 2
[7/22 7:18 PM] Nadine Robinson removed Guest from the meeting.
[7/22 7:19 PM] Nadine Robinson added Guest to the meeting.
[7/22 7:23 PM] Dave (Guest)
Encouraging questions and comments from the committee in this space...
(1 liked)
[7/22 7:26 PM] Miranda (Guest)
Sorry, I know a definite vote is wanted but I'll just jot my thoughts down here... I think either option
could work well as long as communication is focused/committed to by the city with known
organizations/representatives in the community that meet the criteria/life experience needed. If the
City/Council doesn't have a known and wide list of diverse organizations they're working with or
aware of already that could be contacted to appoint for Option 1 then Option 2 (and starting to
build those relationships) could be better for casting a wider net.
(2 liked)
[7/22 7:28 PM] Kent Wyatt
8 can't wait details htips://8cantwait.org/
(1 liked)
8 Can't Wait
Cities that enact these eight use-of-force policies can reduce police violence by 72%. Look up your
city and contact your mayor now.
[7/22 7:30 PM] Dave (Guest)
Thank you for the clarification on that.
[7/22 7:32 PM] Lauren Rowles (Guest)
I realized my vote never went through. I would vote for Option 2
(1 liked)
[7/22 7:34 PM] Rainey,Marissa
i believe it should be mandatory
[7/22 7:37 PM] Dolly (Guest)
at another session with Leadership Tigard,we learned that our Tigard PD hiring process and
qualifications are already better or more stringent than state or other cities
[7/22 7:38 PM] Bhushan (Guest)
Is the training flexible or customizable?
[7/22 7:43 PM] Miranda (Guest)
Right track
[7/22 7:43 PM] Connie Ramaekers
Right track
[7/22 7:43 PM] Rainey,Marissa
Great track!
[7/22 7:43 PM] Dave (Guest)
Right track. Big,long, expansive track,but right track...
[7/22 7:44 PM] Connie Ramaekers
I would like to see the re-establishment of Peer Court
[7/22 7:44 PM] Bhushan (Guest)
Its the right thing to do!
[7/22 7:45 PM] Kent Wyatt
I'd encourage CCE members to share this input opportunity with friends, neighbors, and others in
Tigard. htWs://www.tigard-or.gov/city hall/transformation commission.php
(3 liked)
[7/22 7:46 PM] Bhushan (Guest)
Was the peer court program effective?
[7/22 7:47 PM] Bhushan (Guest)
I support it.
[7/22 7:48 PM] Dolly (Guest)
I'd support that Peer Court.
[7/22 7:48 PM] Connie Ramaekers
Yes Mayor! Thank you!
[7/22 7:48 PM] Kathy McAlpine
It is only successful with the school resource officers identifying the students.
[7/22 7:50 PM] Bhushan (Guest)
I have a question about the photo radar. Is it the right time to ask?
[7/22 7:50 PM] Taylor Sarman
I'm hopeful the city will also look at establishing a standing citizen board/committee that works on
DEI issues.
(1 liked)
[7/22 7:51 PM] Kathy McAlpine
We just created a police transparency page to host data and other relevant information
[7/22 7:51 PM] Dolly (Guest)
thank you, Chief Kathy
[7/22 7:51 PM] Dolly (Guest)
nope on the slides.
[7/22 7:52 PM] Miranda (Guest)
Yes, the new data page is great! I was looking at!Thank you!
(2 liked)
[7/22 7:52 PM] Dolly (Guest)
oops! my husband asked me a question and I automatically typed my answer! LOL
[7/22 7:54 PM] Nadine Robinson
Taylor, I've included your DEI committee comment.
[7/22 7:54 PM] Dolly (Guest)
does that apply to 25mph zones?
[7/22 7:55 PM] Dolly (Guest)
you're welcome to stay Mayor Jason
[7/22 7:55 PM] Nadine Robinson
Dolly,we rarely see cites for less than 5 miles over.
[7/22 7:55 PM] Dolly (Guest)
Thank you Chiefl
[7/22 7:55 PM] Nicole Hendrix
Here are some links related to the strategic plan refresh: Strategic Plan Committee Survey can be
taken here. Strategic Plan Process Summary can be viewed here. Link to community page and
survey here.
(1 liked)
[7/22 7:56 PM] Connie Ramaekers
Thank you Chief and Mayor!
(1 liked)
[7/22 7:56 PM] Miranda (Guest)
[7/22 7:57 PM] Kathy McAlpine
always my pleasure
[7/22 8:00 PM] Nadine Robinson
I will send all the links that were provided tonight out to the committee tomorrow.
[7/22 8:01 PM] Dave (Guest)
Are the strategic priorities presented in order of importance?
[7/22 8:04 PM] Bhushan (Guest)
Is there a number of responses we are targeting?
[7/22 8:05 PM] Miranda (Guest)
I really want to commend you and your staff for trying to keep community outreach going during
this time when reaching the community is really hard!
[7/22 8:06 PM] Connie Ramaekers
Yes,I totally agree with Miranda!Thank you for all you are doing to reach out in such a challenging
[7/22 8:11 PM] Dolly (Guest)
that would be me on the "not too important on walkable." ;)
[7/22 8:11 PM] Dolly (Guest)
ditto, Dave
[7/22 8:13 PM] Connie Ramaekers
I like the refreshed Vision. I took the survey.
(1 liked)
[7/22 8:15 PM] Dolly (Guest)
survey submitted, thank you!
[7/22 8:17 PM] Dolly (Guest)
Dave's been great, I've done nothing....:0
[7/22 8:17 PM] Dolly (Guest)
[7/22 8:18 PM] Dolly (Guest)
I propose Dave continue....
[7/22 8:18 PM] Dolly (Guest)
can I make that motion?
[7/22 8:18 PM] Taylor Sarman
I second that motion!
[7/22 8:18 PM] Connie Ramaekers
I agree!
[7/22 8:18 PM] Dolly (Guest)
thanks TS & CR!
[7/22 8:19 PM] Miranda (Guest)
[7/22 8:19 PM] Bhushan (Guest)
[7/22 8:19 PM] Lauren Rowles (Guest)
[7/22 8:19 PM] Taylor Sarman
[7/22 8:19 PM] Connie Ramaekers
[7/22 8:19 PM] Dolly (Guest)
look at that!
[7/22 8:19 PM] Rainey,Marissa
agree! Thanks Dave&Dolly!
[7/22 8:19 PM] Dolly (Guest)
I'm good to continue doing nothing!!! LOL
[7/22 8:19 PM] Dolly (Guest)
just kidding!
[7/22 8:20 PM] Dolly (Guest)
yup --It looks ok...content.
[7/22 8:20 PM] Taylor Sarman
Move to approve the minutes! :)
[7/22 8:20 PM] Miranda (Guest)
[7/22 8:20 PM] Connie Ramaekers
[7/22 8:20 PM] Dolly (Guest)
[7/22 8:21 PM] Dolly (Guest)
[7/22 8:21 PM] Aberg, Elizabeth
[7/22 8:21 PM] Rainey,Marissa
[7/22 8:21 PM] Miranda (Guest)
[7/22 8:21 PM] Taylor Sarman
[7/22 8:21 PM] Connie Ramaekers
[7/22 8:21 PM] Lauren Rowles (Guest)
[7/22 8:21 PM] Bhushan (Guest)
[7/22 8:21 PM] Dolly (Guest)
I have an invite for Tigard Leadership Graduation
(1 liked)
[7/22 8:22 PM] Dolly (Guest)
Miranda is moving
[7/22 8:22 PM] Dolly (Guest)
[7/22 8:22 PM] Rainey,Marissa
Congratulations Miranda!
(1 liked)
[7/22 8:22 PM] Dolly (Guest)
ANd YES, a backyard IS AWESOME!
[7/22 8:23 PM] Bhushan (Guest)
That's great Dolly!!
[7/22 8:23 PM] Kent Wyatt
Congrats Miranda!You've been an important contributor to the city.
(1 liked)
[7/22 8:23 PM] Dave (Guest)
We'll miss you, and your friendship. Best of luck!
[7/22 8:23 PM] Lauren Rowles (Guest)
We will miss you!You've been a great asset to the group. Best wishes!
[7/22 8:23 PM] Aberg, Elizabeth
Good luck
[7/22 8:23 PM] Connie Ramaekers
Best wishes to you Miranda!
[7/22 8:25 PM] Nadine Robinson
I will be at the graduation virtually.
[7/22 8:25 PM] Taylor Sarman
It was a wonderful program—highly recommend it!
(1 liked)
[7/22 8:26 PM] Kent Wyatt
Mayor Snider is the graduation speaker.
[7/22 8:26 PM] Aberg, Elizabeth
[7/22 8:26 PM] Miranda (Guest)
Thanks Dolly! Congrats!
[7/22 8:27 PM] Dolly (Guest)
Yes, Kent...and EMCEE is Dan Murphy.
(1 liked)
[7/22 8:27 PM] Dolly (Guest)
It will be a physical outdoor graduation for us, but it will be streamed LIVE.
[7/22 8:27 PM] Rainey,Marissa
Sept 16?
[7/22 8:27 PM] Dolly (Guest)
I will provide y'all with additional info, as soon as I get it.
[7/22 8:27 PM] Dolly (Guest)
Graduation is July 28th,I think
[7/22 8:28 PM] Kent Wyatt
Great job leading the meeting,Dave (Guest)!
[7/22 8:28 PM] Bhushan (Guest)
I know a Dan Murphy via Toastmasters. Is it the same person?
(1 liked)
[7/22 8:28 PM] Dolly (Guest)
Sept 16 may be the first day of Class 2021
[7/22 8:28 PM] Dolly (Guest)
Dan Murphy of Broadway Rose Theater
[7/22 8:29 PM] Bhushan (Guest)
[7/22 8:29 PM] Dolly (Guest)
I encourage everyone also to participate in all the LIVE forums whenever they come up
[7/22 8:29 PM] Connie Ramaekers
David -great job and thank you!
[7/22 8:29 PM] Taylor Sarman
Thank you all!
[7/22 8:29 PM] Rainey,Marissa
thanks everyone!!
[7/22 8:30 PM] Miranda (Guest)
Thanks again everyone. Best wishes and I'll miss this!
[7/22 8:30 PM] Dolly (Guest)
thanks everyone!
[7/22 8:30 PM] Bhushan (Guest)
Thank you everyone.
[7/22 8:30 PM] Dolly (Guest)
[7/22 8:30 PM] Connie Ramaekers
Good night everyone Thank you!
[7/22 8:30 PM] Miranda (Guest)
Thank you! :)
[7/22 8:30 PM] Nadine Robinson removed Guest from the meeting.
[7/22 8:30 PM] Dolly (Guest)
[7/22 8:30 PM] Miranda (Guest)
Good night!
[7/22 8:30 PM] Nadine Robinson removed Guest from the meeting.
[7/22 8:30 PM] Nadine Robinson removed Guest from the meeting.
[7/22 8:30 PM] Nadine Robinson removed Guest from the meeting.
[7/22 8:30 PM] Unknown User has left the meeting.
Meeting ended 2h 33m 7/22 8:33 PM
July 30, 2020
Meeting ended 6m 51s 7/30 3:25 PM