Issue Paper No 8_City Facilities Consolidation City of Tigard
City Facilities Consolidation (CFC) Project
The CFC project is a citywide initiative with department directors from City Management, Central Services,
Community Development, Finance, and the Police Department participating. The project is led by Community
Development Director Kenny Asher, with some areas being co-led by Central Services Director Nadine Robinson.
Project Description: Why is the project needed?
The CFC project has the potential to transform the city's downtown To many residents the City Hall complex may seem to be a
by consolidating city services into a smaller footprint and opening newer facility.The building looks nice and the grounds are
up approximately 9-1/2 acres of city-owned land for redevelopment. maintained. However,the complex was built in the mid-80's and
is aging. Over time the city's facility staff has seen an increase
Redevelopment could include downtown living,shopping and in the number of service requests and the amount of time spent
dining.The project would provide the community with a resilient, maintaining the buildings.
cost-effective public services facility to replace our aging facilities.
Additionally, needed system replacements,such as the Police
To accomplish this dramatic change,the operations divisions of Department roof, HVAC systems and main sewer lines are
the Public Works department will move to a location outside of the extremely expensive.A Facilities Condition Assessment(FCA),
downtown.Their new site will allow staff,vehicles,equipment and completed in 2016, identified the extent of the maintenance,
materials to be located atone site versus multiple sites as they are repairs and system replacements needed and provided an
now.The proposed public services facility could then be built on estimate of the cost for the work.As those cost estimates were
the property at Burnham St and Hall Blvd. getting outdated, a consultant was retained to update the
Background: estimates.After making needed adjustments,the consultant
In February 2020,the Tigard City Council heard a proposal from a estimated it will cost approximately$15.61VI to complete the
work team made up of department directors and consultants about ten-year repair and maintenance plan for the existing facilities
the feasibility of consolidating most city services into a new facility
(2016-2026)outlined in the FCA.
located on city-owned property downtown.After learning about the In addition to concerns about the facilities aging,there are also
potential benefits,Council gave staff direction to continue exploring concerns about how well the structures will fare in a seismic event.
the feasibility of moving the project forward.
In 2018 the city retained a structural engineering firm to conduct
The work happening in Fiscal Year 2020/2021 includes developing a preliminary assessment of the seismic condition of the city's
a business case for the project,delving deeper into the functional facilities. Given the buildings'ages and the evolution of seismic
planning for the facility,and sharing the potential project with the building codes since construction,none of the buildings are code
community to get input and buy-in. compliant,and all would be expected to experience moderate to
Preliminary review of funding options indicate the project can
substantial damage during the next major earthquake.
be funded without raising property taxes,although voters would
have to approve new general obligation bonds,possibly on the
November 2021 ballot. If funding is secured,the project could
begin construction in summer 2023.
City Facilities Consolidation (CFC) Project City of Tigard
Why is the project needed? (continued) Connection to the Strategic Plan
One possible solution to prepare for a seismic event would be to Tigard's strategic plan,downtown plans and staff's review of public
upgrade the facilities to current seismic codes.A very preliminary benefits all support the consolidation of city facilities to the greatest
assessment of costs to upgrade the facilities to current codes found extent possible in the downtown,for the following reasons:
that the cost could be as high as$21.7 million.
1. Consolidation offers the lowest cost option over the long term for
Perhaps not as apparent to the public,the buildings have become Tigard taxpayers and rate payers.
overcrowded.When the City Hall complex was constructed in
the mid-80's Tigard's population was 20,000 and there were 86 2.Consolidation ensures that essential and nonessential
city employees. Now Tigard's population is over 54,000 and the government services will be able to continue operating
number of staff needed to provide service has grown significantly. through seismic or other emergency events,while reducing
reconstruction costs and risks.
While some departments gained additional space when the
Library moved from the Permit Center to its current building in 3.Consolidation will reduce inefficiencies between departments
2004,that move didn't address crowding issues for Public Works currently separated between buildings,thereby lowering delays,
operations or the Police Department. By 2006, both departments bottlenecks and bureaucracy in the provision of city services to
began working with consultants to determine their space needs the public.
and potential paths to accommodate growth. In 2018 additional
civic center planning and programming was completed for most 4.Consolidation frees up land that Tigard taxpayers have already
departments in the city. acquired,the redevelopment of which allows for higher tax
receipts,more economic stimulus and increases much-needed
All these assessments have shown there is a need for additional market-rate and affordable housing in the downtown area.
space. However,the city hasn't been able to assemble funding
to move forward to address those needs.With city facilities at 5.Consolidation enables the city to most effectively minimize its
capacity,and a possible funding strategy available to move the carbon footprint.This recognizes climate responsibility and
planning forward,it is imperative the city act.City facilities are not energy conservation through intentional building and site design
just aged,they are also full. as well as transportation demand management.
Current project elements I Business Case Development Communication and Engagement Efforts
In summer 2020,the City of Tigard retained Johnson Economics to As with all large projects, it is important that the city provide
conduct an evaluation of the business case for residents with information about the need for the project and the
benefits.To help with that,the city has engaged Kearns&West
1. A new Civic Center that would house all of the city's major to create a communications and engagement plan for the CFC
functions except for library and public works operations,and project.The plan will serve to increase Tigard resident's awareness
2. A new Public Works Operations facility that would accommodate of the CFC project. It will also identify opportunities for the
all of the personnel and equipment needed to carry out Public community to shape aspects of the project design,create ways for
Works'operations. residents to see the link between this project and the city's overall
The analysis being completed provides a financial comparison goals,and the demonstrate benefits of the CFC project.
between the CFC concept and upgrading the current facilities, Kearns&West has conducted internal and external stakeholder
recognizing that the city's ultimate decision will be largely driven by interviews as well as holding a focus group. Based on these
its fiscal responsibility to the Tigard taxpayers. exchanges, messaging is being tested with the city's Committee
Johnson Economics' preliminary reports suggest the CFC project for Community Engagement.
reflects the preferred option evaluated over a 20-year horizon as it PacWest Communications is also participating in the project and
represents the lowest net overall cost space and will generate new is providing strategic guidance as we consider a potential bond
property tax from the released sites. in 2021.
City Facilities Consolidation (CFC) Project City of Tigard
Building Programming
The city is working with DLR Group to complete a functional design
review and develop concept drawings for the CFC project.This
work builds on the work done by FFA Architecture+Design in
2019.The programming that is being completed plans for space
needs 20 years into the future and determines adjacencies that can
improve efficiency. DLR Group worked directly with the user groups
to understand their current space needs,future requirements,and
appropriateness of working from home.Through interviews with
staff, DLR Group learned about departmental functions,operations
and space needs on an individual and unit basis that they used to
inform their planning.
With city operation being impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic,
and many employees working from home,the city also wants to
understand what work modality changes might be incorporated
into the plan for the new city facilities due to this influencing factor.
The Leadership Team is now reviewing lessons learned through
the pandemic and considering how work from home options may
extend into the future.
Next Steps
The city's Redevelopment Team will be providing Council with an
update in January 2021.
Additional Information
February 19,2020 presentation to Tigard City Council.