Issue Paper No 6_Transportation City of Tigard
Transportation Departments involved: Community Development; Public Works; Police
The city has a transportation network within city limits that it plans for, maintains and regulates. Additionally,
Tigard staff work with neighboring jurisdictions and regional and state government to assure that goods and
people can move about the city and region safely and effectively.
Background:Tigard's transportation system has always been to match the federal grant for the project has not been secured,
dominated by its central location in the region and the large and the recent effort to line it up through Metro's Get Moving 2020
highways and rail lines that run through the city.The effect of measure,failed at the ballot box. The project is completing its Final
these two factors,along with the growth of the region,has led Environmental Impact Statement in the hopes of getting a Record
to growing congestion,a disconnected street network,and of Decision from the FTA,which would complete the environmental
insufficient infrastructure to support non-vehicular travel.The phase. Whether and when the project will continue is unknown.
Community Development, Public Works and Police Departments Planning and engineering activities for the line have been stopped.
work together to address these deficiencies by planning for active Transportation System Plan
transportation and transit upgrades,securing non-city funds for
Tigard's Transportation System Plan (TSP)is the master plan for
capital improvements,managing and constructing a five-year
Transportation Capital Improvement Program,and maintaining both the city's transportation infrastructure, and includes an update to
the rights-of-way itself and enforcing the municipal code provisions Policies that determine where,when and how the city will make
that govern the use of those rights-of-way. future investments in the system.The last update to the TSP was
ten years ago and multiple factors like growth,strategic visioning,
Benefits:Tigard's transportation system is largely explained and economic development patterns require an updated plan.
by Tigard's growth and success as a city over the last fifty years. Additionally,the TSP sets out how the city will collect systems
Despite its insufficiencies,the presence of Hwy 99, Hwy 217, 1-5 development charges which are impact payments made with
and large arterials like Scholls Ferry, Bonita,Durham and Gaarde new development—a key source of funds for the city to continue
Roads ensured that jobs and homes would be developed in Tigard. modernizing its transportation system.The TSP update is a
The benefit of the system was the convenience it provided to 15-month planning project led by Community Development with
employers,retailers and residents locating here. support from the other departments. Community involvement in
the plan update is highly desirable and a large focus of the effort.
With growth in the southwestern part of Washington County,and The update began in September and is expected to come to
in Yamhill County,that benefit has been steadily eroding,and the Council for adoption late 2021.
city has turned its attention to improving alternative transportation Photo Enforcement Program
networks that focus more strictly on intra-Tigard travel—with the Tigard's Transportation System Plan(TSP)is the master plan for
pedestrian network/experience being foremost in this effort. the city's transportation infrastructure,and includes an update to
policies that determine where,when and how the city will make
ACTIONS future investments in the system. The last update to the TSP was
ten years ago and multiple factors like growth,strategic visioning,
Southwest Corridor and economic development patterns require an updated plan.
The Southwest Corridor refers to both a location and a light rail Additionally,the TSP sets out how the city will collect systems
project that has been in planning mode for the past 10 years. The development charges which are impact payments made with
location generally follows Hwy 99 from Portland to Sherwood. new development—a key source of funds for the city to continue
The light rail project was an 8-mile run from downtown Portland modernizing its transportation system. The TSP update is a
to Bridgeport Village that included six stations in Tigard—the 15-month planning project led by Community Development with
northern three in the city's regionally designated Town Center(i.e. support from the other departments. Community involvement in
the Triangle and Downtown Districts). The light rail project was the plan update is highly desirable and a large focus of the effort.
projected to carry more than 30,000 passengers a year to locations The update began in September and is expected to come to
like PCC,OHSU and downtown Portland. However local funding Council for adoption late 2021.
Transportation City of Tigard
ACTIONS (continued) Links
Webpages to learn more
Tigard classifies its streets as major arterials, minor arterials, Photo Enforcement FAQs:
collectors, and local streets with each serving a different branch https://www.tigard-oLgov/police/PTE_FAQs.php
in the hierarchy. The Public Works department is responsible
for maintaining the streets which it does through a Pavement Southwest Corridor:
Management Program, a sweeping program, maintenance of
the shoulders and utilities that typically run along or under the
streets (sanitary sewer, stormwater,water lines). Franchise Transportation System Plan:
agreements with energy and telecom companies are also part https://www.engage.tigard-oLgov/tsp
of the streets system and these are negotiated by the city's
Public Works and Finance staff, with legal support.
New streets are built almost entirely with new development;
this process,which occurs through Development Review, is
led by the Community Development Department and governed
by street standards that are written into the Community
Development Code and standards that are adopted by the City
Engineer. Public Works Engineering regulates how new streets
are built through a Public Facilities Improvement Permit.
Photo Enforcement: Go live dates: Red Light Cameras March
2020, Intersection Speed July 2020. At the end of October
2020,there were 2,189 citations issued for red light violations
and 8,412 speed violations.
Southwest Corridor:Adoption of Memorandum of
Understanding between Tigard and TriMet, November 2017:
adoption of the Locally Preferred Alternative, 2018; Recognition
of the Transit Oriented Development Work Charter between
Tigard and TriMet 2019;
Transportation System Plan:Adoption of the City's
Complete Streets Policy 2019; Kickoff of the TSP project
September 2020