The John Tigard House The JohD Tigard House When John Tigard's home was threatened with
demolition in the late 19705 TAHPA was
'Ihe current k1cDonald Street and Pacific organized and was able to come to its rescue.
1 lighway was the center ofthe Tarnring Funds were raised to move it to its present site
conununit> of East Butte in 1880 when John and fur extensive restoration. The main funding
Tigard's home was built on the southeast came from a matchin
g grant-in-aid from the
corner ofthis intersection (where Elmer s U.S. Department of the Interior.
Pancake House is today). In the 1890s when
John's brother Charles F. was a member of the The Ilouse sat on its site relatively ignored
Oregon Legislature, C.F. renamed the town until the late 1980x, when a group ofcaring
Figardville" in honor of his father , Wilson individuals revived the TAMPA organization
I rgard, one of the earliest settlers in the area. It p the crusade to restore this old
and took u
wasn't until 1907 when the railroad was hidden treasure.
constructed from Lugene to Portland that the
townsite was moved a mile north to Main Now located at SW Canterbury Lane and SW
Street and called Tigard to distinguish 103rd in Tigard, Oregon, the home was entered
"Tigardville" from "Wilsonville," the next on the National Register of Historic Places in
stop south. 1979. It is is by TAHPA on land leased
through the Tigard Water District.
Present needs of the historical association
—= _ include a separate building with restroom and
work space that would enable TAHPA to carry
on the work of preserving Tward's history and
educating the public in Tigard's earlier ways of
Meeting these needs requires the hard work
of community members and their time,
expertise, recollections and artifacts, as well
Born near Fayetteville. Arkansas on December as funding.
25, 1850, John was the only one of Wilson
Tigard's ten children to cross the Oregon Trail If You wish to participate in achieving these
by wagon in 1852. As an adult, )re operated a goals, having a group tour of the House, or
coach route from Tigardville to Portland and renting it for meetings Orsntall g >
was the owner-of a general store in Fulton, please call TAHPA's office at the Historic
today part of southwest Portland. John Tigard House at 639-285