Tigard Beyond Tomorrow - 1999 Progress Update Tomorrow
1999 Update
Pro ress9
Detailed Report 40
an s to each and everyone who has
been instrumental in working towards 40
i • - livableTigardcommunity.
Remember, - can make i
Partnerships between citizens and local service providers are working well
(City of Tigard, Tigard-Tualatin School District, and Tualatin Valley Fire d Rescue)
A remarkable event happened in the Tigard community in the fall of 1996 and throughout 1997. What will Tigard look like in 2017? In 1997, the citizen-based Vision Task Force
Residents, government professionals, business people, and community group leaders volunteered to work developed the direction for our community and goals to be achieved by 2017. Following is the
together to determine what should be the community's future. Adopting the name "Tigard Beyond
Tomorrow,"they established a process that would define a vision for our community. Then they identified community's vision statement.
the resources for implementing that vision through a partnership of individuals and organizations.
We; as citizens of the Tigard community, are committed to shaping the community's future in
This unprecedented level of cooperation recognizes that Tigard and the surrounding community is at a agreement with the direction given through this on-going vision process. This process relies on
significant juncture. It is almost fully developed. The community has experienced fast-paced growth. citizen involvement and participation, and coordinated actions by the community's decision-makers.
Growth is still occurring, however, there are more issues today associated with redevelopment and the
need to preserve existing infrastructure and increase capacity of the infrastructure. The community is Tigard is a safe, dynamic community supported by coordinated and efficient public services. Funding
becoming more diverse as it serves as a"bedroom community" to the City of Portland. A large portion of for services is stable and recipients pay their share.
the traffic in Tigard each day is "through traffic" going to and from a regional shopping mall and
commuting to and from work in surrounding communities. Citizens are educated about how to access public services and understand their responsibility to
participate as members of the community.
The Tigard Beyond Tomorrow process has completed its second year of working toward the community's
long-term goals. The entire community has been responsible for taking action toward accomplishing the There are a variety of opportunities for citizens of all ages to access education programs for life-
goals. The City, School District and Fire District have taken the lead in carrying out some of the action long learning. Our community recognizes and accepts the responsibility each citizen has in promoting
plans. Other plans have required the involvement of local businesses, non-profit agencies, volunteer and supporting quality education.
groups, churches, and the community at large. Every person and organization that takes part is making
our community's vision a reality. Small and local businesses thrive. Business owners are involved and take responsibility for the
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ impacts their businesses have on the community.
What is in this report? The Vision Task Force didn't stop with just developing a direction A community value"to respect open spaces and natural features"encourages access to these by our
for the overall community,but developed direction statements for each of the six areas of review. In the citizens. Many leisure time and recreational opportunities are available for our community.
next several pages, the reader will find information on 1999 activity and achievements in each specific
target area. Included are the direction statement and a listing of goals,strategies,action plans, progress All of these elements work together to promote and protect Tigard's individual identity and quality
updates and the timeline for completion. The six target areas are seen below. of life.
What is the next step & how can I get involved? Community-wide review
and update to the action plans will occur during 2000. This step is important to ensure that Tigord
Beyond Tomorrow stays on track with the changing times and desires of our community. Many
citizens will receive a survey in the late Spring. Please take time to complete the survey and return
it to the City. Your opinion is REALLY important! If you are interested in a particular area of the
vision work, please give a call and request more information from one of the organizations listed
Character and Schools City of Tigard Tigard/Tualatin School District Tualatin Valley Fire and
Quality of life and 13125 SW Hall Blvd 13137 SW Pacific Highway Rescue
Education Tigard, Oregon 97223 Tigard, OR 97223 20665 SW Blanton Street
Phone: (503)639-4171 Phone: (503)620-1620 Aloha, OR 97007
Growth and TDD; (503)684-2772 http://www.ttsd.kl2.or.us Phone: (503)649-8577
Carawth Management http://www.ci.tigard.or.us http://www.tvfr.com
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Community Character & Quality of Life
Direction Statement: 1999 Progress Summary:
Tigard citizens are involved in their community. Involvement is citizen driven and citizens have the tools to The goal,strategies and action plan for volunteerism are on target. The City's volunteer program continues to grow,giving the
communicate effectively with community-wide decision-makers. Volunteer spirit has been maximized through citizens and City staff opportunities to work together to accomplish projects throughout the community. The Citizen Involvement
community-wide coordination of volunteers. Our community supports its volunteers with appropriate training and Team(CIT) Program continues to be reevaluated. Since attendance at CIT meetings is low, a citizen survey appeared in the
December 1999 Cityscape to determine the future and need for this program. A new community connector program was initiated.
volunteer recognition. Tigard encourages local, regional and community events. City funding priorities go to events,
Businesses in the Central Business District (TCBDA)went through the process to be formally established, including writing
which move toward financial self-sufficiency,and new community-wide events. Business owners,property owners, and
residents of the Main Street Area display strong leadership, ownership, and commitment to downtown development. bylaws and writing a mission statement.. The Mission of the Tigard Central Business District Association is to set the course
The Main Street area is seen as a `focal point' for the community. A clear direction has been established for a for the future of the central downtown area that will promote the health and viability of the community and businesses while
pedestrian-friendly downtown and is being implemented. The Tigard community has a defined, proactive vision for preserving the unique qualities ofdowntown Tigard and providing a safe environment for families and individuals to work, live
and gather. The TCBDA will be evaluating parking, streetscape and marketing. Community event issues were discussed at
community aesthetics. Open space is a priority and new development is required to dedicate open areas for community, several Council and Budget Committee meetings last year. A subcommittee was formed to make recommendations. Follow up
use. will occur as Council&Budget Committee give direction during 2000. Community aesthetics work is essentially on hold until
after the Washineton Square Regional Center Plan has been reviewed and adopted.
#1) City will maximize the effectiveness of the 1) Consider appointment of Community Volunteer ➢ Continue with Volunteer Committee to develop foundation of needs& Complete Complete
volunteer spirit to accomplish the greatest good Coordinator/Ombudsman opportunities
for our community ➢ Write job description & conduct research on effective programs Complete Complete
➢ Develop Ombudsman role(Citizen Advocate) Ombudsman role is performed by City Administration staff Complete
as well as through facilitator training for staff members
throughout the Ci
2)Enhance current volunteer program ➢ Inventory current volunteer opportunities Volunteer opportunities are inventoried and communicated Ongoing
with the community in the Cityscape.
➢ Sponsor"Make a Difference Day" Third annual"Make a Difference Day"was 10/23/99. Report Annual Event
to the Community included in the December Cityscape
➢ Develop Volunteerism Program for students Several opportunities for student volunteers were available. Complete,ongoing
Student volunteers were used in the Library, Police.
➢ Use Cityscape to facilitate Volunteer Program Engineering,Public Works and Administration Departments. Complete.ongoing
3)Strengthen Citizen Involvement Team(CIT)Program ➢ Solicit ideas to improve the CIT program New citizen ideas implemented this last year. Citizen survey Complete,ongoing
➢ Review use of Cityscape features for CIT program for more ideas is in the December 1999 Cityscape. Complete.ongoing
#2) Citizen involvement opportunities will be 1) Encourage public participation through accessibility ➢ Make Council meetings(study meetings)more accessible No action in 1999. Complete
maximized by providing educational programs and education ➢ Sponsor Annual Residents Open House for existing and new residents; Open house held at the September CIT meeting; attendance Ongoing
on process,assuring accessibility to information, promote volunteer opportunities was small
providing opportunities for input and ➢ Develop a Citizen handbook City website used for citizen information;however,this goal 2000
establishing and maintaining a program of should be reviewed. Action Committee recommends that this
effective communication be completed this next year.
➢ Improve communication of Council decisions Council meeting recaps are prepared after Council meetings Ongoing
and posted on the City's website. The back page of the
Cityscape is devoted to highlights of Council meetings.
➢ Develop community education program on local government & its CIT meetings were used for this purpose. Communit} Ongoing
services connector �roeram initiated.
Downtown 1)Tigard's CBD:Be Pro-active ➢ Establish Central Business District(CBD)Committee Complete Complete
#1) Provide opportunities to work proactively ➢ Develop Mission Statement for the CBD Complete Complete
with Central Business District(CBD)businesses ➢ Explore options: Outside expertise(i.e., Economic Dev. Dir..Livable Tigard Central Business District Assn. (TCBDA) received Complete
and property owners and citizens of Tigard to set Oregon) $20.000 from City to hire Oregon Downtowar Development
the course for the future of the central downtown Association(ODDA)for first phase study.
area ➢ Use"Core Concept"approach when developing identity/theme To be considered after this first phase with ODDA. 2000/01
➢ Develop Economic Development Plan To be considered after this first phase with ODDA. 2000/01
➢ Participate in Make a Difference Day- 10/23/99 TCBDA adopted Main Street:on Make a Difference Day the.N Ongoing
collected litter and swept leaves out of gutters
➢ Plant trees To be considered during first phase with ODDA; streetscape 2000/01
2)Tigard's CBD-Review City of Tigard regulations ➢ Review zoning code-How does it promote the mission statement To be considered after ODDA first phase stud%. 2001
➢ "Court"family-oriented business through design criteria To be considered after ODDA first phase study. 2001
➢ Explore grant programs and/or matching funds To be considered after ODDA first phase study. 2001
➢ Become a member of Livable Oregon Entered into contract with ODDA Revisited as needed.
➢ Revise Parking Regulations in CBD To be considered after ODDA first phase study; Chamber 2000/01
➢ Develop long-term strategy w/ODOT re: 99W widening & affects on looking at forming a committee to develop recommendations.
CBD ODOT will grind and repave 99W in 2000: work will be 2000 and ongoing
done at night to minimize impact to traffic and business
3) Tigard's CBD - Work on strategies addressing ➢ Develop"Gateway"(portal)improvements(i.e.,"Welcome to Tigard") This whole stratep to be considered after ODDA first phase 2000/01
aesthetics ➢ Install special street lighting fixtures reflecting theme study.
➢ Fanno Creek: Showcase this amenity; use as a connection to
➢ Install public restrooms
➢ Develop connectivity plan-pedestrians/bicycles through CBD
➢ Develop amenity improvement list for implementation
Community Events
#1) Develop overall approach for sponsoring 1) Community events - Develop a philosophy on City ➢ Create study group to propose criteria for Council's City event Council adopted its general philosophy for City events in 2000
community events that establishes balance among event sponsorship philosophy 1998. More work may occur at the direction of Council after
popular or traditional standing events. requests ➢ Consider new City events to carry out Council's philosophy a December 1999 meeting with the Budget Committee
for support of new events and limited City ➢ Distinguish approaches to events that are targeted for local residents vs.
resources those that draw regionwide
➢ Develop funding criteria-confront limited dollars and recent taxpayer
➢ City-sponsored events must have community-based support
➢ Evaluate events annually based on criteria established and defined by
City event philosophy
2)Community events-Develop an understandable. step- ➢ Create study group to look at other community events See note on above strategy. 2000
by-step process to assist event volunteers ➢ Develop"how to"packets for event volunteers Additional packet work was done with the Balloon Festival 2000
Planning:however.more work is needed for other events.
➢ Encourage event organizers to develop other funding resources 2000
➢ Encourage events-both old and new Council reviewed last year; more work may occur at the 2000
direction of Council after a December 1999 meeting with the
➢ Evaluate City umbrella insurance policy;consider riders for sanctioned Budget Committee
events costs pro rated based on magnitude of event Event insurance considered on an event-by-event basis. Completed
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Communitv Aesthetics
#1) Develop strategies to balance needs of new 1) Community Aesthetics - Balance development and ➢ Develop a list of methods for dedication or acquisition of open space Council directed staff to wait for completion of the 2001
and infill development w/need to provide aesthetic needs ➢ Determine if tax incentive programs are possible Washington Square Regional Center Task Force's work & 2001
protection of defined aesthetic qualities valued by ➢ Review Development Code to balance aesthetic needs with developer recommendation Council's discussion was to zone specific 2002
those who already live and work in Tigard needs areas of the City, such as the Triangle and the Washington
➢ Define terms such as"open space"and"scenic view" in Development Square Regional Center.to address these types of issues 2002
➢ Be proactive, commit to stand by the vision; risk is supported and
appreciated Ongoing
➢ Consider establishing a site design review committee for developing
properties Complete
➢ Establish aesthetically pleasing designs for roadways
➢ Revisit sign code:enforcement and regulations 2003
Sign code reviewed;no changes instituted by Council. Complete
QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS? Please contact the following staff person: Cathy Wheatley,City Recorder,639-4171 ext.309 e-mail cathv(dci.tieard.or.us
Cub Scout Pack 9799 pitches in to plant trees 3/99
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Tigard Beyond Tomorrow
Growth & Growth Management
Direction Statement: 1999 Progress Summary:
Tigard continues to grow. Growth is accommodated while protecting the character and livability in new and Planning and growth issues have been addressed in the Washington Square Regional Plan and slated for public
established neighborhoods. The City encourages and supports private sector programs to maintain diverse and hearings in late 1999 and early 2000. An annexation plan has been developed for the Walnut Island area and
affordable housing. Urban services are provided to all citizens within Tigard's Urban Growth Boundary. Recipients of annexation is scheduled to be initiated in late 1999 with public hearings in early 2000. Affordable housing is
services pay their share. Local and small businesses are encouraged as an important part of our community and our addressed yearly in a symposium held in Washington County and new tools to provide affordable housing are being
economy. The City of Tigard is an active participant in regional issues. Its citizens are educated about issues in our developed by Metro committees in the coming year. Funding has been provided for preparation of a downtown plan
region and take advantage of opportunities to participate in decision-making processes. within the next year. Some of the issues of growth and growth management will be addressed in the survey that is
tanned to be ancon lished with the Visioning update
#1) Accommodate growth while protecting the 1) Create infill, increased densities and redevelopment ➢ Develop criteria for location of accessory units Criteria for location of accessory units and the requirement Completed
character and livability of new and established policies to allow compatible accommodation of future for 80°,b minimum density have been added to the
areas growth. Community Development code.
➢ Evaluate infrastructure needs to accommodate infill, redevelopment Infrastructure needs to accommodate infill will be addressed 10/97-12/00
and increased densities in the Public Facilities Plan.
➢ Consider commercial zoning on Bull Mountain Commercial zoning on Bull Mountain will be considered as 10/98-7/03
➢ Evaluate whether it is appropriate to maintain the ability for new part of the Vision update survey in spring 2000 as will issues 7/03-7/04
residential development on large lots associated with large lots.
➢ Protect natural resource areas from the impacts of increased growth Additional issues associated with protection of natural Ongoing
➢ Provide an educational element that informs and educates the public resources will be considered during the coming Near. Ongoing
2) Address the Tigard Town Center and the areas ➢ Address pedestrian issues in the Town Center These issues are being considered as part of the Downtown 10/98-12/00
designated as Corridors in the 2040 Growth Plan ➢ Consider redevelopment of existing industrial land in the Town Center planning effort. Funding was provided by the Cite to develop 10/97-12/00
➢ Review corridor densities to determine whether densities are a downtown plan during 2000. 10/97-12/00
➢ Provide an educational element that informs and educates the public 10/97-12/00
3) Address planning and growth issues associated with ➢ Explore the impacts of annexation of some or all of the Metzger area The Washington Square Master Plan has provided a 10/97-12/00
the Regional Center ➢ Explore accommodation of higher densities in the Regional centers comprehensive anahsis of growth in the Metzger area and 10/97-12/00
➢ As part of the Regional Center Master Planning effort, incorporate has provided a public forum for discussion of the impacts of 10/97-12/00
larger study area growth. Public hearings on the Plan are proposed for earl
➢ Provide an educational element that informs and educates the public 2000. Ongoing
#2) Urban services are provided to all citizens 1) Adopt a plan for the orderly annexation of Walnut ➢ Create and implement a public information plan Two informational annexation workshops have been held Ongoing
within Tigard's urban growth boundary and Island ➢ Create a plan to evaluate and provide necessary infrastructure with residents of the Walnut Island and a study has been 12/97-12/00
recipients of services pay their share ➢ Proceed with annexations where waivers have been obtained completed on the costs and benefits of annexation. In 12/97-12/00
➢ Proceed with annexation of the remainder of Walnut Island December 1999. City Council is scheduled to initiate 12/98-12/00
➢ Create agreement with County that establishes under what conditions annexation of Walnut Island and associated islands with 12/97-12/00
City will accept County facilities hearings scheduled for early 2000.
2) Adopt criteria that outlines when and under what ➢ Provide targeted education program aimed at newcomers and specific Because of the current focus on Walnut Island, efforts to 2000
circumstances areas on Bull Mountain will annex Bull Mountain areas address Bull Mountain annexation have been delayed.
➢ Reach agreement with Wash. County that allows full provision of 2001
services by City including police service and annexation
➢ Expand ability to get annexation waivers for provision of sewers to Bull 2001
3) Adopt a plan to educate Metzger residents about ➢ With area west of Hall as priority,create public info program that uses it is recommended that unincorporated Meager action items 2002
annexation to Tigard CP04 as a partner, reaches out to newcomers, emphasizes benefits of be reconsidered after the adoption of the Washington Square
joining Tigard and emphasizes the retention of Metzger's identity Regional Center.
➢ Explore costs of providing needed infrastructure to Metzger, i.e. storm
➢ Negotiate agreement with Wash. County that clearly outlines their role
in the provision of urban services, including provision of police
4)King City/Urban Growth Boundary Annexation ➢ Explore existing city boundaries with King City, the urban growth CPOK4/King City is looking at exploring moeing the urban 2005
boundary down to the Tualatin River for possible annexation. growth boundary.
#3) The City encourages and supports private 1)Implement a program to educate Tigard citizens about ➢ Start community dialogue on issues associated with affordable housing A slide shote is mailable that can be promoted b} the Cit}. 12/00
sector programs to maintain diverse and the importance of affordable housing ➢ Define community goals for affordable housing to determine target Conununity Partners for .Affordable Housing (CPAH) will
affordable housing ➢ Prepare written materials that reflect the community's goals work ueith Cit} administration to facilitate community
➢ Develop outreach program including Cityscape articles,press releases, m�areness.
speaking opportunities,outreach to businesses,churches,senior centers
and community based organizations
➢ Implement outreach program
2) Make incentive programs available to providers of ➢ Form study committee Metro is developing recommendations on these issues 12/00
affordable housing units ➢ Committee consider waiver or reduction of SDCs, tax abatement for through the ueork of Housing Technical Advisor Committee
non-profits, and/or property, tax reductions for affordable housing (HTAC). Tools and recommendations should be coming an
projects next year that the City should consider implementing.
➢ Committee consider targeting financial incentives to specific areas of
the City
➢ Study,committee report issued to City Council
➢ Council consideration of recommendations of study committee
➢ Implement Council direction
➢ Develop outreach program to"advertise"incentives
3)Review City's zoning code and Comprehensive Plan ➢ Consider minimum densities,inclusionary zoning&density bonuses as Again. the City should consider Metro's upcoming 12/00
policies to provide maximum opportunities for affordable tools to encourage affordable housing recommendations.
housing ➢ Incorporate code language into Dev. Code to require minimum
densities and inclusionary zoning and for density bonuses to encourage
affordable housing
➢ Develop a mechanism to track affordable housing units constructed
4)Incorporate affordable housing policies into study of ➢ Identify opportunities to provide affordable housing in mixed use areas These issues should be considered as part of the 12/00
Downtown,Wash Square,and other mixed use areas ➢ Include discussions on affordable housing in public workshops in implementation planning after the Master Plan is approved.
mixed use areas
➢ Write policies & zoning code language to reflect desired affordable
housing opportunities in mixed use areas
➢ Implement policies
➢ Considerjobs/housing ratio as an incentive to focus housing
5) Strengthen ties between City, Wash. County, and ➢ Hold summit on affordable housing with policy makers, develop This is done annuall} in coordination with CPAH. Ongoing
other Wash. County cities to jointly provide affordable community and technical resources to identify issues
housing services ➢ Summit follow-up to consider jointly providing technical assistance for
developers of affordable housing
➢ Consider increase in number of Wash.County subsidized units allowed
in Tigard
6) HOMELESS - Implement programs aimed at ➢ Identify available resources Coordination will occur to provide between private agencies 2000
preventing homelessness ➢ Develop resource brochures for distribution that identify community and City resources to provide this information
➢ Develop landlord education programs to be held quarterly that provide
tools to help prevent homelessness
➢ Develop resource center for services that may impact homelessness
7)HOMELESS-Investigate tools to provide emergency ➢ Identify resources available for emergency housing.such as vouchers These issues should be made a part of the yearly housing
housing ➢ Identify potential providers/agencies that provide info on emergency symposium in 2000.
➢ Prepare written materials to distribute regarding emergency housing
➢ Provide phone number with recorded information for emergency
#4)Local and small businesses are encouraged as 1)Retain and assist local businesses ➢ Assure input is received from local businesses as development codes The Downtown Plan. when developed. will promote joiw 2000-2003
an important part of our community and are developed advertising and the retention of existing businesses
economy. ➢ Assure that planning and transportation efforts develop, local business
access and"friendly"site design is included
➢ Explore tax incentive to encourage& recruit new small businesses in
QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS? Please contact the following staff people:
Nadine Smith,Long Range Planning Manager,639-4171 ext.388 e-mail:nadinesC>ci.tieard.or.us or.Tim Hendryx,Community Development Director,639-4171 ext.405 e-mail: ini ih'arci.tigard.or.us
Tigard's downtown area along Main Street
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Tigard Beyond Tomorrow
Public Safety
Direction Statement: 1999 Progress Summary
Tigard is a safe place to live,play,and do business,with efficient public safety services coordinated by police, fire, and Enhancement of Neighborhood Watch areas continues. First Enhanced Safety Properties Program(ESP)property
emergency management providers. Citizens and businesses are well educated about public safety services-' Tigard's was recognized in 1999. This is "neighborhood watch" for multi-family units. A business survey has been
citizens understand their role and responsibilities for the safety of themselves and their community, and businesses take completed to determine needs for public safety services. Police and Fire are now reviewing this survey with an eye
a proactive role for their responsibility in protecting their investment in the community. Public Safety service providers to supplementing their programs to better meet business needs in the community. A national search for innovative
plan for their service delivery in such a way as to minimize the negative impacts of the regional populations that travel public safety service funding options has been concluded with no new financing options identified. Citizens have
to and through our community each day. Stable funding provides uninterrupted public safety services at desired levels. access to emergency preparedness on the City's website at www,ci.tigard.or.us. Tigard and the Fire District have
developed a plan for Y2K emergency response should that be needed.
#1) The community residents, business 1)Re-energize existing neighborhood watch areas > Determine status of existing Neighborhood Watch areas Programs are continuing on an'ongoing'basis. Ongoing
owners. and service providers will form > Recruit Volunteer Coordinator for Neighborhood Watch Program Completed
> Educational promotion for existing Watch Programs Ongoing
partnerships to effectively enhance public > Measure effectiveness of Active Watch Programs 03/00
safety and emergency services 2)Expand Neighborhood Watch Program > Develop Watch Programs in additional or new neighborhoods Recruitment process is ongoing for neva Neighborhood Watch areas and 7/99-Ongoing
> Educational promotion for new Watch Program areas several new ones were activated dining 1999. 7/99-Ongoing
> Measure effectiveness of active new Watch Programs 3/00
3) Implement Crime Prevention Through Environmental > implement CPTED with Public Safety providers reviewing and CPTED reviews continue. Ongoing
Design (CPTED) to assist efficient and effective public safety commenting on all land use applications received by the City
response to calls for service
4) Implement Enhanced Safety Properties Program (ESP) to > Implement ESP program with multi-family dwelling units Vilia'LaPaz has successfully completed all the requirements to be an 1/98-Ongoing
assist safety and emergency responses to multi-family (apartments)within the City ESP property and received their formal designation the week of
complexes 11/15/99.
5) Conduct survey of businesses to determine public > Develop survey tool-questionnaire Business surveyAus completed. 8/99-11/99
safety/emergency services needs > Print/fold survey Information has been released to Public Safety Action Committee and 11/99
> Send survey City Council. 12/99
> Review survey results Police&Fire are in process of responding to information. 2/00-4/00
6)Develop business crime prevention program > Track business calls for service. Develop database Several program suggestions were obtained through the business surveN
> Conduct information search to find programs that work well in other and are being studied to implement the best option. Complete
> Create current business calls for service report 6/99
> Create Business Crime Prevention Focus Group 7/99-10/99
> Educate focus group 11/99-2/00
> Create structure and parameters of the Business Crime Prevention 2/00-4/00
> Implement the program 7/00
#2) Develop long-term, stable funding 1) Review Police. Fire. and Emergency Management service > Conduct information search No model of alternative funding found. Research concluded. Concluded
sources to ensure efficient. uninterrupted funding mechanisms already in use nationwide > Review information
public safety and emergency services > Gather more detailed info. re: programs that Tigard wishes to
consider using
> Present funding alternatives to City Council/Budget Comm.and Fire
> Decision by Council/Board regarding how to implement report
2)Review funding options for regional impacts on local public ➢ Track calls for service from regional population-develop data base Since current revenue stream from regional-users covers the co>ts of Completed
safety and emergency services ➢ Review current revenue streams from regional users of the local figard's local public sat-t% eer,ice alts, this rcvic« l;as he
system discontinm cd
➢ Survey other nationwide communities to determine how they balance
local dollars and regional service needs
➢ Municipal Court Study to determine how court could create more
efficient public safety service and reduce repeat offenders
➢ Prepare report detailing current calls for service created by regional
population-traffic accidents and reported crimes, funding options,
and Municipal Court role
➢ Present funding alternatives to Council/Budget Comm.&Fire Board
➢ Decision by Council/Board regarding how to implement report
#3)The community is trained and prepared 1)Develop community-wide program to train citizens to be self- ➢ Educate citizens to be self-sufficient for the first 72 hours after Citizen preparedness information packets have been available at C'it% Ongoing
for emergencies sufficient for the first 72 hours after an emergency event disaster strikes Hall and the Libran this Near. You can receive all 24 info packets in
Develop an Emergency Response Coalition your own home by going to the Citc s website(mmlvtv.ci.tigard.or.us)
➢ Educate Coalition to understand purpose, emergency types, define and clicking on Enmereencv Management
training by group(seniors,bilingual,homeless,etc.)
➢ Develop short tetra goals Rather than forming an Emergence Response Coalition. TVF&R and
➢ Determine what needs are out in the community City of Tigard will be training the community to be self-sufficient for
➢ Develop work plan for coalition for next 3 years the first 72 hours after disaster strikes.
2)Coordinate Tigard emergency response providers ➢ Develop Tigard Emergency Response Work Group for responders to Tigard area responders meet regularly with Countywide responders to Ongoing
regularly meet to determine joint needs and coordinate efforts coordinate efforts and address needs. Tigard and the Fire District have
➢ Hold regular meetings for information sharing developed a plan for Y2K response should that be needed.
➢ Modify response plans based on exercisetreal life response 2000
➢ Conduct annual exercise of response programs Ongoing
QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS? Please contact the following staff person: Ronald Goodpaster,Chief of Police,639-4171 ext.218 e-mail:00859;a-ci.tigard.or.us or Ed Wegner,Tigard Emergency Manager/Public Works Director,639-4171 ext.396 e-mail:ed'a ci.ti gt> trd.or us
Villa La Paz residents gather at their community center to get to know each other as part of the Enhanced Safety Program.
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Tigard Beyond Tomorrow
Schools & Education
Direction Statement: 1999 Progress Summary:
Tigard area residents have access to good quality public and private schools. Residents of our community, whether or The Tigard-Tualatin School District is considering submitting a local option tax proposal to the voters in May 2000
not they have children in the school system, understand the importance of education and how they can help promote to give the community the opportunity to provide additional funding to strengthen and provide further support to
education of our community. The public schools have stable funding through state and local funding options. school academic programs. Progress is occurring on a community-based recreation activity program review. A
Curriculum and extra-curricular programs are important and are well supported through volunteers, local funding, and Recreation District Task Force was created with representation from Tigard, other surrounding cities, the County,
increased partnerships with business and government. New development assists in paying for new education and Sherwood& Tigard/Tualatin School Districts to review the creation of a park & recreation district. Decisions
infrastructure required by growth in the community. Public schools and governmental entities in our community about the creation of a park&recreation district may occur in 2000. Volunteerism in the schools has increased with
actively partner in day-to-day operations and other costs to facilitate the most efficient delivery of services. Lunch Buddy, SMART and OASIS programs to help children learn to read, and mentoring by adults and older
children to younger children. Elementary& middle school students will have extended day programs to help them
improve academically. Evaluation of future growth needs is being done.
#1) Schools and Citv government will work 1) Identify community resources for supporting/ ➢ Explore the possibility of local business sponsorship of clubs, athletic and Partnerships are beginning with several organizations to sponsor Ongoing
together to provide a community-based recreation providing recreation and activity programs for young recreational activities at all school levels activities including golf lessons, adult mentoring programs and
activity program for young people people ➢ Increase volunteer participation in leading club, athletic and recreation fundraiser dinners. The District is working with local businesses
programs in middle schools,high schools and elementary schools to bu} advertising space on special poster boards that will be
➢ Tie existing youth athletic programs more directly to schools with support of located in the schools to fund sports and activity programs.
new Business partnerships
➢ Recruit senior citizens and other community volunteers to coordinate and teach
hobby,activity and recreation classes
2)Investigate a tax supported funding source to provide ➢ Investigate the funding relationship between schools and cities in other local A group or conuuunitN nncinters called the Park and Recreation 1999-2001
after-school sports and activity programs for students park and recreation districts Task Force are exploring the feasibility of a recreation district that
➢ Explore the city/school funding agreements formed in Lake Oswego and would include Tigard,other surrounding cities, the County,and
Ashland to fund student athletics and activities Sherwood&Tigard/Tualatin School Districts. A consultant was
➢ Create a Citizens Task Force to make a recommendation about forming a park hired to define district boundaries, conduct an interest survey.
and recreation district or establishing a City levy to fund student activities develop a needs analysis, address governance options, and
➢ Establish a true Community Schools Program(offering after-school education, determine community support for an additional taxing district as
interest classes for adults as well as young people) through the Park and well as to determine priority projects.
Recreation District
➢ Create an intergovernmental agreement between the Tigard-Tualatin School The Task Force has determined that forming a District is both
District and the cities of Tigard and Tualatin to develop/reconstruct school feasible and desirable. Citizens will be asked as early as
properties used for recreation November 2000 to vote on formation of a district,authorize a tax
base and approve a list of projects..
Creating teem/community centers seems to be more of a
conununity riority.
#2) Educational opportunities for students in 1)Use volunteers to support teachers, provide additional ➢ Increase volunteerism in schools to help teachers and coordinate activities Senior citizens and communit} members are volunteering in the Ongoing
Tigard-Tualatin Schools will be maximized learning opportunities for students ➢ Seek funding for volunteer coordinator at each school for recruitment,training SMART(Start Making A Reader Today)and OASIS programs to
and placement help children learn to read. Community members are part of the
➢ Use older students to work with young students Lunch Buddy Program mentoring elementary. students. LINK
Coops-parent required to be involved with a definite time frame commitment leaders at Tigard High arid WEB leaders in the middle schools are
➢ Coordinate recruitment,training and support for all community volunteers mentoring incoming 96&6h graders respectively. High school
students are volunteering in the Tigard Library Homework Center
and middle school students are reading with elementary students
on Wednesday`late start'days.
2)Maximize the use of district facilities ➢ Consider using school facilities on extended day schedule to offer enrichment Plans are now in place to begin an extended day program tier 1 year
and remedial programs elementary and middle school students to help them improv
academic achievement. This will begin January 2000.
#3) The schools and city government will work 1)Examine the potential for city government to provide ➢ Create new City position of School Media Specialist at the Tigard Public School District sees a need for student internships in the fields of 2000
together to maximize financial efficiencies and some support services for the Tigard-Tualatin School Library health, engineering and natural resources. Students in CE2
address funding shortfalls District ➢ Tigard hires an Educational Activities Specialist program are linked into work opportunities with the City and other 2000
➢ Create 1 or 2 summer jobs per City department for Tigard High School businesses. These options need to be publicized better throughout 1999
students the school.
➢ Park and Recreation District assume responsibility for use, upkeep, staff& 2000
income for gyms,fields,unused class rooms
➢ Develop paid intent positions for vocational training within the City and 1999
#4)Government policies will permit the Tigard- 1)Support policy changes that will promote the District's D Through legislation, impose a development tax on all new construction Local Option approved by the legislature. School District is Within 2 years
Tualatin School District to prepare for growth ability to provide adequate school facilities (residential and commercial)for schools considering presenting a local option tax measure to the voters in
and control the quality of services it provides ➢ Provide tax incentive for land donated to schools May 2000. 2 years
students ➢ Improve cooperation between government agencies, schools, developers, and 1 year
➢ Obtain legislative approval to pass bond/levy measures above the limits 4 years
imposed by Measures 5,47,and 50
➢ Legislation should permit development moratoriums until all school 4 years
infrastructure issues are resolved
2) School officials will create a long range plan to ➢ Explore the possibility of constructing two-story schools in the future School District's"Committee 2000"is evaluating classroom and Within 24 months
address future growth ➢ Continue to include land acquisition in future bond elections;create a 5 to 20 future school site needs. Projects being considered for a Within 24 months
year plan for growth and acquire properties sufficient for projected enrollment November 2000 bond measure include an elementary school on
➢ Build smaller schools - smaller buildings that can be used and sold in the Bull Mountain and expansion of Tigard High(including a two- Within 24 months
future when they are no longer needed story classroom wing)and land purchase in the Bull Mountain
area for future expansion.
QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS? Please contact the following staffperson: Susan Stark Haydon,Tigard/Tualatin School District,620-1620 e-mail sstarkhaydonAttsd.Kl2.or.us
its a'
Metzger Elementary 1"grade teacher Michelle Reichelderfer Costumed preschooler enjoys a Halloween
works with a student on reading skills. storytime presented by the Tigard Library
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Tigard Beyond Tomorrow
Transportation and Traffic
Direction Statement: 1999 Progress Summary:
Tigard takes a proactive role in regional transportation planning. Funding sources are diverse,include regional Substantial progress was made towards achieving all three goals in this section. A Transportation System Plan
resources and are adequate to build and maintain our transportation system. Each type of street safely handles the (TSP)Update Task Force appointed by City Council is guiding the TSP development process for adoption in mid-
traffic it is designed to serve. Local traffic is served by a well-connected street network that minimizes traffic 2000. The Walnut/Tiedeman Intersection Realignment project is now under construction with completion expected
impacts on neighborhoods. Tigard's arterials and major collector streets accommodate through-traffic,reducing in mid-2000. A Transportation Bond Task Force appointed by City Council is selecting projects for a proposed
the impact of regional traffic on local neighborhoods. Alternative transportation methods are affordable and transportation bond measure during 2000. Planning Commission & City Council are expected to review and
available. Use of alternative transportation is encouraged. approve a list of projects in early 2000. The projects selected will include street reconstruction and expansion,
safety-related improvements, sidewalks,bikepaths, and streetlights. The pavement overlay and slurry seal projects
implemented during the spring and summer of 1999 should provide for better traffic flow through the improved
areas. The Pavement Management System, upgraded in 1998, is now being used in the preparation of a long-term
plan for preventive and corrective maintenance on the City streets. Additional speed humps have been installed on
several streets as part of the Traffic Calming Program to reduce actual speed on neighborhood streets while
encouraging through traffic to use major collectors and arterials.
#1)Improve traffic safety 1)Discourage through-traffic on local streets ➢ Develop Comprehensive Traffic Calming Program-yearly implementation i The Comprehensive Traffic Calming Program is still wider development. 7/00
➢ Implement Traffic Calming Program Traffic studies are continuing and additional speed humps have been Annually
➢ Reduce posted speed installed. As needed
➢ Enforce posted speed r The Police Department is renewing its emphasis on traffic enforcement. Continuous
Police Department has been granted authority to implement photo radar and
photo red light. The Police anticipate photo radar would be in place by mid-
➢ Increase fines for speeding 2000 with photo red light to follow a year later. Discontinue
)e Fines are generally set by the State so increasing fines for speeding is not
something that Tigard can enforce. The Citizen Action Committee
➢ Review possibility of mixed use areas near residential neighborhoods recotmnends deleting this item from the Action Plan. Next CDC review
2)Encourage through-traffic on major collectors ➢ Widening and improvements of major collectors and arterials Construction of the Walnut/Tiedentan Intersection Realignment Project began CIP process-Annual
and arterials ➢ Identify and promote use of through routes in August 1999. Completion is expected by mid-2000. Design of Gaurde Ongoing
➢ Look at upgrading existing streets to major collector or arterial status Street in two phases began in mid-1999. Phase I from Quail Flollow-West to 2000/01
Prohibit direct access onto minor collectors Walnut Street is anticipated to begin construction in mid-2000 at the earliest. Continuous
➢ Examine and implement ways to maximize use of existing lanes ➢ A Transportation Bond Task Force appointed by City Council to select 2000/01
D Accelerate removal of vehicles after minor accidents projects for a proposed bond issue in the year 2000 is in the process of Ongoing
selecting projects,with citizen input,for that bond measure.
1 The Transportation System Plan(TSP)Update Study has made substantial
progress, The draft TSP should be completed in earh 2000.
3)Reduce actual speed on neighborhood streets ➢ Strict enforcement of posted speed limits ➢ Speed humps have been installed on various streets City-kvide, including Continuous
➢ Higher fines for speed violations in neighborhoods Summerfield Drive. These speed humps typically reduce the actual speeds by Annual Review
➢ Traffic calming measures(Implement) 4 to 6 mph. Ongoing
➢ Implement traffic control measures where appropriate r Fines generally are set by the State.The City does not have the authority to As warranted for safety
increase fines for speed violations in neighborhoods. The State has nocv
doubled fines in school zones and in construction zones.
f Traffic volume and speed studies were continued during the year to identify
problem areas and determine what traffic control or calming measures may be
➢ Controlled access to collector roads During application review
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#2)Improve traffic flow 1) Develop a program to implement the ➢ Review all existing streets to be connected for feasibility of connection - The TSP update study will make recommendations for connectivity and 99/00
Comprehensive Plan ➢ Review options for connecting existing streets w/Comprehensive Plan prioritize those projects on both major and local streets. One street that is 99/00
➢ Prioritize street connections in order of importance already being designed for connection is the Gaarde Street Extension from 99/00
Quail Hollow-West to Walnut Street. Completion of the Gaarde Street
Extension will provide a new east-west connection through Tigard to
➢ Develop funding strategy for City-funded street connections - The proposed Transportation Bond will provide funding for upgrading City 99/00
streets and implementinp selected projects recommended by the TSP.
2)Look for additional points of connectivity ➢ Use street system study to determine desirable connection points i The TSP Study has identified the Wall Street Extension from Hunziker Street 99/00
➢ Identify areas of alternate routes to Hall Boulevard(being considered in the proposed Transportation Bond)as 99/00
➢ Establish ROW Acquisition Program to set aside corridor connection points a connection that would draw traffic from Hall and 99W. Identify after TSP
Amend Comprehensive Transportation Map Plan to reflect review results ➢ Land acquisition for the Gaarde Street Extension has been completed for the 99/00
➢ Coordinate with other jurisdictions for connection points segments south of Walnut. The acquisition along Walnut Street is currently Ongoing
ongoing for that project.
The Murray Boulevard Extension to the Barrows Road/Walnut Street
intersection was submitted for Priorities 2000 federal funding but did not
make the final list.
3)Identify alternate transportation modes ➢ Enhance off-street bikepath/pedestrian walkway connectivity i The 5 new pathways to provide north-south connectivity through Tigard are 99/00
➢ Determine optimum route for alternate modes now in the design and land acquisition phase. The path from Main Street to 99/00
Ash Street is the project that is fully funded in the 1999/00 Capital
Improvement Program(CIP). Two parcels needed for the pedestrian path and
bridge across Fanno Creek are in the process of acquisition. Construction is
anticipated in spring 2000.
➢ Explore formation of Tigard Transportation Mangement Association(TMA) A The formation of a TMA in Tigard does not appear feasible.This portion of Discontinued
the action plan will not be pursued at this time.
➢ Explore rail commute options )o- Commuter rail is still being pursued. There was funding set-aside in the Ongoing
Priorities 2000 program to design the improvements for commuter rail from
Wilsonville to Beaverton.
4)Encourage uses of alternate modes ➢ Endorsement of increased gas tax and registration fees )w Provided information to League of Oregon Cities,and to State Legislative 99/00
Encourage establishment/construction of HOV lanes on state highways Representative on Tigard's street maintenance needs. Gas tax increase was Continuous
Reduced fares for transit users passed,but is now being challenged by referendum. Data will continue to be Continuous
➢ Educational campaign to increase awareness of alternate modes gathered in support of gas tax and registration fee increases. Continuous
➢ Efforts have been and continue to be made in encouraging use of alternate
modes of travel. Publication and participation in Washington County's
"earfree" program is one such campaign. The City's telecommuting pilot
program has proven successful and is being offered to all eligible City
5)Encourage development of alternate modes ➢ Coordinate with other jurisdictions for continuity of various modes ➢ The TSP update includes sidewalk and bicycle master plans for adoption by Ongoing
➢ Participate in regional efforts to develop&promote use of alternate modes the City. Bikepath/pedestrian walkway connectivity will be a priority each Continuous
➢ Require development of bikepath/pedestrian walkway connectivity year in the CIP process. In addition, numerous bike lane and sidewalk Continuous
➢ Review&provide connections in existing areas projects are included for consideration in the proposed Transportation Bond. Each fiscal year
➢ Review&update existing bikepath/pedestrian walkway master plan These projects will greatly enhance pedestrian and bicycle travel throughout 99/00
the City.
6) Design and implementation of traffic flow ➢ Synchronization of state,county and city traffic signals Continuous
enhancement ➢ Reduction of two-way left turn lanes Continuous
➢ Coordination with other jurisdictions for continuity of enhanced flow Continuous
Emphasis on street striping ➢ The annual street-striping project was enhanced in 1999 with the inclusion of Ongoing
permanent striping for Sequoia Parkway and other locations in Tigard.
➢ Increased street lighting throughout City streets ➢ Streetlights are included in the projects under consideration for the proposed Each FY
➢ Emphasize maintenance of areas where clear sight distance is necessary Transportation Bond.
➢ Improved signage on freeways and arterials Each FY
➢ Encourage construction of new toll roads. 99/00
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#3) Identify and develop funding 1)Establish a task force to examine current and ➢ Establish a task force to examine current funding sources and possible new A Transportation Bond Task Force was appointed by City Council to select a 4/99-4/2000 (13 mo. action
resources possible new Sources of funding sources of funding list of projects for a proposed Transportation Bond in the year 2000. The period) Final report to
Task Force has been meeting since April 1999 and has assembled a list of Council 4/00 or later
projects for consideration. A Citizen Involvement Meeting was held on
10/20/99. Based on the responses, the Task Force decided to conduct
additional citizen involvement meetings in February 2000. Recommendations
to the Planning Commission and City Council will be formulated after the
public meetings in February.
Widening of SW Greenburg Road from Washington Square to£Tiedeman 2001
Avenue was submitted for Priorities 2000 funding. It did male it to the fmal
funding list but was funded for preluninary engineering work only.
2)Implement task force recommendations ➢ Implement short-term measures ➢ Transportation Bond Task Force recommendations will be on the size of bond 4/00
➢ Initiate long-term measures issue and list of projects to be designed and constructed with the bond 4/00
proceeds. Construction of the projects would most likelc begin in mid-2001
a the bond measure passes.
QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS? Please contact the following staff person: Gus Duenas,City Engineer,639-4171 ext.378 e-mail:gus(a—!ci.tigard.or.us
Construction of the Walnut/Tiedeman Intersection Realignment
Photo by Paul Izatt
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Tigard Beyond Tomorrow
Urban & Public Services
Direction Statement: 1999 Progress Summary
Basic Urban Services(such as access to parks,recreational opportunities and libraries) are provided to Tigard citizens Library Long-Range Planning Committee has developed the Library Mission Statement with direction for
through property taxes and fees for service. Citizens are charged for enhanced services on a cost-for-service basis. services over the next few years. This will be reviewed and formally adopted through the 2000 Citywide
Expansion of the infrastructure necessary to serve growth is paid for by growth. In an effort to facilitate the most Vision Update process. Financial gifts, earmarked for a major addition to the existing building, have been
efficient delivery of basic urban services, partnerships with businesses, special interest groups, and other communities received by the Library. Planning is occurring now with construction anticipated within 18 months. Atfalati
are encouraged. Citizens are educated about basic urban services,and how to access and preserve the services. Recreation District created a task force with representation from Tigard, other surrounding cities,the County,
and Sherwood & Tigard/Tualatin School Districts to review the creation of a park & recreation district.
Formation of a park& recreation district may be decided in 2000. Development of a long-term water source
continues to be a high priority. City Council is reviewing options other than the Willamette River. Tigard has
been very active in water conservation programs and successful in both regional and local outreach/educatic-
programs for indoor and outdoor water conservation
LIBRARY 1)Provide additional library services through users fees for ➢ Determine which library services are "basic' and Library has implemented one enhanced service with fee Completed
41) Library will have a stable funding base selected"enhanced"services. which are enhanced support (color copier access from internet workstations).
for the provision of basic services ➢ Select"enhanced"services that could be subject to With limited space, Library is not able to add more Completed
user fees enhanced programs at this time.
➢ Determine which market is for additional fee-based Completed
library services Additional "enhanced" services will continue to be
➢ Public education on"library fees" reviewed and patrons will be requested to comment on 9/99-12/99
➢ Establish appropriate fees and tracking process services they believe are appropriate for fee support. 3/00-6/00
➢ Establish budget process that allocates fees for 9/00-12/00
library use A Library Long-Range Planning Committee has been
➢ Evaluate process for cost-effectiveness meeting during 1999. They have identified what services 7/00-8/00
the Library could provide to meet the needs of the
community and developed a new Library Mission
Statement. This will be presented to the City Council in
early 2000
Costumed preschoolers enjoy a Halloween storytime
presented by the Tigard Library.
2)Identify entrepreneurial means of generating support for ➢ Complete literature search regarding examples of City and Tigard-Tualatin School District Librarians have 3/99-4/99
library services partnerships between public libraries and/or schools met and communicate regularly via die intemet. A
with businesses Homework Center is open for service to middle school age
➢ Create task force to review info, ID companies youth. The School District has partnered with the City to 7/99
within service area as potential partners and explore provide bus transportation to the Library three afternoons a
entrepreneurial concepts week for this program.
➢ Public education regarding partnerships to involve 8/99- 12/99
non-profit/service organizations The Library has received financial gifts to expand the
➢ Explore concept of"sponsored"collections facility. Once die Library is expanded,there will be room 10/99-3/00
➢ Explore concept of renting audio visual or computer for "sponsored" collections. At that time, exploration of 10/99-3/00
equipment this concept will occur.
➢ Explore concept of video"rental collection"(pattern 10/99-3/00
after rental book process) At this time there is not sufficient funding to construct
➢ Evaluate possibility of constructing library to serve library to serve public and high school needs jointly.
public and high school 10/99-3/00
➢ Evaluate possibility of sharing staff between public
library and media centers 10/99-3/00
➢ Develop proposal for minimum of two innovative
funding options 3/00-6/00
3)Seek alternatives to current tax base funding mechanism ➢ Continue developing & adding partnerships until A Library Foundation is to be established next year and 2/01 -8/01
10%of support by 2001 development of this strategy will be one goal of that group.
➢ Develop library foundation 3/00-9/00
➢ Review/evaluate models of library support 99/00
PARKS&RECREATION 1- A) Develop a short term pilot recreation program for ➢ Educate partners/citizens about pilot program A short-term pilot recreation program was developed and Discontinued
91) Create a special parks and recreation school age children ➢ Gather volunteers and staffing for pilot program ran programs from 3/98 through 8/99 in conjunction with
district with the City of Tigard spearheading ➢ Create athletic and non-athletic recreational the Tigard Tualatin School District. The program's
the process and maintaining membership for programs contract provider was unable to continue the program due
its citizens ➢ Develop training for staff and volunteers to space constraints. The City, School District and die
➢ Cooperate with existing leagues and groups contract provider all agreed that there was interest in
➢ Address latch key issues leisure-time programming by area residents. It is
➢ Maximize use of existing facilities anticipated that a decision will be made within the next
➢ Address short term funding options, grants, fees, year regarding a park & recreation district formation in
hardship grants Tigard,thus the pilot program will not be continued.
➢ Implement program
➢ Debrief to determine success of program and
whether to continue
1-B) Create a task force regarding development of a park ➢ Appoint task force Atfalati Recreation District created a task force with 1999-2000
and recreation district ➢ Educate partners/citizens re: community recreation representation from Tigard, other surrounding cities, the
needs&avail facilities County,and Sherwood&Tigardi Tualatin School Districts.
➢ Develop interest and representation for non-athletic A consultant was hired by the District to define district
recreational needs boundaries, conduct an interest survey, develop a needs
➢ Assess community needs and resources analysis,and address govemance options.
➢ Develop community-wide partnership
➢ Develop and utilize existing school/park facilities The Task Force has determined that formation of a District
and properties is both feasible and desirable and would provide
➢ Create a partnership to maintain existing facilities "recreational service that are not currently being provided"
➢ Address funding issues - bond/levy, prop taxes,
private support,grants,fees Participating jurisdictions need to consent to the District
➢ Co-op with existing leagues and groups formation and Washington County Commissioners would
➢ Include Sr. Center&Seniors as an essential part of then call for an election to obtain voter approval to create a
the District's programs District. This election could occur as early as 11/2000.
42) The City educates and supports citizen 1) Adopt educational and presentation program for ➢ Develop community wide partnership to educate The City is purchasing land along Fanno Creek & the 1/98-1/01
efforts to understand the importance of wetlands and open spaces citizens about need to protect and preserve wetlands Tualatin River that are within the floodplain The Metro
flood-plains and how the areas are managed and open spaces regional park bond is providing the funding for these
and protected ➢ Prepare list of possible land acquisition sites purchases. Identification of sites for future acquisition 10/97-1/00
available inside and outside City have been identified based on Metro's new setback
➢ Reclaim what lands we already have requirements for wetlands and floodplains 1/00-12/01
➢ Address funding issues 10/97-1/01
Implement school educational program 1/98-1/01
WATER 1)Form consortium of neighboring jurisdictions to develop ➢ Persuade area jurisdictions to participate in Tigard has joined with the Cities of Wilsonville, Sherwood, Ongoing
41) Actively participate in regional a regional water plant for Willamette River water consortium &Tualatin as well as the Tualatin Valley Water District to
development of water sources and adequate, ➢ Inform water users of progress study the feasibility of a drinking water supply plant for
innovative funding mechanisms to develop Willamette River Water. In 1999, Council & Water Task
those sources for Tigard users while Force reviewed options for expansion of the Bull Run-
exploring local options for water reuse and Columbia South Shore Well Fields & a Willamette River
groundwater sources Water Treatment Plant Task Force & Council approved
construction of treatment of Willamette River water. Since
that time, a citizens group submitted a ballot measure to
amend the City's charter to require a vote of the people
before the City could use the Willamette River as a
drinking water source. In 9199, Tigard voters approved
this charter amendment. Due to the charter amendment
being approved, the City Council is examining options to
provide the service area with an adequate supply of
drinking water
2)Develop plans for surface water production and supply ➢ Designate Engineering Firm to proceed Based on the above information; the City Council hay Originally directed by
➢ Research and purchase/obtain plant site elected to postpone an election on the Willamette Option citizens to complete by
➢ Secure easements for pipeline for the near future and are examining options to supply the 2002. Completion
➢ Construct project service area with an adequate supply of water date know not known
3) Conservation-Reuse-Alternatives ➢ Educate water users in conservation methods Tigard is now using recycled "gray" water from Unified Ongoing
➢ Explore alternative sources Sewerage Agency for irrigation use at Cook Park. by 12/00
➢ Develop ways to control access to water which Tigard has been very active in water conservation 9/98-8/07
would not allow growth to outgrow water supply programs and very successful in both regional and local
outreach/education programs for indoor and outdoor water
conservation. The City has completed a three-year pilot
residential water audit program looking at outdoor
watering habits. This program has been so successful that
it will be developed into a regular program for all water
users including multi-family and commercial customers.
QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS? Please contact the following staff people:
LIBRARY Melinda Sisson,Library Director,6394171 ext.261 e-mail:melinda@ci.tigard.or.us
PARKS&WATER Ed Wegner,Public Works Director,639-4171 ext.396 e-mail:edea ci.tigard.or.us
The Tualatin Valley Community Band plays a concert at the dedication
of the new multi-purpose shelter at Cook Park.
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Photo by Phil Pesteris