Resolution No. 20-45 CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON TIGARD CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 20-45 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE SOUTHWEST CORRIDOR FINAL DRAFT CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT SUMMER 2020 (FINAL CDR)WITH DIRECTION TO RESOLVE OUTSTANDING DESIGN ISSUES IDENTIFIED BY THE TIGARD CITY COUNCIL ON APRIL 21ST,2020. WHEREAS, in November 2018, the City of Tigard and TriMet signed a Memorandum Of Understanding ("MOU'� Regarding Construction Of The Southwest Corridor Light Rail Project In Tigard City Limits;and WHEREAS, the MOU demonstrates a commitment of the parties to collaborate on important Tigard-based project decisions to ensure that the Southwest Corridor Light Rail Transit Project ("SWC Project"or"Project' addresses regional transportation needs while furthering City of Tigard land use and transportation objectives; and WHEREAS,the executed MOU states that ". . . a draft and final Conceptual Design Report [is] to be presented to the City Council for acceptance: . . ." WHEREAS, on April 21, 2020, City Council reviewed the Draft CDR and provided direction to TriMet related to concerns about pedestrian access to stations and the quality of the experience that makes transit desirable and an improvement to the community. These concerns focused on the Tigard Town Center station areas at 68th Parkway,Elmhurst Street and Hall Blvd;and three focus areas,including the future 70th Ave,Hwy 217 multi-use path and the five elevated structures; and WHEREAS, as stated in the Final CDR: "This Conceptual Design Report presents the goals and preliminary designs of the Southwest Corridor Light Rail Project based on community and project partner input over the past several years. It describes and illustrates the overall urban design vision as well as the conceptual designs for stations, major structures and other key corridor improvements. The document is intended to further public discussion about the project design,identify remaining challenges and shape ongoing design efforts in the coming years;"and WHEREAS, the Final CDR informs the Basis of Design Report which informs Project design development to 60 percent of Project completion; and WHEREAS,on September 22,2020,City Council reviewed the Final CDR and found that Council's concerns remain unresolved in the Final CDR. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the Tigard City Council that: SECTION 1: The Tigard City Council accepts the Final CDR with direction to resolve outstanding design issues,identified by the Tigard City Council on April 21st,2020. SECTION 2: Council requests that TriMet project staff return to City Council prior to completion of 60 percent engineering to present how Council's issues have been resolved. RESOLUTION NO. 20- Page 1 SECTION 3: This resolution is effective immediately upon passage. PASSED: This 22nd day of September 2020. Mayor- City of Tigard ATTEST: 400,4] Deputy City RecorderJCity of Tigard RESOLUTION NO. 20-45 Page 2