October 12, 1994
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Peggy Manning, Lynda Jenkins, John Schwartz,
Bill Scheiderich and John Haunsperger
STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Ed Wegner, Bill Monahan, Mike Miller, Kathy Kaatz
VISITORS PRESENT: Jack Polans, Paul Hunt
The meeting of the Intergovernmental Water Board was called to order at
5:34 p.m.
Roll was taken and all Board Members were present with the exception of
George Morgan.
Mr. Jack Polans discussed the concern of public input and what the
solution could be? Chair Manning asked Mr. Polans for the names of
people that would be interested in becoming involved in a public input
group and that she would be willing to set up a meeting time to discuss
public input training and concerns. Chair Manning also invited Mr.
Polans to attend the City of Durham's City Council meeting and address
that City Council.
Mr. Wegner stated that he had already attended three different CIT
meeting and would be attending a fourth meeting tonight. He has also
contacted the City Administrators from bath King City and Durham and
offered to them the opportunity to display the charts from MSA and make
a presentation on the Water Supply Plan.
Paul Hunt stated his concern regarding the bylaws for the
Intergovernmental Water Board. While he was attending as the Alternate
for John Schwartz he had suggested some changes to the bylaws in regards
to the election process and since election time is nearing, he wanted to
stress the importance of discussing this again. Mr. Wegner stated this
would be on next months agenda.
The minutes of the September 14th. meeting were approved as written and
approved unanimously.
Mr. Wegner stated that he would like to bring everyone up to date on the
discussion of the Water Supply Plan. On September 27th. the Tigard
City Council adopted the Murray Smith Plan as the long term water supply
plan for the Tigard water service area. It is currently being printed
and the final copies will be distributed within the next two weeks. He
stated that they have begun working on formulating the working plans as
to how to approach this. On the second page of the memo it states that
we are in the process of developing a newsletter with the hopes of
changing this every other month to accommodate the billing cycle. This
will hopefully begin with the November billing cycle and will discuss
water activities. We have also begun negotiating with Murray Smith for
a second contract that would provide us with engineering and consulting
services as we proceed through the negotiations with Lake Oswego and
Tualatin Valley for the interim period of time. Meetings have been held
with the Director from Tualatin Valley Water District and Mike Miller
has meet with the Chief Engineer to discuss the possibility of providing
water for an interim period of time.
Hopefully the second week of November, we will be invited to a meeting
with Tualatin Valley to discuss the Willamette River. They have had an
engineering study done on the Willamette and will be sharing it with
interested communities.
John Schwartz discussed briefly the past summer, the Wilsonville area
being out of water. Mr. Wegner stated that they did initiate some water
restrictions during the summer. Mr. Schwartz stated that it was his
understanding that their reservoirs were so low they were not even able
to maintain fire flows. It was stated that Wilsonville does have some
water rights on the Willamette and they are one of the interested
parties in a regional facility in that area. Some of the interested
parties to this facility are: Tualatin Valley, Tigard, Tualatin,
Wilsonville, and Sherwood.
Mr. Schwartz stated the importance of talking with Lake Oswego but at
the same time should be working with other communities also. Mr. Wegner
stated that he would be attending a meeting on November 25th at
Corvallis on the Willamette and the Water Quality Study that was done.
Mr. Schwartz also questioned whether there would be a time table put
together that would outline when negotiations and other issues will take
place. Mr. Wegner stated that he would be putting together a work plan
and timetable that he will be distributing within the next couple of
Bill Scheiderich questioned whether Mr. Wegner or someone else on the
Board could summarize the intent of the Water District Board and the
City Council as to interim purchases of large volumes of water from
Portland. Mr. Wegner stated that if another source is available such as
TVWD, for the large volume, we would like to check on those
Mr. Scheiderich stated that the City of Beaverton is beginning
negotiations with Portland for an emergency water supply given that if
the water main on Murray Road is ever severed they would be dependent
upon reservoirs alone. For the interim there has been direction given
to negotiate with Portland for emergency or backup water supply. There
has been some discussion on obtaining that water from the Bradley Corner
connection. There is a 1973 Agreement whereby, Tigard Water District
and Metzger Water District both get 3 .65 mgd in that line with Beaverton
having the right to construct a parallel line from Five Corners. There
has also been some discussion with Beaverton connecting further from
Bradley Corners to a connection with the Beaverton system and the Tigard
Water District at approximately where Hwy 217 goes under Hall Boulevard.
Chair Manning questioned whether Jack Polans had received a copy of the
Water Supply Plan Update. Mr. Polans stated that he had not received a
copy. Chair Manning questioned whether a copy of this could be provided
to Mr. Polans. Mr. Wegner stated that at this time there is a copy
available in the Library and we have no additional copies. Chair
Manning stated that she would like to request a copy of behalf of Mr.
Polans and if there was a cost issue, the City of Durham would pay for
that. Mr. Wegner stated that there is also a copy available in each of
the respective City Administrator's offices.
Mr. Wegner stated that he had provided the Board with two months of
Water Reports (August and September) . Discussed the issue of Water
Quality which has been in the media lately. An article on taste and
odor was in the Tigard times and also the television media has been
running information on cryptosporidium. He has also included in the
packets some information on the taste and odor problem from Gary
Deadmond at the Water Treatment Plant. Mr. Wegner stated that these
articles have also been provided for the Cityscape and also to the City
of Durham and King City for their newsletters.
Mr. Wegner stated that in the last six months the City has annexed
fifty-six (56) acres of land and the Ordinance for withdrawal from the
Tigard Water District will begin. Mr. Wegner's memo also addressed the
water conservation coalition in this area of which Randy Volk is a
member of. They have put together a school program that has distributed
to all the area schools for the teachers use. Northwest Natural Gas
program of shower conservation kits has distributed 3 , 222 conservation
kits in the Tigard Service Area upon requests. This is about 1/4 of the
customer base for the service area.
All three cities have approved the Resolution adopting the Division of
Assets Report and next week the Tigard Water District will have it on
their agenda for approval. After approval by the TWD, we will have a
final copy prepared and distributed to all the parties.
Maintenance Services has moved the Vehicle Maintenance operation to the
Water Building facility which were built and designed for vehicle
maintenance. Tigard Water District had in the past contracted out all
of the vehicle maintenance and we are currently doing that in house
which will reflect a savings.
Chair Manning discussed the mandatory notice for the lead and copper
program, and questioned whether there have been many requests for
Mike Miller stated that we have had a few requests, but not many. Mr.
Wegner stated that there has been a lot of calls regarding the taste and
odor problem.
Mr. Wegner stated that this is the first month for combined billing on
a regular cycle. A lot of residents in the Tigard Service Area received
utility billings in excess of $100 for a two month period, which
included water, sewer, and storm water charges. Mr. Wegner stated that
the Finance Department is considering changing the billings to say City
of Tigard Utility Bill versus City of Tigard Water Department.
John Schwartz questioned what the average increase on sewer bills were
since we have gone to the water consumption formula? Is this rate
linked to water charge increases or sewer charges? Mr. Wegner stated he
would check and find out the figures from USA.
Bylaws discussion
Long range water plan
Mr. Wegner did mention that Mike Miller is on a Committee that is
working with Portland and some other communities on model contracts.
A Motion to Adjourn was passed unanimously approximately 6: 30 p.m.