Meeting Minutes
April 13, 1994
Board Members Present: Chair Peggy Manning; Chair-Elect Bill Scheiderich;
Lynda Jenkins and George Morgan
Board Member Absent: John Schwartz
Staff Present: Leslee Gemmill, Mary Gruss, Wayne Lowry, Mike
Miller, Liz Newton, Patrick Reilly, Randy Volk and Ed
1. Call to Order
Chair Manning called the meeting to order at 5:38 p.m.
2. Approve March 23, 1994 Meeting Minutes
Bill Scheiderich motioned to approve the meeting minutes as submitted and Lynda
Jenkins seconded the motion. A voice vote was taken and the motion passed
3. Continue Discussion on Meeting Procedures
Liz Newton, City of Tigard Community Involvement Coordinator, distributed and
reviewed the Draft Bylaws. She explained to the Board that the draft is based on the
Board's discussion at its last meeting and is organized taking the Intergovernmental
Agreement into consideration.
Liz Newton pointed out the potential problem if and when the chair-elect resigns
his/her position and asked the Board to consider this issue further.
The Board discussed briefly Lynda Jenkins' concern regarding voting and a quorum.
George Morgan reminded those present that the Intergovernmental Agreement
stipulates a quorum shall be three members and any action of the Board requires
three votes excluding abstentions.
Parliamentga Authority-Liz Newton informed the Board that Cathy Wheatley,City
Recorder, will be attending a seminar and has agreed to look for appropriate
information on Parliamentary Authority for the Board.
Conflict of Interest - Liz Newton distributed an 'Ethics Guide for Public Officials"
and per Lynda Jenkins' suggestion, will include as an addendum to the bylaws.
Bill Scheiderich recommended Liz Newton contact League of Oregon Cities and ask
for copies of its publication on "Conflict of Interest for Public Officials" for the
Chair Manning thanked Liz Newton for her presentation and indicated the Board
will take action after the final draft. Patrick Reilly asked the Board to direct any
additional comments to Liz Newton this next week.
4. Water Debt Service Levy
Wayne Lowry, City of Tigard Finance Director, reviewed for the Board the
agreement between the Washington County Assessor's Office and the Department
of Revenue regarding the method to be used to levy the final two years of debt
service for the Tigard Water District general obligation bonds.
According to Wayne Lowry, each jurisdiction will need to levy their share of the debt
service requirements for 1994/95 and the fairest way to determine each jurisdiction's
share is based on the relationship of 1993/94 assessed values. He explained that the
District will have funds from the 1993/94 levy to pay the amount due on July 1, 1994
and the 1994/95 levies by each jurisdiction will fund the payments due January 1 and
July 1, 1995. The total amount due, using a 94% collection rate is $155,355.
Wayne Lowry offered assistance to cities of King City and Durham and Tigard Water
District in the preparation of their budget forms and budget process. He also
pointed out to those present, as indicated on the memo to Patrick Reilly dated April
7, 1994, each jurisdictions projected 1% water sales rebate.
There was discussion on alternatives including paying the debt in full and budget
concerns. Staff addressed the Board's questions and Patrick Reilly informed them
that a draft budget should be available for review at the next meeting.
Bill Scheiderich questioned Patrick Reilly about the budget presentation, asking
whether the forthcoming Capital Improvement Plan master plan is going to dictate
any revisions to the Systems Development Charge (SDC)?
Patrick Reilly responded that it is reasonable to assume that the City would look at
SDC's subsequent to whatever plan is adopted.
5. Review of Water Rules and Regulations
Randy Volk reminded the Board that Section 8 of the Intergovernmental Agreement
empowers the Intergovernmental Water Board to make a continuing review of the
rules and regulations regarding the water system. He informed the Board the Rules
and Regulations haven't been updated since November 1992.
The Board discussed briefly with staff the purpose of the document.
George Morgan suggested to the Board that staff be allowed to review and
streamline the contents and create an amended document for the Board to consider.
He also expressed his concern for the need for further clarification in the handout
in the area of identifying individuals by position for patrons to address questions and
concerns to. He then questioned staff regarding the references to cost in the
handout and asked if the water department uses any type of model.
Randy Volk responded that cost may include salary and benefits and use of
equipment where appropriate and a cost schedule is used internally. He also
informed the Board that four water department employees are registered to attend
an AWWA (American Water Works Association) sub-section meeting in Spokane,
Patrick Reilly asked how the neighboring cities inform their customers about water
rules and regulations.
Bill Scheiderich responded that pertinent information is relayed to customers in a
public relations brochure and then talked briefly about Systems Development
Charges and the study done in July 1991 on the actual cost of each meter installation.
Patrick Reilly repeated to the Board that staff is to prepare a reasonable customer
service brochure and put together a design manual of policy issues.
George Morgan asked Patrick Reilly if he envisioned these rules and regulations
would be formulated as a composite for the City's customers of different services.
Patrick Reilly responded that ideally one design manual would be created to be
reflective of all the various services offered by the City.
The Board recessed from 6:30 - 6:38 p.m.
6. Managing and Purchasing Portland Water
Mike Miller, Water Management Analyst, presented to the Board, an overview of
water management techniques. He clarified water terms appropriate to the industry
like "floating the system", "equalize" and "peaking". He reviewed for the Board the
general guidelines for when peak days and peak hours of usage occur on the Bull
Run Supply System. He explained how the water department has experienced the
negative impact of floating the system during the summer months and the positive
benefit of utilizing the reservoir storage capacity reducing the rate to $0.55 per ccf
from Portland for the 199495 fiscal year.
Mike Miller continued explaining how the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
(SCADA) system enables the water department to gather, control and analyze data
(reservoir levels, transfer pump flows, incoming supply flows, etc.) in such a way that
the department can improve the way it controls the water system. When the
purchase and installation of the SCADA system is complete, the department will
have the ability to set parameters on when and how much water is purchased from
Portland. The ability to control the supply from Portland is essential in that the way
the department takes water determines the following year's rate. He said there are
other software applications available to enhance the information gathered by
SCADA. Wonderware Corporation has a Windows based application called In-
Touch which allows the user to get a peaking factor of 1.0.
Bill Scheiderich asked Mike Miller whether or not he's noticed if the fluctuation of
the water level in the reservoirs, has an effect on water quality.
Mike Miller responded that the department doesn't experience a problem probably
due to the fact that the majority of the water is from Lake Oswego. He further
explained that in the 10 mg reservoir, when Bull Run water is taken, you can't see
the bottom of the tank and you can see a dime in the bottom of the tank when filled
with Lake Oswego water.
Chair Manning complimented Mike Miller on his informative memo and
7. Non-Agenda Items
Director's Report:
Ed Wegner reported that the monthly report format is still being worked on and will
be available_in two weeks.
• 71 meters were installed during the month of March.
• In 1968, an addition to Reservoir 3 was constructed and has been leaking at
the exterior and so far, the department has been unable to successfully repair
it. Murray, Smith and Associates, Inc. has been asked to evaluate the
situation and respond as to the best way to take care of it.
• The bid opening is May 3, 1994 for the 12" Transmission Main on the S.W.
North Dakota Street improvement.
• Phase H of the SCADA system was approved for purchase by the Tigard City
council. Phase R-A, the purchase of InTouch software, will go to Council in
the next few weeks. Next year's Capital Improvement Plan is on target with
Phase III of the SCADA purchase. Responding to questions from the Board,
staff indicated the entire cost of the SCADA system is $120,000 and the last
phase will provide monitoring to the reservoirs that currently have no
monitoring. Peggy Manning asked about the cost effectiveness of the SCADA
system, Randy Volk responded that immediate savings would be seen in
overtime. InTouch will allow easy interface between computer and user for
better use and will give more updated information on the water system. Mike
Miller said the cost savings work out with a peaking factor of 1.0 of$313,000
worth of water versus a peaking factor of 1.3 at $.057 per 100 ccf works out
to $364,000. Therefore, the potential cost savings is $51,000.
• Ed Wegner updated the Board on the hand-held meter readers stating the
employees have been trained and the department started routing and meter
reading this month. The employee response has been good. Staff will share
the meter readers with the Board at a future meeting.
• Tigard Water District awarded the contract to Economic Engineering
Services, Inc. (EES) for the division of assets. Preliminary meetings have
been held with staff. Peggy Manning asked about the final contract amount
and Ed Wegner responded that it's $20,000. He then informed the Board of
an optional task being offered by EES for a GIS Information System. Ed
Wegner continued by saying the consultant has been asked to report to the
Tigard Water District at it's monthly meeting and George Morgan will report
to this Board. George Morgan invited anyone interested in the progress of
the project to attend the Tigard Water District meetings.
• Director Wegner reported that the transition of the Tigard Water District
employees and City of Tigard is going smoothly. He said the Finance
Department has relocated to the water building and will soon start the
combined sewer and water billing. He continued saying the Operations and
Maintenance staff is working well with the City maintenance staff.
S. Set Next Meeting Agenda
Director's Report
Water Budget
Draft Bylaws
9. Adjournment
Bill Scheiderich motioned to adjourn the meeting and George Morgan seconded the
motion. The meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m.