July 10, 1996
MEMBERS PRESENT: Bill Scheiderich, Beverly Froude, John
Budihas, Paul Hunt, Robert Tydeman
STAFF PRESENT: Ed Wegner, Mike Miller, Kathy Kaatz, Cyndi
Turner, Trish Toedtemier
1. Call to Order
The meeting of the Intergovernmental Water Board was called to
order at 5 : 32 p.m.
2 . Roll Call and Introductions
Roll call was taken with all Board Members present with the
exception of Robert Tydeman from the City of Durham who
arrived momentarily.
3 . Visitors Comments
The Board recognized Mr. Todd Harris who was present at the
meeting to discuss an adjustment to his billing (Agenda item
#5) and was allowed to proceed at this time.
Mr. Harris began his discussion by noting his letter that had
been submitted to the Board. He continued by stating that he
was initially contacted by the City staff noting that there
was an apparent water leak at his property. City staff
contacted him and stated that the meter had been checked twice
and there was a problem. The staff made contact with Mr.
Harris at his work and after checking found a broken pipe
underneath his garage. Mr. Harris stated that his water bill
had climber to over $600 . 00 and when he contacted City staff
was told they could allow him a $165 . 00 credit and if he was
not satisfied he could appeal that to this Board. Mr. Harris
continued by saying that he did not feel that the $165 . 00
credit was adequate for a billing of this size and questioned
whether the adjustment should be based upon a percentage basis
with this high of a dollar amount? Mr. Harris continued by
saying that his repair bill on this break was over $2 , 000 . 00 .
Commissioner Budihas questioned whether Mr. Harris received
the $600 . 00 billing on one bill or two? Mr. Harris stated it
was all on one bill . Mr. Harris stated that when he was
contacted at his work, he was to meet someone from the Water
Division at the property address .
.--� Mr. Wegner stated that the process was that the meter readers
read monthly for a every other month billing and when the read
came in notably higher, someone was sent back out to re-read
the meter which still indicated higher usage and that was when
Mr. Harris was notified there was a problem on his side of the
line. Mr. Harris would then have received the original bill
for the $600 . 00 amount and after that receiving that he can
apply for the credit .
Mr. Harris stated that it was their assumption that the break
was indeed on his side and he called a plumber who found it to
be under the garage. Commissioner Hunt questioned the time
frame between the two meter readings? Trish Toedtemeier
stated that she thought it was about a day an a half between
readings . Commissioner Budihas stated that as a homeowner,
the area after the meter and to the residence it is the
homeowners responsibility and that the Water Division had done
what they could.
Chair Scheiderich questioned where the amount of the $165 . 00
credit came from. Ms . Toedtemeier noted that it was her
understanding that was a historical figure that was determined
earlier and is generally increased with rate increases . Mr.
Wegner stated that this figure was raised about one year ago
when the revisions to the Rules, Rates and Regulations was
--. updated. Commissioner Froude stated that in the previous
minutes it was discussed and the Board decided that the Board
would delegate to staff to allow credit for the bill minus the
City' s direct cost of the water or $165 . 00 whichever is
greater. The previous bill that was discussed was issued
$165 . 00 credit plus the $204 . 89 which was the credit above the
actual water costs .
Commissioner Hunt motioned that the Board should be consistent
and do the exact same for Mr. Harris. This motion was
seconded by Commissioner Budihas. Commissioner Froude stated
she would save her discussion until later. Mr. Wegner asked
for clarification on this issue. He questioned whether the
Board gave the staff approval on crediting Mr. Harris' s bill
the same criteria as the last credit (Houghton) ? The Board
stated that was correct.
Ms . Toedtemeier stated that they had already calculated that
out to see the outcome which was he would receive an
additional credit of $158 .45 plus $165 . 00 which would leave
Mr. Harris a balance of $265 . 00 . The Board voted on this
motion, which passed unanimously.
Mr. Wegner questioned if this formula would be the standard
for billing adjustments and should this information be
prepared prior to the meeting to see what the total adjustment
would be? Chair Scheiderich questioned what percentage of
IWB Meeting Minutes - July 10, 1996 Page 2
-� a dollar is charged per 100 cf is actual water costs (year
around average) ? Mike Miller stated that it is approximately
70 cents . Ms . Toedtemeier stated that we currently charge
$1 . 32 per 100 cf .. Commissioner Tydeman questioned the formula
as reflected in the previous minutes (May 15 , page 2 , item
#5) . Commissioner Froude read from the minutes as follows :
"Mr. Rolf stated that the City only needs to recoup the actual
costs of the water" with the following motion, "the Board
delegate to staff to allow credit for the bill minus the
City' s direct cost of the water or $165 . 00 whichever is
greater" . The Board continued discussion with Commissioner
Froude stating that since the policy of the $165 dollar
allowance was determined, the Board has always changed the
policy and allowed a larger credit . Commissioner Hunt
requested that Mr. Wegner come up with a policy proposal to
discuss at the next meeting. Mr. Wegner stated that Mr. Lowry
will be involved in development of this policy.
6 . Director' s Report
Mr. Wegner stated that he would like to bring the Board up to
date on three or four projects that are continuing:
Lake Oswego - We have been negotiating to purchase into the
Lake Oswego treatment plant with the idea that they would
expand their capacity from 16 mgd to 30-32 mgd. The Lake
Oswego plant is located in the City of West Linn which is not
allowing plant expansion since this plant is located within a
residential neighborhood. The West Linn Planning Commission
did grant approval to capital improvements necessary to the
existing treatment plant, but did not give permission for an
expansion. In the Metro 2040 Plan, Lake Oswego has been
designated as the water provider for the Stafford Road area.
Both of these issues have stopped negotiations with Lake
Oswego on any degree of partnering. By the end of this week,
we will be receiving a contract to purchase water from Lake
Oswego. Two years ago we had a letter of agreement extending
the old Tigard Water district Contract for a period of one
year. They are currently writing a contract for the City of
Tigard to purchase excess water.
Tualatin Valley Water District - Gene Sibel has retired and
Jesse Lowman, the previous Assistant General Manager has
assumed the position of General Manager. Mr. Lowman has
spoken to Mr. Wegner and hopefully the relationship with them
will remain intact . We are currently purchasing water from
them this summer as well as the Baylor Street connection. We
are working with TVWD in buying water in the future which will
involve some transmission improvements . TVWD will have
between 8-13 mgd in excess water to sell . Murray, Smith and
Associates and the TVWD Engineers are currently working on the
conceptual design to see how this will work.
IWB Meeting Minutes - July 10, 1996 Page 3
-� Consortium - Mr. Monahan and Mr. Wegner are both involved with
a consortium that consists of the Citys of Wilsonville,
Sherwood, Tigard, Tualatin, Canby, Clackamas Water District,
Tualatin Valley Water District to look at the Willamette River
as a potential water source. There have been a couple of
engineering studies completed at this time and are looking at
the feasibility costs of the treatment plant and transmission
mains . A decision will probably be made in the near future in
regards to Wilsonville since they are in need of an immediate
water source. Tigard may go with the Consortium in purchasing
land and build a small plant within the city limits of
Wilsonville or an area down toward the river. Commissioner
Tydeman questioned how much land would be necessary? Mr.
Wegner continued by stating that if land was purchased within
an industrial area they would look at approximately 40 acres
and if they found land outside the industrial area they would
probably look at a 100 acre site. The actual need would be
for approximately 60 acres .
Mr. Wegner stated that we are currently purchasing water from
TVWD, Portland, Lake Oswego and utilizing two of our own
wells . Mr. Wegner stated that he spoke with Portland Water
Bureau today and they are currently producing 168 mgd to sell
with Tigard taking approximately 4 mgd. July 1 we began
taking 1 mgd from Portland to reduce costs .
Regional Water Supply Plan - The revisions have been made and
the final plan will be sent for review to this Board and the
City Council in September. The Steering Committee of the
Water Providers have embarked upon a group of attorneys to
begin working on a IGA which we will have a draft of in the
near future.
Rate Study - We are proceeding with raising the SDC' s and Mr.
Miller is following the same procedure as we did with the Park
SDC' s . This will involve an Open House held at the Water
Building and then a formal public hearing before the Tigard
City Council and then bring back a resolution to this Board.
The target date is to implement these new charges by January.
The resolution will hopefully be brought back to this Board by
Menlor Reservoir site - A conditional Use permit will be
submitted in approximately one month to allow some further
investigation with the neighborhood. We will be holding a
neighborhood meeting at the Water Building inviting residents
from Bull Mountain Meadows and surrounding areas as well as
Board Members .
Meeting Schedule - Recently we have not had a lot of Board
action items, so do we want to consider changing our meeting
schedule? Chair Scheiderich stated since he was the member at
IWB Meeting Minutes - July 10, 1996 Page 4
large and not representing a specific group of people, he
would leave discussion to the rest of the members .
Commissioner Hunt stated that we do not need to meet just for
the sake of meeting and stated that the Board could meet every
other month or call meetings as needed. Mr. Wegner stated
that he felt a lot of the future meetings will be
informational meetings versus action type meetings . Mr.
Wegner stated that we could meet and have a meeting monthly or
every other month or look at the possibility of sending out
monthly updates . Commissioner Budihas suggested that we try
meeting every other month and call a meeting if necessary.
Commissioner Froude questioned whether the discussion on
billing credits would be on the agenda in September? This
item will be on the agenda in September. The Board decided to
begin meeting every other month beginning in September.
Discussion was held on what to do in the meantime with a water
leak issue. These will be placed on the agenda of the next
scheduled meeting, at times which could be two months .
Commissioner Hunt questioned whether we would want to address
the issue of "reasonable time" in having repairs completed.
Chair Scheiderich questioned whether the meter readers have
the previous reading when they read a meter? Mike Miller
stated that they have hand held reader that displays the
previous reading. Discussion was held on whether there should
be a door hanger that would flag the property owner to a high
Commissioner Tydeman questioned the term of the contract with
Lake Oswego? Mr. Wegner stated that the existing contract
with TVWD is ten years and we do not know at this time the
length that Lake Oswego is considering, only that our rate
will increase from 57 cents to 63 cents . Chair Scheiderich
questioned the amount of TVWD output do we currently purchase?
Mr. Wegner stated that we purchase 2 mgd out of their average
13 mgd output . Chair Scheiderich stated that since we are
currently purchasing one third of their total output, we could
consider annexing into TVWD or beginning a water authority.
Commissioner Hunt questioned the length of the contract signed
with Portland? Mr. Wegner stated that we did not sign a new
contract with Portland, although we are operating under the
Tigard Water District Contract which is effective through
2007 . We have modified the contract and increased our
purchase amount at a reduced rate. During the winter months
this will have a significant impact on Lake Oswego since our
first purchase of 1 mgd will come from Portland. We could
have increased this amount to 2 mgd although we did not want
to have that sudden of an impact with Lake Oswego at this
IWB Meeting Minutes - July 10, 1996 Page 5
Commissioner Froude discussed an article in the paper as well
as radio time on conservation and questioned what we are doing
in regards to conservation? Mr. Wegner stated that we have
the last two months have placed articles in the Cityscape and
the Columbia/Willamette Conservation group is doing public
announcements beginning yesterday and PGE is also doing some
water conservation announcements . Commissioner Froude
questioned the possibility of including something in with
water bills? Mike Miller stated that we have seen a
reduction in water usage lately. In 1992 prior to the
drought, average gallon usage per capita per day was 150
gallons which is currently down to 130 gallons per day. This
is a drop of 130 overall .
Discussion was held on separating the billing to split water
from sewer. Currently County residents are not billed for
sewer usage and City of King City and Durham receive a
separate bill from USA. The Finance Department began
combining sewer and water billing with the City of Tigard and
will combine the other cities at some point . These costs are
itemized although you do receive one billing.
8. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 6 :25 p.m. The next scheduled
meeting is September 11, 1996 .
kath y\iw b\iw h 7-10.mtg
IWB Meeting Minutes - July 10, 1996 Page 6