06/14/1995 - Minutes INTERGOVERNMENTAL WATER BOARD MEETING MINUTES JUNE 14, 1995 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Bill Scheiderich, Paul Hunt, Beverly Froude, Peggy Manning STAFF PRESENT: Ed Wegner, Randy Volk, Mike Miller, and Kathy Kaatz VISITORS PRESENT: None 1 . Call to Order The meeting of the Intergovernmental Water Board was called to order at 5:30 p.m. on June 14, 1995. 2. Roll Call Roll call was taken and all members were present with the exception of John Budihas. 3. Visitor Comments There were no visitors present at the meeting. 4. Approve May 17, 1995 Minutes The minutes of the May 17, 1995 meeting were approved as written. 5. Water Quality Review - Mike Miller Mike Miller stated that in the June 2, 1995 edition of the Oregonian an article appeared in the National section regarding the poisoning of drinking water in the United States. This article was based upon a briefing paper by the National Resources Defense Council. Mr. Miller stated that the National Defense Council was striving to use scare tactics to make people aware of the condition of the drinking water in various states. The information consisted of raw data that was obtained from the EPA indicating what violations took place, whether it be clerical errors, misplacement of files, actual violations of Safe Drinking Water Act, etc. Mr. Miller stated there was an insertion in the Oregon Section of the Oregonian which targeted Tigard as a major violator based upon a population of 10,000 or more. Mr. Miller stated that he had contacted the State Health Division and spoke with Dave Leland who is the manager of the Drinking Water Program. Mr. Miller stated that he was unaware of any violations and Mr. Leland indicated that in December there was some confusion on the population base of Tigard. The routine water samples are based upon population and since the State Health Division had a higher population base for Tigard we had not completed the correct amount of samplings which did place Tigard in violation, although since the additional testing was completed we are current. Mr. Miller then discussed the lead/copper portion of the article and stated that anyone on the Bull Run system does have lead/copper problems that have to be dealt with. Mr. Miller stated that he has copies of the lead/copper analysis that is taken at the source (Bonita Road pump station) and at that location the copper is .01 ppm and the action level is 1 .3 ppm. The lead at this location is .001 ppm with the action level being .015 ppm which places these well below the action levels, therefore the issues are strictly dealing with the homeowners plumbing within the home on homes built between 1982 and 1985. Mr. Miller stated that he received a fax from the AWWA, Public Affairs Advisory Committee which dealt with this briefing paper and it showed that the highest violations were on the East Coast. Commissioner Manning questioned how many inquiries we had in regards to this article? Mr. Miller stated that he did receive between 6 and 8 phone calls. Mr. Miller stated that since this article appeared in the National section versus the Metro section we did not receive as many calls. Chair Scheiderich questioned whether the staff has prepared a response and address what contamination threat is out there? Mr. Miller stated that there has been no direction to do so at this time. Mr. Wegner stated that he had discussed with the City Administrator doing a rebuttal but it was decided since there were minimal calls it would be better to continue handling those calls through Mike Miller. Commissioner Froude questioned talking with the author of the article and whether this person would be doing a follow-up article and let them know to speak with Mike Miller before publicizing. Mr. Wegner stated that Liz Newton is meeting with the press to discuss false and misleading information that is being published. 6. Water Rules, Rates and Regulations - Randy Volk Mr. Volk discussed the February draft of the Rules, Rates and Regulations and reminded the Board of the proposed changes (crossed out the original wording and bolded the recommended wording). It was discussed that the Board has not looked at the draft and at this time did not have their recommendations ready. It was decided that this item be placed on the next agenda (July 12) Mr. Wegner stated that we would like to have these recommendations made at the same time that the rate study is being completed. Mr. Volk stated that the additions/deletions are staff recommendations that were made by Wayne Lowry, Mike Miller, Mary Gruss, and himself. Chair Scheiderich discussed a concern about landlord and tenants bills, and detector meters around fire alarms and whose responsibility that is. Mr. Volk stated that the City does not read detector meters on fire hydrants. 7. Director's Report - Ed Wegner Mr. Wegner stated that he would be discussing a) Water supply status report, b)general status report and c) 1995/96 budget. Mr. Wegner initially discussed the interim water supply. He stated that Tigard City Council has approved the contract with Tualatin Valley Water District for the interim supply of water and it will be on the TVWD agenda tomorrow evening. After this draft was reviewed by the IWB it went to the City Attorney's office for review in which they recommended only one minor change. This agreement is for a ten year period and for up to 6 mgd. with the first year only having the capability of taking 2 mgd due to the Baylor intertie. We have the ability of terminating the contract with a one year notice if we reach a long term agreement with another entity. This contract with TVWD will be a secondary source with Lake Oswego as our main source and we will also continue if needed, to take water from Portland. The City of Portland did want to review this contract between the City of Tigard and Tualatin Valley Water District and they have verbally ok'd the contract but will have to be endorsed by the Portland City Council. The Tigard City Council also approved the construction of and awarded the contract for the Baylor Intertie project, which should be completed within the next couple of weeks. We are proceeding we our well maintenance program and well #2 is in need of some repairs. Mr. Wegner discussed the long term water supply with the City of Lake Oswego and stated that negotiations are continuing between the staffs. Mr. Wegner stated that there was an article in Sunday's Oregonian about the Regional Study (distributed to the Board) which stated that there is more water than was originally thought. Mr. Wegner stated that the consultant (CH2M HILL) for the rate study was approved by Council last night on the consent agenda and the consultant will meet with Wayne Lowry and himself the week after next to begin their research. He also stated that the crews have begun work on the Beef Bend Road project (temporary services and tie-ins) and have awarded a contract extending the contract with the County. This contractor will lay the pipe down the middle of the road beginning June 14. The Board was provided a copy of the City budget packet which included a recap of the operating revenues and expenditures. Mr. Wegner discussed the different budget sheets that were provided to the Board. Commissioner Froude questioned on the Capital Projects the location of Beef Bend at 173rd. Mr. Wegner stated that this was a typographical error and should read Beef Bend at 137th. Commissioner Manning commented on the fact that during the merger it was outlined that one of the benefits of the merger would be the reduction of FTEs. Ms. Manning stated that it is refreshing to see that the FTE has been reduced (9.4%) and reflected in the budget. Mr. Wegner stated that due to the merger we have been able to utilize FTE's more efficiently, utilize light duty employees, and have the ability of sharing equipment as well as purchasing new equipment. Commissioner Manning wanted to thank the staff for a job well done. Mr. Wegner stated that included in the tonight's packet was a letter from the Water Resource Department in response to the water rights application on the Willamette, and an article from Regional Plan which outlines the strategy to have a draft in the Participant's hands in late July at which time the IWB will look at in early November and make recommendations and forward onto the City Council. Also included in the packet were the committee minutes from the Regional Participant's meeting. The Board discussed Tigard having a shortage of water within five years. Mr. Wegner stated that there were five entities (Tigard, Sherwood, Wilsonville, Damascus and Canby) which will have water shortages after the year 2050. 8. Commissioner's Comments Chair Scheiderich polled the Board members regarding the July 12 meeting with no conflicts noted. Mr. Wegner stated that Mr. Monahan wanted to let the Board know that if any of the entities would like to have a presentation made at their respective meetings to be sure and let us know. Commissioner Manning stated that the City of Durham may be interested in a presentation during July. Mr. Wegner stated that he will place a note in with Mr. Budihas's packet to let him know that they will be available to meet. 9. Adjournment Commissioner Manning made a motion to adjourn and it was seconded by Commissioner Hunt with the meeting being adjourned at 6:12 p.m. ksthy\iwb\6-14mtg Jwb