12/14/1994 - Minutes INTERGOVERNMENTAL WATER BOARD MEETING MINUTES December 14, 1994 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Peggy Manning, Paul Hunt, Bill Scheiderich, and George Morgan STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Ed Wegner, Bill Monahan, Mike Miller, Randy Volk and Kathy Kaatz VISITORS PRESENT: Jack Polans 1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting of the Intergovernmental Water Board was called to order at 5: 35 p.m. All Board Members were present with the exception of Lynda Jenkins and John Schwartz. 2. VISITORS Mr. Jack Polans stated that during the past four years he has been a writer in the public's interest. He stated that it is his feeling that the general public does not know what was, what is or what the future will be as far as the Tigard Water District is concerned, the City of Tigard, and the Intergovernmental Water Board. Mr. Polans also stated that the reference library does not have sufficient information about the Tigard Water District's Commissioners or their agendas. Chair Manning stated that she felt a portion of the responsibility belongs with the citizenry in keeping informed of pertinent issues. Mr. Polans stated that he has been involved in regards to public input with the following programs, Portland Regional Water and the Metro 2040 Regional Plan. He has also visited recently the WFR Laboratories regarding water quality. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the October 12, 1994 meeting were approved as written (meeting in November was cancelled) . A motion for approval was made by Bill Scheiderich and seconded by Paul Hunt. A voice vote was taken and passed unanimously. 4. DISCUSSION - BYLAWS It was stated that the prior information on the bylaws was distributed with the Commissioner's packets. A portion of this information was from last April when the Bylaws were being discussed. Commissioner Paul Hunt stated that he had two areas of concern: a. If electing a Chair-elect at the same time as the Chairman, you won't know at that time if that person will be on the Board a year from then. Also he stated that he felt that the current Chair-elect should not be precluded from being considered for Chair-Elect a second year. b. The date of the election is too early. If the Board would elect officers the first meeting in January, at that time you may not know who the representative will be from the other agencies. Mr. Hunt felt this should be postponed until all new members have been appointed by their respective areas. The Board discussed when members were appointed to positions. Mr. Wegner stated that since the Board was organized in January, the IGA called for a term from January 1 to December 31. Commissioner Morgan and Commissioner Scheiderich both agreed with the concerns that Commissioner Hunt stated. Commissioner Scheiderich did state that he felt there should be a vice-chair. Mr. Wegner stated that he felt it would make sense to wait until appointments are made with other agencies. He felt that the Board could wait until the first meeting in February to be an organizational meeting. Chair Manning stated that the terminology in the Bylaws is interchangeable and thought it to be appropriate to have a yearly change of the chair position. Chair Manning stated that she felt that Article 4 (Officers) last sentence which states: The new Chair's one year term shall commence at the first meeting of the new calendar year. should read at the first meeting in February of the calendar year. Commissioner Hunt questioned whether the Vice-Chair Elect of the current year will become the Chair-Elect the next year. Commissioner Hunt stated he would prefer to see a Chair-Elect and Vice Chair both elected at the first meeting in February. A motion was made by Bill Scheiderich and seconded by Paul Hunt that clarified that the Chair-Elect and Vice-Chair will both be elected at the first meeting in February. This year, IWB BOARD MEETING MINUTES - DECEMBER 14 , 1994 PAGE 2 since Mr. Scheiderich is already the Chair-Elect, he will assume the role of Chair. This motion passed unanimously. Mr. Wegner questioned whether there would be any other changes in the Bylaws. Chair Manning questioned whether it should remain that the Board will meet twice a month or should it be changed to state that the Board will meet once a month and have the option of calling a special meeting if needed (Section 5)? The other Board members agreed. Mr. Wegner stated that the Bylaws do not state how often the Board will meet, but is currently printed on the utility billings. It was agreed that on the billings it would be changed to reflect the once a month meetings. Chair Manning wanted to thank Kathy Kaatz for doing an excellent job in meetings transcription. Commissioner Hunt moved that the Bylaws be accepted as amended and was seconded by Commissioner Morgan. A voice vote was taken and passed unanimously. Mr. Wegner stated that the Bylaws would be reprinted and distributed. 5. DIRECTOR'S REPORT a. Review MSA Contract Mr. Wegner discussed Mr. Morgan's request at the last meeting of the Tigard Water District Board to provide a list of detail of the Murray Smith Contract that the City had approved. Mr. Wegner distributed with the packet the pages that were relevant to the following: Scope of work Development of a long term water supply Preparation of documentation Working on Portland Contract Working with Mike Miller on interim supply with TVWD Determining specific areas of system to improve Mr. Morgan had also questioned the fees and Mr. Wegner explained that the Contract involved two sets of fees; fixed costs which run $23 ,400 and Special Services Contract at time and materials. This Contract is a five year contract that runs through 1998 with the estimated worth being approximately $50,000. This works out to be approximately $12,000 a year to offer engineering services. Mr. Wegner stated that Chris Uber, an associate with the firm is the contact person with Murray Smith and Associates. Hal Murray has been very helpful with the negotiations with Lake IWB BOARD MEETING MINUTES - DECEMBER 14, 1994 PAGE 3 Oswego since he has been on the ground floor with South Fork Water Agency and the Joint Water Commission. Phil Smith will be involved when we go to Salem to discuss water rights. Mr. Wegner stated that he had also included in the packet for the Commissioners, a copy of the memo from Chris Uber to Ed Wegner, a progress report on the work that has been authorized. Mr. Wegner stated that Commissioner Morgan had also questioned why we were using the firm of Murray Smith? Mr. Wegner stated that the staff and the Council as well as the IWB members were happy with the results of the work completed by Murray Smith in the long range supply plan. Since their firm had been involved with the plan it seemed only logical to have a contract with them to implement these plans. Commissioner Morgan stated that he felt that MSA had done an outstanding job on presentations, exhibits and written materials. Mr. Morgan stated that he has been reminded recently that with the number of things underway currently (long term supply, interim supply, capital improvement, as well as other projects) we have some definition regarding their contract. He stated that this multi-year agreement does provide for continuity, as some of these projects will not be resolved quickly. Mr. Wegner stated this Contract does not include such things as, construction of a new reservoir, but does involve the day to day operations and getting us through the long term water supply. When we get involved with some of the capital improvement projects we will be soliciting proposals. Commissioner Scheiderich questioned whether the Board was satisfied that there is no in-house (City of Tigard staff) to accomplish some of this work? Mr. Wegner stated that we do not have the capability of in-house staff to accomplish these projects. Mr. Scheiderich also questioned if there were milestones or timelines in the Contract with MSA to accomplish these projects. Mr. Wegner stated that on some of the projects outlined there are timelines. Finally, Mr. Scheiderich questioned the status of the City of Lake Oswego's contractual intent? Mr. Wegner stated that this will be discussed in the Executive Session. Chair Manning stated that she felt comfortable that Murray Smith and Associates are performing in a manner to benefit all. Mr. Wegner stated that this was provided for informational purposes and to keep the Board Members up to date on what the City Council did within the guidelines of the IGA is to provide engineering for the operations of the water system. IWB BOARD MEETING MINUTES - DECEMBER 14, 1994 PAGE 4 b. Six Month Plan of Action Mr. Wegner stated there needs to be a checklist to ensure that items are being accomplished according to the IGA. Mr. Wegner provided the Board with a copy of the Six Month Action Plan with the exception of the meetings with Lake Oswego for the interim supply since these meetings change frequently. This plan attempts to outline the concept that the Staff will bring up ideas and propose those to the IWB for discussion and the IWB members will take those items back to their respective agencies and get input and come back to the IWB meeting with a recommendation and that will be presented to the City of Tigard for action on such items as capital improvement, rate studies, and other items outlined in the IGA. Mr. Wegner discussed three areas that are a concern to all of us; Revised Rules and Regulations, Interim Water Supply and withdrawal from the Tualatin Valley Water District. After outlining the schedule, there is time allowed for discussion at the IWB, time to take back to respective agencies, and bring recommendation to the next IWB meeting and then forward to Council for approval. This plan of action shows several items that are key to the Board members. Some of the target dates are very realistic and some are very ambitious. Commissioner Manning questioned whether there was any priority indication on this plan? Mr. Wegner stated that all three items listed on this plan of action are a priority and have at least one staff member assigned to. Chair Manning questioned the notation for December 13th. on emergency water for the City of Beaverton and what the relationship with the IWB was? Mr. Miller stated that this deals with the twenty-five year contract with the City of Portland. The City of Beaverton does not have a contract and have asked for water from the City of Portland and the City of Portland has called a meeting with all the purveyors surrounding the City of Beaverton (Tualatin Valley, West Slope, Raleigh, Tigard and City of Tualatin) to look at different ways in an emergency situation to be the first response. Commissioner Scheiderich stated that the City of Beaverton is looking for someone to look for strictly in an emergency situation. Mr. Volk discussed that in 1992 during the restrictions, the City of Beaverton was not under restrictions and Portland was, the City of Beaverton had a situation which required emergency assistance and were given water by Portland and there were unhappy feelings among other purveyors. IWB BOARD MEETING MINUTES - DECEMBER 14, 1994 PAGE 5 Mr. Wegner also distributed to the Board a meeting schedule for 1995. Mr. Wegner stated that this schedule reflects the IWB meeting which is the second Wednesday of each month and the TWD meeting on the fourth Monday of each month. This schedule also lists the schedule of other meetings of interest. The Board discussed briefly continuing to meet on the second Wednesday of each month and it was decided they would continue. Mr. Wegner also stated that at the last meeting of the Tigard Water District it was agreed that they would change their current meeting date (first Monday of each month) to the fourth Monday of each month to accommodate the new schedules. There was discussion by the members of the Board that since Commissioner Scheiderich would be unavailable on the second Wednesday in February (2-8) should the meeting be rescheduled at this time? It was decided that this would be placed on the January meeting agenda. Mr. Wegner also distributed the monthly reports for September and October which were revised and the monthly report for November. Also distributed was a booklet from the Willamette River Pilot Program which was distributed at a meeting held by the Tualatin Valley Water District included inside this booklet was an executive summary from the consulting firm of Montgomery Watson made to Tualatin Valley. Mr. Wegner discussed the outcome of this meeting being that the Tualatin Valley Board and staff asked that interested parties that want to look at the Willamette as a possible water source identify themselves and will meet in the near future and begin discussion on the direction to be taken. The Tigard Water District at their last meeting passed a motion to encourage the Tigard City Council to be a participant in these meetings. Mr. Wegner stated that there will be an elected official as well as a staff member attending these meetings. Commissioner Scheiderich questioned if anyone has considered who would pay for the master meter which are extremely expensive. He further stated that one of the improvements to TVWD service area is to enlarge the 10" master meter to 1611? Mr. Wegner stated that Mike Miller is working on the interim plan and Murray Smith will also be working on who would pay for what. Mr. Wegner stated the importance of establishing this tie with Tualatin Valley Water District and reduce our costs to the City of Portland. Mike Miller stated that at the end of November Hal Murray, Chris Uber and himself had met with Tualatin Valley Water District to discuss different locations of possible interties, the three most logical places being: IWB BOARD MEETING MINUTES - DECEMBER 14, 1994 PAGE 6 Baylor Street Reservoir (I-5 and Baylor Street) Bradley Corner Connection (Olson, Hall & Greenburg) Cascade Ave (under railroad tracks, separated by a gate valve - unmetered) Mr. Miller stated that Gene Siebel has stated publicly that they are able to give 6 mgd. We are currently looking at the feasibility of that amount as well as Tualatin Valley has also contracted with CH2MHill who has done modeling of the Metzger system back in the 801s. At the Baylor Street location we are looking at connecting our 12" with their 12" line putting master meter and control vault in and possible bringing in 2-3 mgd dependent upon flows. The 24" connection at Bradley Corner from Washington County Supply line is 16 feet ahead of our current system. Determination would have to be made whether a pump station would be necessary in that area. The smallest connection is at Cascade Avenue with a 8" line and in a twenty-four hour period can maybe produce 1 mgd. All of these will require metering, new meter connections, but the interties will strengthen us now and in the future when withdrawal from Tualatin Valley Water District we will have a supply line to provide service to them. Tualatin Valley has already targeted changing out the meter at Forest Lane, to eliminate some restrictions that they have, but not necessarily for a few years so this may involve some cost sharing. Commissioner Hunt questioned whether these were all a part of the capital expenditure budget now? Mr. Miller stated they are not. Mr. Wegner stated that during budget talks last year, it was decided that we would wait until we had such figures. Commissioner Scheiderich questioned the chemical imbalances in bringing Tualatin Valley Water into our system? Mr. Miller stated there is the possibility since their water is chlormination water but would not be any worst that we have currently experienced with Bull Run coming directly into the system. Mr. Miller stated that it is Tualatin Valleys commitment is to fast track this and work on the IGA's and getting some preliminary reports on hydraulics analysis that CH2MHill will be providing. 6. NON AGENDA ITEMS Commissioner Scheiderich questioned what the budget timelines would be for the Tigard Water District? Mr. Wegner stated that would be the March meeting. His budget will be submitted to the City Manager which will include the Tigard Water District's budget by February 17-20. Will then bring back to the Board for discussion before going to Council. IWB BOARD MEETING MINUTES - DECEMBER 14 , 1994 PAGE 7 Discussed agenda items for the next meeting and Chair Manning - stated that listed on the schedule submitted by Mr. Wegner are items for discussion for the January 11th. meeting. Commissioner Morgan stated that he felt it would be helpful to the Board if there would be a six month report in regards to revenue, expenditures, capital projects, etc. Mr. Wegner stated that he would be providing this around the 15-20th of February. Chair Manning called the Intergovernmental Water Board into Executive Session under the provisions of ORS 192.660, (1) (e) to discuss real property. Mr. Polans questioned before leaving, the at large position, and whether Bill Scheiderich was an engineer? Chair Manning stated that he was an attorney for the City of Beaverton. Mr. Polans also questioned whether Mayor Jenkins is still on the Intergovernmental Water Board? Chair Manning stated that she is. Mr. Polans questioned whether she had been excused from the meeting? Chair Manning stated that not to her knowledge had she been excused. Commissioner Scheiderich questioned whether there was something in the bylaws that addressed absences? Mr. Wegner stated that there was nothing in the bylaws with Commissioner Scheiderich stated should be looked at the January meeting. EXECUTIVE SESSION The members of the Intergovernmental Water Board went into Executive Session at 6:45 p.m. and reconvene the regular session of the Intergovernmental Water Board meeting at 7:10 p.m. 7. ADJOURNMENT With no votes or consensus taken at the Executive Session, Commissioner Hunt motioned for adjournment which passed unanimously at 7:15 p.m. kathy\iwb\iwb12-14.mtg IWB BOARD MEETING MINUTES - DECEMBER 14, 1994 PAGE 8