01/08/1997 - Minutes INT�RC,QTEi?,3�TMaNTA7� TSR BOARD MSR�.'�Nt .MIN `$S anuary. 8, 19. i Members Present: Beverly Froude, Paul Hunt, and Jan Dransholt Members Absent: Bill Scheiderich Staff Present: Ed Wegner, Kathy Kaatz, Loreen Mills, Mike Miller Visitors Present: Jack Polans, Michael Denton 1. Call to Order The regular meeting of the Intergovernmental Water Board was called to order at 5 : 35 p.m. 2 . Roll Call and Introductions Roll call was taken with all members present including the new representative from the City of King City, Jan Dransholt . Commissioner Scheiderich was absent . 3 . Visitor Comments Mr. Polans was present and discussed the executive session portion of the meeting. Mr. Polans continued by saying that he would like the following added to the Agenda: The IWB cannot discuss public information and if they do the representative of the news media can write that information in their newspaper without notifying the IWB members . Mr. Polans then discussed the meeting minutes draft of November 13 , 1996 and discussed the article from the Oregonian regarding Bull Run water and getting the lead out . Mr. Polans questioned what percentage was the lead content? He continued by discussing from the November 13 , 1996 minutes page 2 , #6 the Regional Water Supply and Consortium Update . Mr. Wegner clarified that the items discussed under the above referenced minutes have nothing to do with Washington County or Senate Bill 122 , but have to do with the Portland Metropolitan Water Providers Meeting (27 water purveyors) that have been held. Mr. Polans questioned whether the firm of Cochran, Overton and Cochran are doing consulting work? Mr. Wegner stated not on the RWSP . Mr. Polans then stated that the firm of Cochran, Overton and Cochran, consultants for Washington County and working on Senate Bill 122 claim that the City of Tigard has many water problems in King City, City of Durham and the unincorporated area. Mr. Polans questioned how we know that the IGA between Tigard, Wilsonville, Tualatin, Sherwood, Tualatin Valley Water District will not end up the same way the IGA with Tigard and Lake Oswego? Mr. Polans continued by discussing information on page 4 of the same minutes, item number 8 and question the address of the tax lot #600? Mr. Wegner stated he did not know the physical address of the tax lot since at this time it is a vacant piece of property. Mr. Polans then questioned on page 5 of the same minutes (water supply) #2 whether there was public hearing held on this matter? Mr. Wegner stated that this was brought before this Board approximately two years ago and there was a recommendation to the Tigard City Council in which a presentation was made and they voted to approve the contract. Mr. Polans questioned whether there was a written report on this public hearing? Mr. Wegner stated that he has a contract with TVWD. Mr. Wegner stated that Mr. Polans could obtain this information through the City Recorder vis the minutes of that meeting. Mr. Polans stated that according to the minutes Tigard is interested in building on the Willamette River for drinking water and questioned whether Mr. Wegner had a report on this matter? Mr. Wegner responded by stating he was unclear on what Mr. Polans was wanting. Mr. Polans questioned whether Mr. Wegner had addressed these questions? Mr. Wegner stated that the executive session notation on the agenda is in accordance with ORS 192 . 660 (1) (d) , (e) , & (h) . Mr. Hunt concurred that this information is in compliance with the Oregon State Statue . Mr. Michael Denton, 15673 SW Barrington Terrace, off Beef Bend Road was present to discuss a concern on water pressure at the above listed address . Mr. Denton' s concern is that he resides at the top of the hill in the Barrington Heights (Division 2) area built approximately five years ago and at that time had very good water pressure . Mr. Denton continued by saying that at the best time of the day they only have 40- 50 psi . Mr. Denton questioned what can be done to increase water pressure in this area? He continued by saying that a couple of times employees from the City have come out and checked the water pressure and he was told there was nothing that could be done . Mr. Denton is concerned about the additional building in that area and how this will effect the already low water pressure? He also stated that they have multiple occasions where they have experienced brown water. _ IWB Meeting Minutes - January 8, 1997 Page 2 Mr. Wegner stated that he and Mr. Denton had spoke before the meeting and informed him that he could answer his questions in general terms although he would need to speak with Mike Miller in regards to the hydraulics . Mr. Wegner continued to state that it is our intent to place a new pump station on Beef Bend Road which should help the low pressure. This will be designed and constructed in May/June of 1997 . This will be at 137th and Beef Bend Road. Commissioner Hunt questioned whether this project has been budgeted? Mr. Wegner stated it is already budgeted. Mr. Wegner response to the brown water is that there is not a .lot that can be done since there is a lot of construction in that area. Mr. Wegner stated that DEQ requires a special permit to discharge hydrant water. At this time no one has a permit to do this. Mr. Wegner stated that there is a task force in the Metropolitan area that is attempting to get a permit with DEQ to flush these systems . Mr. Wegner stated that we can pull the meter and run a line and flush that system. Commissioner Hunt questioned how we can flush a line in that manner when we cannot flush a hydrant? Mr. Wegner stated that we can flush this into a sanitary sewer through his house. Commissioner Froude questioned this being a result of new construction? Mr. Wegner stated that when lines are tapped into it stirs up the water due to the force . Commissioner Froude also questioned whether we notify these residents that we will be tapping into their line? Mr. Wegner stated that in the past we have not but will in the future. Commissioner Hunt stated that the Water Department looks bad when the customers are unaware of what we are doing. Commissioner Froude questioned the possibility of notifying when we anticipate a change in water color. Commissioner Hunt questioned the value of sending out information with billings , and information regarding the issue with DEQ not allowing flushing. Mr. Wegner stated that we have done news releases with the Oregonian, Tigard Times and the Courier. Commissioner Froude questioned who should be speaking with DEQ? Mr. Wegner stated that since the fire districts are involved this will be resolved quicker. 4 . Approval of Minutes A motion to approve the minutes of the November 13 , 1996 meeting was made by Commissioner Hunt and seconded by Commissioner Froude. A voice vote was taken which passed unanimously. IWB Meeting Minutes - January 8, 1997 Page 3 5. Compliance Review of Water Facilities - Loreen Mills Loreen Mills was in attendance to bring a request to the Board to authorize staff to have a consultant do an ADA review of Water facilities. Commissioner Hunt questioned whether Ms . Mills was requesting authorization to receive quotes or to hire a consultant? Ms. Mills stated that we would get quotes and then come back to the Board for approval to hire a consultant. Ms. Mills continued by saying that the Purchasing Rules authorizes staff, if funds are available and budgeted to obtain three quotes and go with the lowest quote from the firm that is able to complete the work. Ms. Mills stated that the decision is the Boards on whether to authorize her to obtain quotes and come back for further authorization or to get quotes and proceed with the contract. This issue needs to be addressed in the 1997/98 budget with this proposal due to Finance in the next six weeks . Ms . Mills stated that ADA was passed in 1990 (Federal Legislature) which mandated local government to review their services, programs, policies and procedures as well as reviewing or evaluating.all buildings and facilities to ensure that they are accessible to the disabled community. When the City of Tigard did their evaluation in 1992 (published 1993) prior to the Water District merger, a consultant was hired to complete this work. While reviewing the ADA Plan for the City, Ms . Mills continued by saying it was noted that the Water facilities had not been included. The deadline for compliance with the ADA Act was in 1991, 1992 , and 1993 . Since these facilities had not been included a written plan must be completed to be in compliance. Ms . Mills stated that compliance with the ADA on hiring procedures has been completed by the Human Resource Department under the umbrella of the City of Tigard. This plan would include all Water facilities which include the Water Building and Canterbury facility. According to Ms . Mills there have been recent changes to the ADA and she is unsure how these apply to reservoir sites and pump stations . Commissioner Hunt stated that the Water Department is charged a percentage of the overhead of the City (each department) and as long as this would be an effort that Ms . Mills would spend a lot of time on, would there be an additional charge for your time? Ms . Mills stated that this will be reviewed during the budget process , although currently a percentage of her time is charged to the Water fund for risk management issues . After the process begins, if it is noted that more time is being spent than initially anticipated it will be adjusted internally. Commissioner clarified his question by asking if Ms . Mills is wanting authorization to hire a consultant only or for her time as well? Ms . Mills stated at this time, funds are being requested to hire consultant services . IWB Meeting Minutes - January 8, 1997 Page 4 Commissioner Drangsholt questioned the amount of funds we will be looking at? Ms. Mills stated that since it is unknown what effect the changes to the ADA will have, it is anticipated that the costs will probably be $3 , 000 . This work will cover a walk through of all facilities, interview staff to determine if there are problems with services provided, or programs provided in the water delivery area. A final report should be completed before the December meeting of the IWB. Commissioner Drangsholt questioned how long this survey would take without the use of a consultant? Ms . Mills stated up to three years with current staffing and we would still have to hire someone to give expert advice. Commissioner Hunt questioned whether the Board could authorize the maximum amount of funds to hire consultant and complete the study without coming back to Board for additional approval? Ms . Mills stated that this would help speed up the process . Commissioner Froude questioned whether we do not include a dollar figure since it is unclear at this time what the costs will be? Mr. Wegner stated that if the Board approves the plan to receive quotes on consultants, he could approve up to $7, 500 and report back to the Board. In the future the Board will see ADA compliance in future budgets. The Board concurred to allow Ms . Mills to receive quotes on hiring of consultant . Ms . Mills stated that she would be happy to file periodic progress reports on this process . 6 . Director' s Report a. Menlor Site - the tree survey has been completed. The test boring has been completed. Mr. Wegner has met with the engineers and they have approximately 70% of the design phase complete . Hopefully by the March meeting they will have a good rendering to show the Board. An appraiser has been hired to appraise tax lot 600 (right of way access) . The property owner has also hired an appraiser and we can begin negotiation for purchase. If the easement is resolved within the next 30 days we will be on target with the design plan. Mr. Wegner stated that the property owner will have to determine whether they will sell all 2 . 7 acres or just . 7 acres needed for the easement . b. Regional Consortium - City of Tigard after reviewing documents distributed to the Board we have agreed to become a member of the Regional Water Consortium. A draft set of by laws is being reviewed at this time. There will be three different groups working to begin with different groups being added later. The first group will be the Consortium Board made up of elected officials from member agencies (23) with Commissioner Hunt representing the City of Tigard and City Councilman Rolhf as the alternate with their first meeting February 6 . There will be a Technical Committee made up of 26 IWB Meeting Minutes - January 8, 1997 Page 5 individuals represented by they:mss with Mr. Wegner representing City of Tigard. The Technical Committee i ill meet monthly. There will also be a ten member teering Committee with three members from Washington \ !County, three from Clackamas County, three from Multnomah �L County and a representative from Metro. The three Washington County representatives will be Jesse Lowman (TVWD) , Dave Winship (Beaverton) , and Ed Wegner (City of Tigard) . There are twenty-three members that have joined � and have adopted the RWSP for the Metropolitan area. The /lQ difference in the number of participants and voting members is that City of Troutdale has said they won' t join the consortium and the remaining three members have not met . C . Regional projects - Continue to work with the Willamette River application. The committee will be meeting next week on how to handle our individual rights and collective rights requested. With all applications we were asking for two to three times the amount the RWSP indicated the need for. Mr. Wegner stated the group is looking at revising the current requests. The City of Tigard may reduce our request and use some of TVWD and Wilsonville 150 mgd and they will allocate 40 mgd to Tigard with an ownership right . Commissioner Hunt stated that the assumption that this project of building on the Willamette will go through, what if down the road this project falls apart and we have reduced our request for water rights? Mr. Wegner stated that the balance that we don' t take from TVWD and will leave those to be approved at a later date. Mr. Wegner continued by saying that if we combine with anyone it will be a joint partnership divided upon by the amount of water taken by the group. Mr. Wegner stated we will have a partnership and some ownership. Commissioner Hunt questioned the approval timeline on this application? Mr. Wegner stated that the Water Resources Board' s big question is why are the numbers so high when the Regional Plan states a lower need. We will need to get these numbers adjusted to proceed. d. Hydraulic Study - Mr. Wegner stated we are currently working on a hydraulic study of a line that goes through eastern side of Tigard called the Washington County Supply Line along with Portland, Tigard, Tualatin, Sherwood and Wilsonville to study the amount of water that can be pulled down from Florence Lane in Tualatin Valley to add additional water through that system to feed Tigard and Wilsonville. e . Water purchasing - Mr. Wegner stated we are within pennies of a new pricing with Portland which will allow us to buy a lot more water at a reasonable price. IWB Meeting Minutes - January 8, 1997 Page 6 Hopefully within the next month we will have a new purchasing scenario which will probably become a permanent scenario. f . Water Conservation - The Coalition is providing another water wise landscaping seminar on March 15 at PCC Rock Creek. We will be cost sharing with them as part of Coalition expenses . 7 . Non Agenda Items Mr. Polans questioned that according to memo from Water Director we have to wait 3-4 years or 2-3 years for planning from the minutes on page 5? Commissioner Froude questioned whether this could be addressed after the meeting with Mr. Wegner? Mr. Polans questioned what the cost of waiting for 3-4 year or 2-3 years for planning and construction to the consumer in King City, Durham and the unincorporated area? Commissioner Hunt stated that what this is really saying is that we are delaying 3-4 years to study the issue. Mr. Wegner stated that these costs are unknown at this time, since we do not know what we will be doing. Mr. Wegner continued by telling Mr. Polans that if he wanted to see him he could make an appointment for them to discuss . 8 . Adjournment Commissioner Hunt made a motion to adjourned the meeting at 6 : 38 p.m. IWB Meeting Minutes - January 8, 1997 Page 7