09/10/1997 - Minutes INTERGOVERNMENTAL WATER BOARD MEETING MINUTES September 10, 1997 Members Present: Bill Scheiderich, Jack Kloster, Patrick Carroll, and Paul Hunt Members Absent: Beverly Froude and Jan Drangsholt Staff Present: Ed Wegner and Kathy Kaatz Visitors Present: Roel Linquist, Jane Aamold, Henrietta Cochran 1. Call to Order The regular meeting of the Intergovernmental Water Board was called to order at 5:40 p.m. 2. Roll Call and Introductions Roll call was taken with all members present with the exception of Beverly Froude and Jan Drangsholt. Jack Kloster, the alternate from King City was in attendance in place of Commissioner Drangsholt. Ed introduced Roel Lindquist, City Manager of City of Durham and Jane Aamold, City Manager of King City and City Councilor for City of Sherwood. 4. Approval of Minutes- July 23, 1997 Motion was made by Patrick Carroll to approve the minutes of the July 23, 1997 meeting, which was seconded by Jack Kloster and passed unanimously. 5. Long Term Water Supply Options-Murray, Smith and Associates Ed Wegner introduced David Leibbrandt, a partner with Murray, Smith.and Associates and City Engineer for City of King City, who has been working on long term water supply. Ed continued by saying that the presentation that they are about to present tonight, it is made with the assumption that when referring to Tigard it is understood that this refers to the Tigard Water Service Area which includes King City, Durham, Tigard and the unincorporated area. Mr. Wegner stated that there has been a lot of activity since the last meeting of the Board with supply which we have attempted to keeping informed via memos and draft agreement. Tonight Mr. Wegner and Chris Uber will be bringing the Board up to date on some of issues surrounding an IGA and discuss the reasoning for the long term water supply issues and the significance of their importance at this time. In the last memo sent to the Board there was an draft of an Agreement to start an agency called the Willamette Water Supply Agency. The Tigard City Council and the City attorneys have reviewed and the Tigard City Council has agreed in concept. They have agreed that Mr. Wegner, City Attorney, Chris from MSA will continue to work on the formation of this agency. A couple of important points of this Agreement that are important are 1) Tualatin Valley Water District will be turning over 26 mgd of water rights on the Willamette River(a 1973 priority right) that could be utilized tomorrow if needed. In exchange for these rights, Tigard will give up their pending water rights application dated 1995. This will allow Tigard to move from next to last up to second in priority with rights. Commission Carroll question the purpose of relinquishing those rights? Mr. Wegner stated that Tigard could not perfect those rights for quite some time. In essence we would set those rights aside and have them looked at in approximately 2040 and for the next 20-40 years we will utilize the Tualatin Valley Water District rights. At this point we would be trading the application for rights. Mr. Uber stated that TVWD has 130 mgd right of which they will give 26 mgd to Tigard with senior rights. Mr. Wegner stated that last week the TVWD agreed to sign the draft IGA and the attorneys are working on a final version which will be brought back to the City Council for approval. This agreement in theory will set up an agency to overlook source protection, promote quality drinking water and assist Tigard in meeting it water needs in the year 2005. The Agreement in itself has no monetary value to it. It was set up so that as projects evolved from the agencies involved in the IGA, a decision can be made who and how much shares will be. Tigard's share will come from water rates. The four top agencies involved with signing this Agreement within the next 30 days are Tigard, Tualatin Valley Water District, Canby, and Clackamas River Water District. The Board then commenced into Executive Session under the provisions of ORS 192.660 (1) (d), (e) and (h). The Board resumed the regular portion of the IWB meeting. Mr. Wegner stated that MSA and himself will make the same presentation that was made tonight at King City and Durham, if interested. Commissioner Kloster and Carroll stated they will have them placed on the agenda. Intergovernmental Water Board Meeting Minutes September 10, 1997 Page 2 Commissioner Scheiderich have a couple of questions regarding the draft IGA. Mr. Wegner stated that he would see that those items are answered. 6. Menlor Reservoir Site Mr. Wegner stated that the reservoir construction project is underway. He continued by discussing the partnering workshop that was attended by the contractor, consultant, and City employees. From this partnering workshop a set of communication guidelines and a vision statement was developed that is posted on site for all to view. Mr. Wegner distributed the vision statement and guidelines to Board members. Commission Schedierich questioned who the project manager was and was Mr. Wegner visiting the site daily? Mr. Wegner continued by saying that Murray, Smith and Associates has a full time inspector on the project site and there are daily visits made by City staff and that City is provided with a daily observation report. Chairperson Scheiderich will visit site next week. Since Mr. Scheiderich had to leave, the meeting was adjourned at this point and the following agenda items were not discussed. 7. Director's Report - not discussed, since meeting was adjourned. 8. Non agenda Items There were no non agenda items for discussion. 9. Adjournment The Regular meeting of the Intergovernmental Water Board adjourned at 7:00 p.m. as noted above. kathy\iwh\9-10min Intergovernmental Water Board Meeting Minutes September 10, 1997 Page 3