07/11/1985 - Minutes TIGARD TRA;•..aS POR TATION ADVISORY Ot•*"MITTEE ; i r'—AJTES OF THE JULY 11 , 19- 5 MEETING PRESENT!Me::tber-s; Tom Sullivan : Chair), Mar-K Padgett !, Vice-chair ) , Lidija Salod ._ . Milt Fvr'e , 1:Jilbur Bishop . Staff; Fr'anK Currie , Randy Clarno . Guests, Gerry Bal 1 . ASSENTS Bob Kempter , Homer Ham! in , Donna Scrogg iris , Joe Schwe itz . The meeting was called to order at 7130 P.tY1. by Chairwian Torg Sullivan . MarK Padgett was as.Ked to taKe notes . Fr•'anK Curr ieave a overview of tmeeting 3 t-:e between the cities of Tigard and Beaverton . We were told Beaverton has relinquished it 's plants to annex, Metzger- but not blas h inoton Square . Other agreements were made concerning future annexation claims in the SW Scholis Ferry Road area. :also discussed was the responsibility for traffic iimprove.tjent at certain intersections . Tigard will taKe SW c„_ o 1i. Ferr•• Road a# 1 1st and at 135th . Beaverton will tCtKe SW Scholl_ Fer'r'y and Hall . Fra.nK explained payment respons ibil ity for street improvements in an LICA r' why t ge should considered . :c hangup o b, a:� � t;• a c tan�� shc..�1�. be co t. id r.d . Tr. iia .��,p seerits t e incompatab i l it ' of requirements ir'ement= for 1/2 street improvements . The county want: us to taKe jurisdiction of 135th to solve this problem, but Lail ! not agree to �, settlement unless. a definite path for a Murr''r• Road extension is decided . The committee discussed formulating a policy for adoption b,,, the City Council r•eg ar'"j ing taK li-:g over jurisdiction of road=_ After iCiit'=h discussion by all , the outline for a policy was. determined : Tigard should taKe over all roads now existing within the city 1imiits all road_ partially now existing ing in the city limits Cie ; Walnut : and all road= that come into the city by, future annexation . State route_ would be exempt from this. policy . o'= course . It agreed not to "trade" with the ie: was ,.,gi � �; . e courit� grid give c the<<< .j urisd ict ion of ma or road_ within the cit; , ie : sir~eenburg , Durham. Hal 1 , tc . , . Milt suggested we submit resolutions to the cit;' council to solidify this policy , with a separate resolution covering the 135th and Scholls and the 121st and Scholl: intersections due to the traffic safety hazards- there . Mar-K and Milt were designated to do s o . Tom, passed out copies of an objective time-line chart he was giver: by Bob Tear; and stated he wanted to get started on them right away Frank decip'her'ed the chart for us. . Tom stated ht would liKe to get the committee members doing a more of the wor'K l c•ad . Milt defined the responsibility of an advisor'y comirnittee as different .�_ from _ #rS t -Lor ce or wari in3 committee . F-arK enlightened us to the road ut i i ity fee s-/stem acid suggested we discuss it further- at a future meet ing . Thej meeting adj orned at _ :J5 F.M.