10/03/1985 - Minutes RECEIVED
i 1985
Present - Tom Sullivan . Cha.ir . , MarK Padgett . V ice-chain' ) , L id i.J a Bal od is ,
Milt F; re , Joe Schweitz , Wilbur Bishop , la.te : .
.Fibs =nt ; Dern i_ Humme 1 .
Guests Ma-.r-K DeMent , Geral d ine Bal 1 , Bob Jean .
The meet r,e t i g was cal ed to Order by Chair Tor Su11 _van, at 7.06 P11. The
minute=_ of the previous meeting were approved . Items 4 and L were
removed from the agenda 'sue to the absence of staff member Duane Roberts .
Mar'E? gave a. rr'esentation: of the county 's new "fee-per'-trip '' plan but did
not maKe a recon:mendation . LAilb+ur , Lidi.ja and tAilt expressed concern
about certain aspects of the plan and how they relate to Tigard +s
particularsituation . Bob ,.-ear, explained county and cit,' road funding
mechanisms including criticism of "fee-per-trip " . lie said fees may be
distorted downward which could result in ''zoning " for the purpose of
deterrnin ing distribution of funds and road building locations . He stated
his opinion the new plan may not be desirable iii Tigard , Tualatin and
Beaverton but might help in the unincorporated county areas . L.oncensus
was reached by the Committee to taKe up F-F-T wher, and if the City
Council decides to consider it .
Torr, read a letter that the county sent to the City of Tigard regarding
county policy on road jurisdiction . The county =till has problerns with
the Mur'rav road extension . The county has postponed until December- 3rd a
decision on Jurisdiction . The Committee appointed MarK as Official
l iason to the count,- on this issue and recctmrnended that the City Council
designate him im s such .
Dennis Hummel was appointed by Tor:; to be Committee secretary , mainly due
to the fact he was not there to defend himself .
Tom read a. letter from ODOT regarding traffic impact in the Tigard
triangle area. He they, discussed the new Committee timeline received
from Bob Jean .
Milt g ve an overview of the tr•ansporta.tion, Flan update procedure and
w- i 11 wGr!'. on a rf:eCha:l .s..• to achieve this goal .
Lidi.ja expressed concern and dismay at recent variences granted by the
City Council .
The meeting was ad.jorned at St27 PM.