03/31/1988 - Minutes CITY CENTER PLAN TASK FORCE Meeting of March 31, 1988 , 6: 30 P.M. Tigard Civic Center, Town Hall Conference Room. Members Present: Jolynne Ash, Richard Morley, Pam Juarez , Mike Marr, Bill Monahan, Stuart Cohen Others Present: Liz Newton, Duane Roberts, Peggy Weston-Byrd, Sumner Sharpe, Wally Hobson, Eric Tinus, John Hall , Ed Murphy Vice-Chair Mike Marr chaired the meeting in place of Chairman Cohen who had called earlier to note that he would be late. Mike opened the meeting by stating that minutes for the meeting of March 17 were not yet available. Discussion Items: Cruisin' Tigard - The Committee members agreed that a booth should be set up at Cruisin ' Tigard to display information about the progress of the revitalization effort. Members agreed that a display of concept drawings, photos of projects that are underway and completed, and handouts should be of interest to those in attendance. Handouts containing the vision statement, a map, and excerpts from the marketing study may be prepared. The booth location will be secured by Mike Marr (first choice is in front of the Washington Federal Bank) . Members agreed to divide the 10 to 5 booth staffing hours among themselves. The date of the event is Saturday, July 23 . Breakfast Meeting - Jolynne reported that the press release has been approved by the City Administrator and will be sent out. Council on April 11 will act on the funding request to cover the cost of invitations. The mailing list is ready. Follow up calls will be made during the week of the meeting. The majority of the meeting format will be handled by the consultants. Recent Development Proposals - Duane reported on recent inquiries by developers and businesses concerning relocation to Tigard. Consultant Report - Hobson and Associates representatives were present to report on the progress of the marketing study. Sumner Sharpe presented the results of the Saturday work session held on February 20 . He noted the portions of the downtown area that the consultants had identified as either opportunity, infill , or fixed for future development potential . Committee members gave input concerning the adequacy of some designations. It was noted by the Committee that care should be exercised to 1 not read too much into the results of the February meeting as the attendees did not represent a true cross section of the community. In addition, many of the notations within the summary are not complete without understanding the context in which they were stated. Sumner noted that the summary was for committee information only; it is not part of the report. Wally Hobson discussed the direction that the study is going. It has been focused on the vision as the guideline for the study. They now need to determine what the opportunities are that support the vision. He noted that the short and long term opportunities differ. The study may focus in on more specific uses and apply marketing location criteria to particular sites in the defined boundaries. Tigard' s position in the area economy, the area office market, and other factors will be taken into account before the draft results are presented on April 19 . A one hour presentation will be made by the consultant at the May 6 breakfast meeting. Other Business - Jolynne presented her notes from the March 23 meeting of the Transportation Advisory Committee. She urged the Advisory Committee to include the top downtown projects in the list of proposed capital projects for the coming year. The response was very encouraging. Duane distributed the results of the Pulse Research survey recently sent to all Tigard households. Of the 400 responses, the majority support efforts to revitalize the downtown (57% yes and 23 .3% possibly) . Only 7.5% said they did not favor the efforts. The survey results also revealed the preferences of those surveyed for new businesses in the downtown. In order of preference, those surveyed want 1. fine dining restaurants, 2 . gourmet bakery, 3 . discount department store, 4 . recreation facilities, 5 . movie theatre complex, 6 . specialty grocery. Each of these business types were identified by at least 28 . 8% of the respondents. The subcommittee breakfast meetings are going well . One was held on March 29 . The next breakfast session will be held on Tuesday, April 12 at 7:00 at Bergmann' s Restaurant. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 19 at 6: 30 P.M. The meeting adjourned at 9 :00 P.M. Submitted by: William�A. Monahan 2