10/22/1987 - Minutes CITY CENTER TASK FORCE MEETING October 22, 1087 The meeting was called to under by Stuart Cohen at 7:09 PM. Present: Pam Juarez, Mike Marr, Stuart Cohen, Jolynn Ash, Chris Deffer6ing, Don Pinkerton (resigned) Also Present: Liz Newton, Duane Roberts, Dan Dolan (A—Buy) guest A motion was made to approve the minutes . Seconded and passed. Recent Land Use Actions : Newton A new business opened on Main, Street—Hearts Desire Country Store. Appointment of New Member: It was the consensus of the committee to request from council the appointment of two new members with the following experience: 1 . Time to volunteer 3 times a month for meetings 2. Transportation /Engineering, Economic Development, or Marketing Background 3 . Individual who has a business It was agreed that we will be able a to accomplish our task with the fixe members. It would be easier with seven, but we are committed to the goal of developing a high quality revitalization plan. Council Workshop Evaluation: There was some discussion an to the priorities of the transportation committee based primarily on what Jerry Edwards had said. Mike suggested that we might try to pull the transportation committee along. Mike was concerned that we are going to move along and the transportation committee will not have a plan for downtown in force. Stuart felt that council is looking to us for comments on transportation. Liz pointed out that the transportation committee has an overwhelming task in front of them. Liz also said that she felt a strong commitment on the part of Council to gut the market study done. She has applied to LCDC to contribute $8,008.08 towards the study. VISION STATEMENT Duane' s vision statement was reviewed by the committee. Mike requested that we add some commentary that we are looking at the full range from morning to evening. Duane was commended for summarizing the statement. Stuart suggested that we try to get our vision statement out to the people of Tigard to keep them informed . It was agreed that in two weeks the committee will review the vision statement and provide Duane with any additional comments . MARKETING STUDY After reviewing the questions that Duane suggested for the Marketing Study' the following questions were agreed upon for further discussion and possible submittal to the marketing consultant for the direction of the study . I . What are economic capabilities of each sector in terms of regional economic trends? 2. Recommend specific public actions/strategies to encourage appropriate types of private investment in the area. 3 . In an anchor needed in order to attract/retain in downtown? If yes, what type would be appropriate and what in the possibility of getting it? 4. What are the market opportunities for restaurants, food stores, and specialty retail in downtown? 5. What opportunities for each economic sector are created by the following physical improvements, singly and in combination: Park improvements and park—like atmosphere Public parking lots Widening Main Street Bridge Extending Tigard Street through and connecting it with Tigard Street extension d. What is the potential for office development? Feasibility and possible location for mixed—use development of housing and office/retail. Potential for downtown for high—density housing development. Specifically, is such housing in proximity to proposed Fannn Creek Park appropriate and feasible? In light of Tigard` u large retirement community, would older age group be an appropriate target market? Duane has been asked to complete a rough draft of a RFP. He indicated that he will try to have the RFP in four weeks . OSD and U of 0 work samples : Duane passed out samples of the designs that the schools worked on for several cities. Duane brought several suggestions from his nnn` o class: 1 . Merry—go—round 2. Carousel 3 . Disney Land Mike suggested that we take a bus to Salem and tour the city. He thinks that it might help us identify different possibilities . Next meeting November 5^ 1087 and the following meeting November 19, 1987. Respectfully submitted, Pam Juarez on/1715D