Wednesday, June 24 , 1987 Minutes
Chairman Cohen called the meeting to order at 7 : 05 p.m. on
Wednesday, June 24th. The following members were present:
Ash, Cohen, Coursolle, Defferding, Marr, Pinkerton.
Others Present: Lix Newton, Duane Roberts, Peggy Weston
Byrd, Councilor Valerie Johnson, and Bill Monahan.
Stuart presented the minutes from the last meeting for approval.
Don montioned for approval, and Jolynne seconded. Motion approved
by unanimous vote of the Board members present.
Work Program Discussion: Mike passed out a copy of the proposed
goal statement developed by committee members Stuart and Mike. He
then explained each item and it meaning to the committee .
Proposed Time Table: Mike and Stuart present a time table for
accomplishment of each of the goals set forth in the goal statement.
Each item was discussed by the committee.
A motion to adopt the Goal Statement and Work Program was given
by Don and seconded by Jolynne.
The following items were disscussed and agreed upon:
-The Downtown Council (mostly Main Street Merchants ) will
receive copies of all meeting notices .
-A luncheon should be held in August by the committee for interest
downtown area businesses.
-The Chamber Hot Line (a publication) will be used on a monthly
basis for communications between the committee and the downtown
merchants .
-The Regal Courier (King City paper ) is also a good means of
communicating to the community. The Oregonian and Tigards own
All-About-Town should also be used.
It was agreeg that the CBD boundries would stay as voted upon at
a previous meeting. The boundry is as defined by the City of Tigard
with the exclusion of the Chelse subdivision, and an inform inclusion
of a portion of Tigard Street which is access into the downtown area.
Pam will be attending the Promoting Downtown conference
schedule for July 7 thru 9 , as the committee ' s representative.
Lis Newton gave a presentation of the existing zoning in the CBD.
She explained what all the different codes meant, and pointed
out areas that the committee might want to look into further . Her
presentation included a number of handouts which helped to show
all the types of zoning currently being used and the verbage which
supports them.
Committee Meetings Stuart suggested that the committee meet
twice per month during July and August ih order to accomplish f
the adopted time table. It was agreed that the committee
would meet every first and third Thursday during July and August.
The new meeting is scheduled for Tuesday July 7th at 7 : 00 pm.
A regular meeting is scheduled for Thursday July 16th.
Council Meeting The City Council is meeting on Monday July 20th
and 7 : 30 pm. Stuart suggested that the committee prepare a
presentation for the Council and that the committee present it
in person at the July 20th meeting. Jolynne agreed to prepare
a draft presentation for committee review at the July 7th meeting.
The final presentation will be ready for committee approval at
the July 16th meeting.
Press Release Per the time table, Don agreed to prepare a press
release which will discuss the CBD boundry, the time table, and
the goal statement adopted by the committee. Peggy offered to
assist Don with this project. A draft will be presented at the
July 7th meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 9 :15 . The next meeting will be held
on Tuesday, July 7th at 7 : 00 pm.