Aim To Please Phlebotomy ~ C210012 CITY OF TIGARD-CONTRACT SUMMARY&ROUTING FORM Contract Overview Contract/Amendment Number: C210012 Contract Start Date: 07/23/2020 Contract End Date: 12/31/2023 Contract Title: Mobile Phlebotomy Services Contractor Name: VenaCare NW Contract Manager: Leigh Erickson Department: PD Contract Costs Original Contract Amount: $1,500.00 Total All Previous Amendments: Total of this Amendment: $5,000.00 Total Contract Amount: $6,500.00 Procurement Authority Contract Type: Vendor Agreement (Non-TI'1 Procurement Type: PCR 10.070 Sole Source Solicitation Number: LCRB Date: Account String: Fund-Division-Account Work Order—Activit):1=e Amount FY 21-22 100-4100-54001 $2,500.00 FY 22-23 100-4100-54001 $2,500.00 FY FY FY Contracts & Purchasing Approval Purchasing Signature: Comments: Extend the end date, add compensation DocuSign Routing Route for Signature Name Email Address Contractor venacarenw@gmail.com City of Tigard Steve Rymer stever@tigard-or.gov Final Distribution Contractor venacarenw@gmail.com Project Manager Leigh Erickson Leigh.Erickson@tigard-or.gov Project Manager Lisa Shaw Lisa.Shaw@tigard-or.gov Buyer Toni Riccardi tonir@tigard-or.gov DocuSign Envelope ID: 31EE1509-8E30-403E-93E9-F3FOE469C412 CITY OF TIGARD,OREGON AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT NUMBER 0210012 FOR MOBILE PHLEBOTOMY SERVICES AMENDMENT #2 The Agreement between the City of Tigard,a municipal corporation of the State of Oregon,hereinafter called City, and VenaCare NW,hereinafter referred to as Contractor,is hereby amended as follows: 1. EFFECTIVE DATE AND DURATION The term of this agreement is extended until December 31, 2023 2. COMPENSATION The compensation for Services as described in the original agreement is amended to add $5,000.00 for a total not to exceed contract value of$6,500.00. 3. All other terms and conditions remain unchanged. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, City has caused this Amendment to be executed by its duly authorized undersigned officer and Contractor has executed this Amendment upon signature and date listed below. CITY OF TIGARD VENACARE NW 50oewsi3'p�a or oewsipixe eye �se�:ese emea.- Signature Signature Steve Rymer venacare NW Printed Name Printed Name 12/22/2021 12/22/2021 Date Date Rev.8/21 CITY OF TIGARTI OREGON-CONTRACT SUMMARY FORM (TxrsFoRmMusxAccomPANYEvERYCoNTRAcr) C210012 Contract Title: Mobile Phlebotoiny Services Number: Contractor: Aim to Please Phlebotomy Contract Total: Contract overview: Drawing and�g of laboratory specimens. Initial Risk Level: ❑ Extreme ❑ High ® Moderate ❑ Low Risk Reduction Steps: Risk Comments: Risk Signature: Contract Manager: Leiyh Erickson Ext: 2761 Department. Police le— Type: ❑ Personal Svc ❑ Professional Svc ❑ Public Imp ❑ General Svc ❑ Coop Purchase ® Other: Start Date: End Date: Quotes/Bids/Proposal: FIRM AmOUNT/SCORE N/A Account String: Fund-Division-Account Work Order- ctivity Tyke Amount FY 20-21 100-4100-54001 $1.500. FY FY FY FY AF tovals- LCRB Date: Department Comments: Department Signature: '712-3 b7 4L tr y-x jo 2 z 3 GDEc-+ Purchasing Comments: Purchasing Signature: City Manager Comments: City Manager Signature: After securing aH required approvals, forward original copy to the Contracting and Purchasing 0INce along with a completed Contract Checklist. V Aim to Please Phlebotomy 6464 L SW Borland Road Suite c-5 0 Tualatin, OR 97062 0 Agreement to Perform Mobile Phlebotomy Services to Washington County, Tigard Police 111 pate Services Performed By: Services Performed For: [Tctobcr 13, _dim to Please Phlelx'rrrnmr 'tk ashtngrom Counh,•Tigarcd Itnlice 2011) !464 SW Borland Road titutr 'Tigard and Hillsbr)ro,()rgon ('�� r C-5 Tualatin,C)R 97['1(,2 W V) Fhj.,Stareme.nr of Work(14 %xY is L�;sued pursuant to the 1lolrile PhItboromY Sen•tces Master Agreenutiu between Wasbingtnn Mount•,'Tigard Police("Chent") and Arrn to Please Phlebotomy{"{.crntrattrrr"j.effective contingent nn approval(the"Agrcement'1. I Itis ti()LX'>s subject to rhe terms and cui�dirrrxts cont weed in rhe Agreernt. between the patties and is made a part rhereof. Any rerrn not orherwise defined herein shall have ri.1e Meaning specrtrcd in rhe .lgreetnent. In the event of amt Con llict nr rnclrrtsrstenci•Iwm•een the lerins rrf tltis SOV-and the terms of rhi�Ag,teernent,the terms of rhi_s SOW shall govern and Prevail. Testis SOW#1101 (hereinafter called the"N(ff"'),effective,v,of c❑nnugent of approval.is entered Into br•and Itenreen Conrracror and[Beer,acrd is subject to ti)e terms and conditions spccified betow.The E:xhibir{s}to this S(AN',I any,shall he deemed ro he a part hereof. In the elrent of any inconsistencies benveen rhe rerun~rif tIic laid% of this SI)W and the terms of the Eshibir(s) hereto,the terms of the bndv of this SOW shall prev-ail. Period of Performance 111 Smice S shrill cIlinrnrtic e 1)11 COIIiirtgestt on Appro%--J.Arid shall corrrLnue di rough clnttingenr ern sipprovaI Term,A and Conditions Aim to Please Mobile Phlebotomy Services,Inc. Agree,mL t Form Shile'limt nj ll"nrk jor 11'v.rf+int;7nn C a'n;tl'.Ti�drll N&r •Rw'brr 1 1 2019 skim to Plc:Lsc phlebotomy(A2P)is respenisihlc for thr drawing anti handling of laboratory specimen;. Aim to ple,ea(!11111cbotomy is not rnrslut[cd to Lg a:let% medical advice,rre2t or diagnosc 311�onC. A2 handlLs the dclivery of all�;aniplc,tet their proper l:abonitot}'or runes over uvidcncr To the authorities, Aim to Please Phlebotomy is nut rcNpon_yiblc for any errors that may occur at the laboratory.Any errors in collection caused by A-11 will be corrected by rr-drawingu at no additional charge. if we arrive at the appointmc-,lt for the blood draw and arc unable to collect rhe i pComcil due tcc circumstances beyond our euntivl(the patient n!fuses,1s not available ret be drawn etc)the client wiii remain responsible for the Full charge n f the draw,Anr'errors in collection caused by .12P[drawing the wrong tubes,utl:)blc to obtain a tiltisfaetory blood I7ow to collect the tpccinicn crc.)will not incur a charge to the client or will be rcdcmn at no additional chargc to the client. Payment For our services i.elite with 30 day terms to the account.pny able departmear through em:111 invoicing, Lam to Plcasc Phlebotomy is an independeur phlebotomy service. Under no circumstances will-121' divulge client information,Personal or other,to any' autlunized perxannel.All clicnrs'information L�Awwe�t kept confide-renal.We are frilly 1 TIPAA compliant and respcct tlu'p17V:lCy'Yet the it idivid uals w sen,c, 1 understand the above terms and conditions. Print Name W 11 '.irk.per 'rr!e Signaturc Katt Notxcc of Atm to Please Phlebotomy Prtvaey Practices '11-11S NOTICI )HSC€2.1131sS HOW MEDICAL INFORIII.ATiON:IBC}UT YOU MAYBE USED AND DISCLOSED AN13 I IOW YOU CAN GFT ACCESS TO THIS INFORTMATION.PLEASE REVIEW IT CAREFULLY. A2P respects your privacy and understands that your personal health information is sensitive.According the Ifc-alth Insurance Portabiliry and Accountability Act of 1996(HIPAA),we cannot disclose your"protected health information"to others unless we have your permission or unless the law authorizes or requires us to do so. LNcs and Disclosures -Treatment.Your health information may be used by staff members;or disclosed to other Inealth care professional, for the purpose of evaluating your health,ch4no3ing medical ccmchtions,and ptwoding tre.atmcnt.For ex.tmple,results of laboratory tests and procedures will be :wadable in your nnedical record to all health prufessir+nals who may provide treatment or who mai be consulted by staff members. .S'laii-wal of ff-oi k jar If-ash Amn Cewun-.Tr and PYA'? -Orffjlur 13. 1 1019 Law enforcenicnt.Your hL.dth inf wnuttuhn muv he discicsscd to law enforcement agencies,without your pci-insxsicnt,rn support government audits and inkpccmis,to faciiitatc law-enforcrnrnr ut�rstigatinshs, mid to comply with govtrnment mandated mpornng- lhiev».v+r0?it nrd:p,r 1!' r.ri..ri,PlNei C.4rll;r1, 17{r)rr1 201' We are required by law to maintain the privacy of your protected health information and to provide you with this notice of privacy practices. We An are required to abide by the prvacy policies and pcaeticcs char are ontluicd in this notice. Right to Revise Privacy Practices As permitted by law,we reserve the right to amend or modify our privacy policies and practices.These changes in our polities anti practices may be required by changes in feder..d and state law=and regulation.Whatever tltc reason For these revision,,we will pnwide you with a revised notice on your next office vtsit.The revised policies and practice=will be applied to all protected health information that we maintain. Requests to InspectProtected Health In formation As permitted by federal regulation,we require that requests to inspect or copy protected health information be submirttid in writing.You may obtain a form to request access to your records by contacting the oFfice. Please make all requests through Frank Capobianco. Complaints/Contact Person if you would like to submit a comment or complaint al>s+ut our privacy pracrice s,you can do so by sending a letter outlining your concems to: Frank Capobianco Ailln to Picric Phlebotom}/Ci O/Owncr 6464 SW Bofhuid Road Suite C-5 Tualatin,Oregon 97062 503-878-5412 if you believe that your privacy rights have been violated, you should call the matter to our attention by sending a letter describing the rause of your concern to the sam(. address. You will not be penalized or otherwise reraltated against for filing a complaint. leilnwml r)01"ark Ibr If'arbhgioff Cwtith,.Tit urd P firer •f 7rralxr 1019 I'.ftcc•nve Date I hLs Notlee t-cifcrnve on or after Johne 20115. Client Responsibilifies Chews will rrtlmlr}ma)-rtlrnt w'lthin terms of in days Ort rCI:CI LIg all clecryonIC 111v[MCe melee a numrh.-kin ul Ple;lse 11111ebosllmv will be om site ,virilm otiv hour for a Mood draw unless vvtanccr is huzardons otnd that ,vM Plc ba.ed rol a}ler IlatilS IS111 tranme. Fee Schedule TI-tis h1pure is 1'i sc 9 ru S6D}ler draw for the first hour:irid$.mil per hour alter that rune frtme. Number of s ■ ■ Resources Rate Numberof ■ Verdpunclure draw l 560}mtr draw' 1 L•}xrrn eurml}llc rton rP rhi,llcrtormante PCritxl,1-etxlor and Chent will have Thr option to renew rhis Agreement for ;l=1 :tdilI -+Ital then .tared rltill her t)f hours a the rlle'11-current hourilrare for those resources ide rlriiicd. Project - - tkard and IWIshrIrn,()regim SVrgc:uu Mh1:e D,,tvis Iit11IlAAIIM11H111 Invoice Procedures L'liellt will he invoked lnoarhh trtr rhs. phichwomy services, f.Unrs n111 rernit[32%'Mrllr u7thin remis 430 days of 1'ecelv1lls au elcctrnnle lnrcltce once :h tnrinrh. Parnmcnts tut service, tllvoiceci that:Ire nor received within 3r1-si;sv's tram datC ret invoice will he sit[sjcrr rr I a a" pellalrr per calendar in,nirIi. r i ' 7Lrknrr�rl vl li•nrk.f u f1•ani*�n:'Irru l:nrrn;i. 1�{�rr�11'nGr,• 'tJ�n•`�+'1.i, 201 ti IN WITNESS WHEREOF,6-parsie,,licwtO Mare CAU.ed rhIN tis M-ru ht 6f"t:n•r as()f thr dIdl,ns(Irsth and rear fust written alsnve. Washington County, Tigard Police Aim t❑ Please Phlebotomy 13t- K���� Lir•. �2rii�i ��.8 `suns: Nam! Sl.rf:'urr'r.l rr�ll'nie-irrr II :irJc•r1£lnr.f rrrn��,7rr�rrr!1�nlr;, •�1;;......, r X1!'1