City Council Packet - 08/04/2020
Revised 7/29/2020 to add LCRB Consent Items: (A) Contract Award for Wall Street/Tech Center
Drive Improvements to Eagle-Elsner, Inc., and (B) Contract Award for Janitorial Services to TVW,
MEETING DATE AND TIME:August 4, 2020 - 6:30 p.m. Business Meeting
MEETING LOCATION:Remote participation only.
Please see explanation under PUBLIC NOTICE below.
PUBLIC NOTICE: In accordance with the City of Tigard's Emergency Declaration related to COVID-19
and Oregon House Bill 4212, this will be a virtual meeting where Council and staff will participate remotely.
There will be no in-person public testimony during this meeting.
How to comment:
Written public comment may be submitted electronically at All
comments must be submitted before 4:30 p.m. the day of the meeting.
If you prefer to call in, please call 503-966-4101 between 7:00 and 7:15 p.m. to be placed in the
queue. We ask that you plan on limiting your testimony to three minutes
CABLE VIEWERS: The first City Council meeting of the month may be shown live on Channel 28 at 6:30
p.m. The meeting will be rebroadcast at the following times on Channel 28:
Thursday 6:00 p.m.
Friday 10:00 p.m.
Sunday 11:00 a.m.
Monday 6:00 a.m.
MEETING DATE AND TIME:August 4, 2020 - 6:30 p.m. Business Meeting
MEETING LOCATION:Remote participation only.
A. EXECUTIVE SESSION 6:30 p.m. estimated time
The Tigard City Council will go into Executive Session to discuss the job-related performance of a public official, under
ORS 192.660(2(i). All discussions are confidential and those present may disclose nothing from the Session.
Representatives of the news media are allowed to attend Executive Sessions, as provided by ORS 192.660(4), but must
not disclose any information discussed. No Executive Session may be held for the purpose of taking any final action or
making any final decision. Executive Sessions are closed to the public.
2.BUSINESS MEETING 7:30 p.m. estimated time
A. Call to Order - Tigard City Council and Local Contract Review Board
B. Roll Call
C. Pledge of Allegiance
D. Call to Council and Staff for Non-Agenda Items
3.PUBLIC COMMENT (Two Minutes or Less, Please) 7:35 p.m. estimated time
A. Follow-up to Previous Public Comment
B. Summary of Written Public Comment
C. Phone-in Public Comment
4.CONSENT AGENDA (Local Contract Review Board)
5.EXECUTIVE SESSION 7:45 p.m. estimated time
The Tigard City Council will go into Executive Session to discuss the job-related performance of a
public official, under ORS 192.660(2)(i). All discussions are confidential and those present may
disclose nothing from the Session. Representatives of the news media are allowed to attend
Executive Sessions, as provided by ORS 192.660(4), but must not disclose any information
discussed. No Executive Session may be held for the purpose of taking any final action or making
any final decision. Executive Sessions are closed to the public.
6.ADJOURNMENT 8:30 p.m. estimated time
6.ADJOURNMENT 8:30 p.m. estimated time
From:Gale Gipson
Sent:Tuesday, August 4, 2020 3:55 PM
To:Jason Snider
Subject:Your article "Safety Transformation Commission"
Caution! This message was sent from outside your organization. Allow sender | Block sender
Dear Mayor Snider:
I was scanning through The Regal Courier and was really surprised about what you wrote
It was about formulating an anti‐rascist plan to “ensure that we are not asking communities
of color ot solve this problem that was caused by white people”.
I am shocked that a mayor would write this. This is very rascist. I am geting more and
more turned off by all of this rascist crap and blaming white people for everything. This is still America
and we all have a right to get an education and make good decisions on our lives. Blacks
have the same rights that we all have. This is devisive and I think you have been drinking
the kool‐Aid.
The police unions are a big part of the problem. If there are some bad apples they should be fired.
Most police are fine people and work hard for all of their communities. There are plenty
of bad dudes all over Oregon who protest for the wrong reasons and do not obey
any laws.
Obama started all of this. All it’s done is divide our once great country. What you said
was irresponsible. Blacks have their own problems and it is up to them to solve
them own problems. We are not responsible for them. And we haven’t done
anything to them that they haven’t participated in.
I did not grow up here and did not grow up rascist but all of this anti‐police and law enforcemeent
round the country has gotten out of hand. It is up to each governor and mayor to respect
the police. It’s the far left liberals who were just waiting for a city like Minneapolis to
to give them a chance to riot in the awful treating of the black man. He also had the virius
and was on drugs. Look at the real cause of death.
It is time to sit back and look at the big picture. We need our police and Oregon
has not done much to respect them. Look at what Ted Wheeler has done to
Porltand and he has allowed Antifa and BLM to take over. And look at Kate Brown and
her disrespect for the law and federal agents. I am so disgusted.
Time to heal in this country. This defunding is not helping and Oregon is enabling it.
Thank you.
Gale Gipson
PS See below. Is this a white person’s fault?
PSS: No republicans in office in Portland. How about Tigard?
This is from a friend of mine that still lives in the "burbs" of Chicago~~
Blacks in Chicago
Time to defund Chicago politicians.
This is why Chicago is turning into Detroit. What a joke!!!
Blacks in Chicago
Despite claims of systematic privileged white racism enslaving blacks,
like many other crime ridden failing cities Chicago is actually run by
1.1,595 shootings January-June 2020. Almost every shooter was black, (
As were the majority of the victims) but BLM and Chicago politicians
blame police and racism.
2. The Chicago mayor is black.
3. The Superintendent of Police is black.
4. The Cook County States’ Attorney is black
5. The Chief Judge of Cook County Circuit Courts is black.
6. The Illinois Attorney General is black.
7. The Chicago Fire Department Commissioner is black.
8. The Cook County Board President is black.
9. The State Senate Majority Leader is black.
10. The Illinois Lieutenant Governor is black.
11. The Illinois Secretary of State is black.(He is OK)
12. The Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County is black.
13. The Cook County Clerk is black.
14. The Chicago Treasurer is black.
15. The Chicago Police Board President is black.
16. The Chicago Transit Authority President is black.
17. The CEO of Chicago Public Schools is black.
18. The Commissioner of the Department of Water Management is black.
19. 40% of the City Council belong to the Black Caucus. The pay is
$122,304 annually PLUS $122,000 in expenses. Pension for life is 80% of
highest pay.
Republican head count in the City Council is zero.
From:Joanne Bengtson
Sent:Tuesday, August 4, 2020 6:05 PM
To:Kenneth X Krolikoski
Subject:RE: chalk and racism
Good evening Mr. Krolikoski,
Thank you for writing to Mayor Snider and the Council. They have received your message and
Mayor Snider will respond as soon as possible.
Have a good evening,
From: Kenneth X Krolikoski
Sent: Monday, August 3, 2020 9:58 PM
To: Jason Snider <Jason@tigard‐>
Subject: chalk and racism
Caution! This message was sent from outside your organization. Allow sender | Block sender
You told the following story recently I read in the Tigard life newspaper.
“To those who don’t see it, he offered a story during the June 9 City Council meeting about an
African American resident who was recently drawing with sidewalk chalk – “an activity that
happens in almost every neighborhood I’ve ever been in Tigard, frequently,” Snider said. “It
happens in my neighborhood. It happens on my own property.”
But in this case, he said, the sidewalk art resulted in someone calling the police on the woman,
presumably because of the color of her skin.”
You use the word “presumably”. You know what happens when you assume.
I used to live across the street from a white neighbor who called the city on his black neighbor.
You probably want to presumably call it racism. It was for them running a draining pipe that
was dumping water on his property. He also called the city on the white neighbor next to him
on the deck which was too close to the setback. He wasn’t racist. He just called the city on a lot
of neighbors. Please don’t assume racism or try to make racism exist where it may not exist.
This is especially important in light of this news article where students are arrested for using
chalk to write a pro‐life message. This is very interesting as we live in times where BLM has
defaced with paint thousands of buildings and BLM is splashed and painted across streets. Yet
students get arrested for writing in chalk a message which is conservative and not aligned with
the cancel culture that exists today with the left. Only one opinion seems to be accepted.‐life‐protestors‐arrested‐for‐dc‐sidewalk‐
I’m all for equality and eliminating racism, but when you try to find racism where it may not
exist is just as bad. I believe a retraction of your example of racism is required.
Ken Krolikoski
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by the City of Tigard in compliance with the Oregon Administrative Rules “City General Records Retention Schedule.”
Sent: Monday, August 3, 2020 11:10 PM
To: Jason Snider <Jason@tigard‐>
Subject: Thoughts on Transformation Commission
Mr. Mayor-
Attached are some thoughts on the Transformation Commission Proposal.
Dennis Worzniak
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public record laws. If requested, e-mail may be disclosed to another party unless
exempt from disclosure under Oregon Public Records Law. E-mails are retained by the
City of Tigard in compliance with the Oregon Administrative Rules “City General
Records Retention Schedule.”
Dear Mr. Mayor,
This letter is in regards to your request for community input
on the Transformation Commission Proposal
My wife and I have called Tigard our home for close to 50
years. Our children went to Tigard schools and now our
grandchildren are attending district schools.
During that time we have probably voted in each election
every year. In those elections we have supported the levies
for the library, schools, parks, fire and most recently the
police levy. It’s not that we like to pay taxes but we do want
to live in a community that has a responsive fire (EMT)and
police department, parks where the Tigard Soccer Association
has ample fields for the kids to learn teamwork on Saturday
mornings in the fall and baseball in the spring, libraries that
provide programs and books for young children to begin to
learn how fun and important reading can be and a school
district that provides the academic and extracurricular
opportunities that help start a young person on the road to
I feel very blessed that Tigard has provided all of these
Tigard has always seemed to be a little different from our
neighboring cities. I have always gotten a small town feeling
where its citizens care about each other. I have tried to
support the local shops on Main St. and Pacific Hwy. among
others. I think it is import to support the local community.
I have never met you in person, but you seem to be a kind
and caring person who wants to make Tigard the best place
to live and work for all people. I appreciate you taking the
time to play chess with my grandson and his friends and as
mayor, siding with our neighborhood to help protect the
livability of our immediate area.
The closest I come to being politically involved is voting. I like
to think of myself as an open, progressive and inclusive
person. What happened to George Floyd was unspeakable.
The people responsible should be punished to the fullest
extent of the law. His tragic death has certainly brought up
the need to rethink racism in our country.
Cities across the country are now taking a very close look at
how they want their police departments to move into the
future. I am glad to see that the Tigard city government is
reacting to the current events. So often we can continue on a
path and be complacent that all is well. I like the fact that
TPD is striving to achieve the “8 can’t wait” agenda.
When it comes to the SRO, I would assume that TTSD will
continue its relationship with the SRO program. During the
runup to the recent police levy, there was nothing but
unanimous support for funding the SRO position. The citizens
overwhelming voted to support the SRO and additional
officers. People who oppose having an SRO in schools
perhaps never had the opportunity to associate with an
advocate in a police uniform. This might be an excellent
teaching moment for students and their parents to realize
what good policing is all about. The job of a mayor is to
implement the will of the voters. And that would include the
financing of the extra officers and continue the SRO program.
I believe it would be unjust to eliminate what our city has so
kindly chosen to support. There is no reason to “defund”
police. If we hire the proper personnel and provide the
training, people can change their minds and hearts. People
who have had a negative experience with police are going to
have to realize that the vast majority of law enforcement are
kind, professional and caring people. I have no problem with
the majority of the suggestions of the Transformation
Proposal but I’d have to draw the line with defunding or
reducing police resources. Also the topic about the style of
uniform and type of police vehicles has me a bit befuddled.
In regards to the makeup of the Commission, my concern is
with the 6 community members and their preference to
reflect specific demographics. If your objective is to identify
people most likely to have experienced bias, good thought. If
you were interested in getting the opinions of mainstream
thinking, you may find it tough to do.
I think Tigard voters were quite clear about how they view
public safety. Any thoughts of reducing the number of
officers or an SRO might have a negative impact on future
public safety measures.
I don’t believe I have ever heard of any racial issues within
the TPD or city workers. I would assume that HR would put a
quick stop to any problems. Racism should not be tolerated.
Diversity should also be a part of the city’s work force.
Looking at the stats we seem to be doing pretty good but
there is always room for improvement.
Finally, as far as the citizens of Tigard are concerned, the vast
majority are welcoming to all members of the community. I
see this happening at the grandchildren’s sporting and school
events. I think it is very unfortunate that the racial actions of
a very small minority have overshadowed the good of the
majority of the community. I don’t think racism, like stupidity
can be prevented with legislation. Hopefully over time,
people will come to see the good in everyone.
It will be nice when we get to the point where everyone can
be proud to call Tigard, “A place to call home.”
Dennis Worzniak
13493 SW 75th Place
Tigard, OR 97223
AIS-4368 4. A.
Business Meeting One
Meeting Date:08/04/2020
Length (in minutes):Consent Item
Agenda Title:Contract Award for Wall Street/Tech Center Drive
Improvements to Eagle-Elsner, Inc.
Prepared For: Christine Moody
Submitted By:Jamie Greenberg, Finance and Information Services
Item Type: Motion Requested Meeting Type: Consent
Agenda -
Public Hearing
Newspaper Legal Ad Required?:
Public Hearing Publication
Date in Newspaper:
Shall the Local Contract Review Board award a contract for the Wall Street/Tech Center
Drive Improvements to Eagle-Elsner, Inc?
Staff recommends the Local Contract Review Board award a contract for the Wall Street and
Tech Center Drive Improvements project to Eagle-Elsner, Inc in the amount of
$1,395,538.00 and authorize the City Manager to take the steps necessary to execute the
Project Need: Public Infrastructure to Catalyze Private Investment and Background
Tigard’s Hunziker Industrial core is a 138 acre industrial zone district where higher levels of
employment can be achieved through private investment. Public infrastructure in the
Hunziker Industrial core can be a catalyst for development of redevelopment of employment
lands and ultimately job creation. To address this need, public infrastructure improvements
to SW Wall Street, providing a public local industrial road from SW Hunziker Road to SW
Tech Center Drive, will be constructed. This project will provide the final piece of
infrastructure improvements to SW Wall Street. Facilitating development. Infrastructure
improvements will include the remaining roadway segment of SW Wall Street to make the
connection to SW Tech Center Dr, utility extensions and improvements to the intersection of
SW Tech Center Drive/SW 72nd Avenue, including the installation of a new traffic signal.
Additional improvements will include new roadway striping, lighting and landscaping
Additional improvements will include new roadway striping, lighting and landscaping
improvements. Construction is expected to begin in August with completion in the late fall.
Procurement Process
An Invitation to Bid was issued for the project in early June, 2020. Upon closing on June 30,
2020, the city received bids from seven (7) contractors:
Engineer's Estimate: $1,568,523.00
Eagle-Elsner, Inc: $1,395,538.00
Lee Contractors LLC: $1,421,415.00
Kerr Contractors LLC: $1,458,987.00
Ken Leahy Construction Inc: $1,514,111.00
West Tech Construction: $1,536,914.00
Moore Excavation Inc: $1,749,414.00
Wildish Standard Paving Co: $1,995,654.00
Staff conducted a thorough review of the bids and found that Eagle-Elsner, Inc has submitted
the lowest responsible bid for the work. Staff has determined that contractor is current with
Oregon's Bureau of Labor and Industries (BOLI) or Oregon's Construction Contractor's
Board (CCB). Staff is recommending the contract for the Wall Street and Tech Center Drive
Improvements project be awarded to Eagle-Elsner, Inc in an amount not to exceed
The Local Contract Review Board may reject all bids and direct staff to resolicit the work.
This would have a possible negative consequence on the two grants that are funding this
Fiscal Impact
Budgeted (yes or no):Yes
Where budgeted?:Streets Capital Improvement
Additional Fiscal Notes:
Funded from Regional Flexible Funds Frieght Grant (RRFA) through Metro and State
No file(s) attached.
AIS-4369 4. B.
Business Meeting One
Meeting Date:08/04/2020
Length (in minutes):Consent Item
Agenda Title:Award Contract for Janitorial Services to TVW, Inc.
Prepared For: Christine Moody
Submitted By:Jamie Greenberg, Finance and Information Services
Item Type: Motion Requested Meeting Type: Local
Review Board
Public Hearing
Newspaper Legal Ad Required?:
Public Hearing Publication
Date in Newspaper:
Shall the Local Contract Review Board award a contract for janitorial services to TVW, INC.?
Staff recommends the Local Contract Review Board award a contract for janitorial services to
TVW, Inc in the amount of $1.2 million over a five year term and authorize the City Manager
to take the necessary steps to execute the contract.
In 1977, the Oregon Legislature passed the “Products of Disabled Individuals” Act (ORS
279.835 to ORS 279.855.) This law obligates all state and local governments, school districts
and other tax-supported political bodies in Oregon, to purchase goods and services from
Qualified Rehabilitation Facilities (QRFs) when the products or a service meet their
requirements. A QRF is a non-profit rehabilitation corporation that employs individuals with
qualifying disabilities to provide products and services to public agencies. The Oregon
Department of Administrative Services is responsible for qualifying each community
rehabilitation program as a QRF. A QRF must employ individuals with qualifying disabilities
for at least 75% of the hours of direct labor across the entire company.
Each QRF's mission must include providing vocational services which enable employment
opportunities for individuals with disabilities. A QRF's programs are registered and reviewed
on a regular basis by various state and federal agencies such as the Oregon Department of
Human Services (DHS), Oregon Department of Administrative Services (DAS) and the
National Industries for the Severely Handicapped. Disabled people are referred to a QRF
National Industries for the Severely Handicapped. Disabled people are referred to a QRF
from the Vocational Rehabilitation or Mental Health Divisions of the Oregon Department of
Human Services. Janitorial services is one service that is provided by a number of QRF
vendors. As the city’s existing contract for janitorial services has expired, staff entered into
negotiations with the city’s current QRF vendor TVW, Inc., formally Tualatin Valley
Workshop, for janitorial services for new contract pricing.
Staff chose to negotiate with TVW, Inc due to their strong record of performance at the city’s
facilities and their pricing is comparable among the QRFs as the state has final approval on
the pricing. City staff and TVW, Inc agreed upon the contract pricing. The next step, aside
from Local Contract Review Board approval, will be to submit the pricing to the state for
approval. Services that will be included in this contract are, but may not be limited to:
Trash and waste removal
Recyclable material removal
Glass cleaning
Restroom cleaning
Floor vacuuming and mopping
Day Porter duties
Carpet and hardwood cleaning
Staff and the contractor have negotiated a first year cost of $235,000.00 for the janitorial
services at all city facilities. Using a 3% estimated annual escalator, the total cost of the
contract over a potential five years would be just over $1.2 million. All future year pricing
shall be dependent upon the city's budget and state approval. Staff is recommending the
Local Contract Review Board award a contract to TVW, Inc. for the estimated $1.2 million
over a five year contract term.
The Local Contract Review Board may reject this contract and direct staff to explore
negotiations with an alternate QRF providing janitorial services in Washington County.
The Local Contract Review Board may reject this contract and direct staff to explore bringing
the service in-house.
Fiscal Impact
Cost:$1.2 mil
Budgeted (yes or no):Yes
Where budgeted?:Fleet/Property Maintenance Fund
Additional Fiscal Notes:
The contract is for an estimated $235,000 in the first year. Applying an estimated 3% annual
escalator, the total cost of the contract over it's potential five-year life is just over $1.2
million. The appropriation for the contract are requested annually in the Fleet/Property
Maintenance Fund.
No file(s) attached.