City Council Minutes - 11/20/2018 City ofTigard Tigard City Council Meeting Minutes . . November 20, 2018 1. BUSINESS/WORKSHOP MEETING A. At 6:32 p.m. Mayor Cook called the city council meeting to order. B. Deputy City Recorder Burgoyne called the roll. Name Present Absent Councilor Woodard Councilor Anderson Mayor Cook Councilor Goodhouse Council President Snider C. Mayor Cook asked everyone to stand and join him in the Pledge of Allegiance. D. Call to Council and Staff for Non-Agenda Items—City Manager Wine stated there was a citizen comment sheet for people to sign up to speak on at the front of the room. 2. CONSENT AGENDA: (Tigard City Council A. PROCLAIM SMALL BUSINESS SATURDAY: Councilor Goodhouse moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Councilor Anderson seconded the motion and Mayor Cook conducted a vote. The motion passed unanimously. Name Yes No Councilor Woodard(absent) Councilor Anderson Mayor Cook Councilor Goodhouse Council President Snider B. CITIZEN COMMUNICATIONS: TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES —November 20, 2018 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard, OR 97223 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 1 of 8 Roy Rogers,Washington County Commissioner, said Commissioner Andy Dyke wished he could also be here,but unfortunately had other obligations. He presented Mayor Cook with a plaque of appreciation, talked about how long the two have known each other and how their relationship had grown over the years. He thanked Mayor Cook for his service. Linda Monahan, 10248 SW Kent Court,Tigard, OR 97223, addressed the upcoming council vacancy and said the process for this needs to be a transparent one and one that is done in a public meeting so the public could be present and hear from potential candidates and needs to be done by the incoming 2019 city council. She stated that she would not be a candidate for the two-year vacancy. Toraj Khavari, 13293 SW Woodshire Lane,Tigard, OR 97223, said the Friends of the Bull Mountain Park would like to gift the city the ORPA Volunteer Service Award that Bull Mountain Park received for the nature play area. He said this was achieved because of business and community working together and thanked the city council for their support and said they could not have achieved this without their help. Mayor Cook said the city could not have done it without the Friends of the Bull Mountain Park as well and thanked them for all their hard work. 3. CONSIDER APPOINTMENT OF TIGARD TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Sr. Transportation Planner Roth presented this item. New Transportation Advisory Committee members in attendance included: Richard Keast,Holly Koontz,Lonnie Martinez, and Carl Fisher Councilor Anderson moved to approve Resolution No. 18-48. Council President Snider seconded the motion. Deputy City Recorder Burgoyne read the number and title of the resolution. Mayor Cook conducted a vote and Resolution No. 18-48 passed unanimously. Resolution No. 18-48—A RESOLUTION REAPPOINTING LONNIE MARTINEZ AS A VOTING MEMBER,APPOINTING CARINE ARENDES,CARL FISHER,AND RUTH HARSHFIELD AS VOTING MEMBERS AND APPOINTING RICHARD KEAST AND HOLLY KOONTZ AS NON-VOTING ALTERNATE MEMBERS OF THE TIGARD TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE Name Yes No Councilor Woodard(absent) Councilor Anderson Mayor Cook Councilor Goodhouse Council President Snider 4. JOINT MEETING WITH THE PARK AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES — November 20, 2018 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard, OR 97223 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 2 of 8 PW Division Manager (Parks &Recreation, Streets, Green Team) Martin presented this item. Members of the PRAB in attendance included:Wayne Gross, Claudia Ciobanu, Darlene Dick, Sean Ernes, Scott Winkels and Dave Brown. PRAB member Gross said that as part of Council's Goals in 2017, they decided to expand recreation opportunities,and as committee members that fully support this council goal,they have been working on this. He agreed that recreation is an essential city service and contributes to the quality of life in the community and maintaining and expanding on this has been their single highest priority. He explained that recently the program has been unstable because of budget cuts and the loss of a full time staff person. He requested that in January, once the new council is on board, that council have a large discussion about the recreation program, filling the staff position,and making funding the recreation a priority for the New Year, or else, the committee fears they will lose an entire year without any recreation programs for the community. He said the current state of recreation is unacceptable and that one way to remedy the funding issues would be to increase the Park and Recreation Fee. PRAB member Ciobanu said losing Anthony Markey was a loss to the program and said she would like to see the previous good work continue. She stated there is a need to work on having trust from the public, especially if they continue the program,because it is hard to imagine Tigard without a solid park and recreation program. PRAB member Winkels added that of all the programs lost so far, the one that people have really felt is the after-school program. He urged council to support a increasing the Park and Recreation Fee. Council President Snider asked Mr. Gross if there were to be an increase to the Parks and Recreation Fee,if he would like to see that go specifically to recreation. Mr. Gross replied yes. Councilor Anderson thanked the board for the good job they have done this past year and said council is in favor of continuing the recreation program and promised they would look at this in the new year. Council President Snider and Councilor Goodhouse agreed. Mayor Cook said for the most part he agrees with everything that has been said. He understands the timing concern. However, this is a budget discussion issue and it is difficult to discuss fees prior to the budget committee discussion in April. He said the problem with just raising the Parks and Recreation Fee an additional$1.50 per household is that it could hurt any future chance of voters approving a levy. Mr. Gross said the board is concerned about the city being able to keep the recreation program going and for it to be financially stable now and in the future. PRAB member Dick said the good thing about increasing the Park and Recreation Fee is that it could be designated for recreation only. Mayor Cook recommended the incoming city council look at sending a separate levy to the voters that focused just on the parks and recreation program. TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES —November 20, 2018 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard, OR 97223 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 3 of 8 Mr. Gross said the second issue of concern the board has is with park maintenance. He explained there have been a number of properties the city has acquired through the parks bond and new developments like the River Terrace Park and proposed downtown plaza, the board is concerned about increasing park maintenance demands. He said the board does not have any suggestions on how to approach this,but want to get this on Council's radar. Mayor Cook agreed. He said people ask him all the time why the city continues to acquire land when they cannot take care of the land they currently have. Council President Snider stated this issue has been one of the concerns that has plagued council since he took office, and said he would like to continue these types of dialogues and not to give up. Ms. Ciobanu said Tigard is not the only entity that struggles with this problem, and understands how difficult it is balancing all of the city's priorities. Ms. Ciobanu talked about the money received from the Transient Lodging Tax last year, the board's discussion on how to use this money wisely so that they fulfill the tourism requirements that come with the money and how the board does not feel that existing city facilities support tourism activities. She said the Lasich property would be ideal for sports fields, similar to what the City of Hillsboro has or even a facility that could be rented out. Mayor Cook said he likes their suggested use and property selection. Council President Snider asked if staff has given any thought to this. Mr. Martin said they have not thought a lot about this,but that something like this would require less overall maintenance. Councilor Anderson said that as council liaison to the Parks and Recreation Board,he has been privy to their discussions,and said that something like this would take a couple of years to complete, so they may want to look at some smaller projects in the meantime. Ms. Ciobanu agreed. Mayor Cook thanked the board for volunteering and all their hard work. He appreciates their efforts. 5. QUARTERLY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN UPDATE City Engineer Faha presented this item, explained the process and briefed council on current projects, discussed the status of parks projects, streets projects,water projects, sanitary sewer projects stormwater projects and whether each are currently on budget and schedule, and if they will need long-range park maintenance. She discussed other projects like the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) Transition Plan, the Public Works facility and yard,and showed pictures of projects near completion along the Fanno Creek Trail. Council President Snider asked about the adaptive signals project on Upper Boones Ferry Road. Ms. Faha said they found they have to do some improvements but not a lot and she expects the rest to be in place within the next year. TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES — November 20, 2018 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard, OR 97223 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 4 of 8 Councilor Goodhouse asked about the water pipes located on 1215E Avenue and if there needs to be any improvements down the road with water from the Willamette. Ms. Faha explained they are looking at current and future growth, and that at some point in the future we will require additional water and water resource. Mayor Cook recused himself from the following discussion,wished everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and turned the meeting over to Council President Snider. 6. CONSIDER CITY COUNCIL VACANCY APPOINTMENT PROCESS Council President Snider introduced the item and invited Councilor-Elect Liz Newton to join council at the table for the discussion. City Manager Wine presented this item and said staff was presenting this tonight so that council could discuss and open the application process to fill the two-year vacancy that will be available at the end of this year. She explained that earlier in the year council discussed the alternatives and received public comments on how to proceed with the pending vacancy. At the time, council chose to fill the vacancy by appointment with the selection to be made by the 2019 council, and said that all of the deliberations about the open council seat would be made during a noticed council meeting and would be open to the public. She said the process is entirely up to council, and if they were to open the application process now, an appointment could be made as early as possible, once the 2019 council took office. She said staff is looking for guidance to declare the seat vacant at the end of the year,identify a process for opening up the application process, direct staff to notice the application process, discuss the kinds of questions council would like to see on the application, and how to proceed with candidate interviews. Council President Snider said he submitted a draft proposal earlier and that the proposal is simply his thoughts and asked council for input. Councilor Anderson said he would like to go along with staff s recommendations and act as soon as possible in 2019. Councilor-Elect Newton agreed and said it is important to make the process as detailed as possible so the public understands what is going on and when. She is pleased to see there is some emphasis given to the city's financial situation in the suggested questions and that the process be detailed, clear and done in a public forum. Council President Snider stated that while he wants this to be a public process he would like to have each candidate answer questions from council separately and in a way where each of them did not hear the others answers. Councilor Goodhouse said the application process should be very detailed and in the form of essay questions, along with a resume and a question that is specific to the city's budget and police safety. Council President Snider said his proposed questions are intended to show a candidates thought process and ability to make complex decisions. TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES —November 20, 2018 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard, OR 97223 www.dgard-or.gov I Page 5 of 8 Councilor Goodhouse suggested including the time requirements required of a city councilor in the application. City Manager Wine said Council President Snider's proposal could act as a foundation, the application could include one to two screening questions and then each councilor could include a separate question during the interview stage. Council President Snider suggested having three screening questions on the application for candidates to answer. Councilor-Elect Newton agreed that having three screening questions on the application is a good idea, and having one question that asks candidates what they think the primary issue is that council faces. She also agreed with Council President Snider's suggested question about Measure 5 and 50 and what the city's role is in addressing these and what the impact is to the city. Councilor Goodhouse agreed. Council discussed the interview structure, selection process for interviewing candidates, selecting three to four candidates from the application process to interview and time limits for interviewing each candidate selected. Council agreed an appropriate timeframe for interviewing each candidate should be forty-five minutes and that each member of council have two questions for each candidate during the interview process. Council discussed whether they should bring their two questions on the evening of the interview or if they should submit their questions prior to staff to include with the agenda packet. City Manager Wine said in order to have council questions published with the agenda for the interviews at their January 15,2019 meeting, council would need submit their questions to staff by January 8. Councilor-Elect Newton said she is not sure how firm they want to be on the number of candidates they select to interview. Council President Snider said they could choose to interview more than three to four candidates, depending on how many applications they receive. Councilor Goodhouse asked the city attorney if there is any legal problems if council does not publish their questions prior to the interviews. City Attorney Rihala replied that as long as council did not coordinate their questions in advance, and they asked each candidate the same question, there would be no problem. City Attorney Rihala explained that once the questions are submitted, someone could request a copy of the questions through a public records request. Councilor-Elect Newton said she does not have a problem with that or with people knowing the questions in advance. Councilor Anderson agreed that candidates should have the questions in advance. TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES —November 20, 2018 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard, OR 97223 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 6 of 8 Council agreed after discussion to submit questions prior to the interview and to have them published with the packet. Ms. Wine explained what staff heard from council: to use Council President Snider's submitted proposal,including the timeline and for each councilor to submit two interview questions by January 2 so they can be published with the agenda material for the meeting on January 15 when council will conduct forty-five minute interviews with each of the candidates selected. Council President Snider said he was worried about having enough time and asked council if they wanted to allow candidates to ask council questions. Councilor Anderson asked the City Manager if this was the only agenda item scheduled for this meeting. Ms. Wine replied yes. Councilor-Elect Newton said she would give up one of her questions so there is enough time for candidates to ask council a question. Council President Snider asked if council wanted to ask one question each due to time restraints. City Manager Wine suggested each councilor submit two questions prior and ask only one of the questions submitted during the interviews. She confirmed they would need to ask each candidate the same question. Ms.Wine said there is a step that needs to happen at the January 8 council meeting where council needs to select the finalists. Council President Snider agreed that on January 8 council would need to deliberate and agree on which candidates they will interview on January 15. City Attorney Rihala asked what process they would use to select candidates to interview. Will they be deciding by consensus or ranking candidates by their top priorities. Council President Snider said they would deliberate based on the quality of the applicants they receive. Councilor Anderson suggested ranking the applicants. Council agreed. Council President Snider suggested each councilor come to the January 8 meeting with their top ten candidates. Councilor Anderson moved for approval to declare a city council seat vacancy as of December 27, 2018, open a process to accept applications to fill council vacancy and direct staff to make immediate public notification of the vacancy and application process. Councilor Goodhouse seconded the motion. Motion passed by a unanimous vote. TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES —November 20, 2018 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard, OR 97223 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 7 of 8 Name Yes No Councilor Woodard(absent) Councilor Anderson Mayor Cook Councilor Goodhouse Council President Snider 7. NON AGENDA ITEMS—None. 8. EXECUTIVE SESSION None. 9. ADJOURNMENT At 8:17 p.m. Councilor Anderson moved to adjourn the meeting. Councilor Goodhouse seconded the motion. Motion passed by a unanimous vote. Name Yes No Councilor Woodard(absent) Councilor Anderson Mayor Cook Councilor Goodhouse Council President Snider Kelly Burgoyn Deputy Re order Att johnw. Cook,Mayor Date: loll TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES —November 20, 2018 City of Tigard 113125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard, OR 97223 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 8 of 8